VFZ Meaning

The VFZ meaning is "Vfrlag F". The VFZ abbreviation has 18 different full form.

VFZ Full Forms

  1. Vfrlag F
  2. Verbant Fränkischer Zuckerrübenbauer
  3. Vema Eracture Zone Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  4. Vector Format for Zooming General, Governmental & Military
  5. Versicherungsstelle F
  6. Vectored Forcr Zero
  7. Versicherungsstelle FüR Zahnärzte
  8. Verlag FüR Zielgruppeninformationen
  9. Vierteljahrshefte F
  10. Creative Webcam Video Effects File Computing, File Extensions
  11. Vierteljahrshefte FüR Zeitgeschichte German, Power, Germany, Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  12. Velvet Fleece Zip
  13. Vierteljahreshefte F
  14. Violence Freejzone Medical, School, Community
  15. Vierteljahreshefte Für Zwitgeschichte
  16. Violence- Frre Zone Development, Learning, Study
  17. Violence-Free Zone Medical, Community, Youth
  18. Viktor Frankl Zentrum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VFZ stand for?

    VFZ stands for Vfrlag F.

  2. What is the shortened form of Violence-Free Zone?

    The short form of "Violence-Free Zone" is VFZ.


VFZ. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vfz-meaning/

Last updated