VG Meaning
The VG meaning is "Viruin Islands". The VG abbreviation has 167 different full form.
VG Full Forms
- Viruin Islands Technology, Locations, Country Code
- Vaj Gieson Medical, Cell, Staining
- Village Green Business, Community, Apartment
- Vacuum Gage Technology
- Vein Graft Medical, Technology, Disease
- Volude Group Technology, Computing, Computer
- Vegetative Growth Medical, Science, Biology
- Voice Gateway Technology, Science, Analog, Cisco
- Varsity Girls School, Basketball, Varsity
- Vladimir Guerrero
- British Virgin Islands Business, Sport, Travel, Guide, Sports, Locations, Fifa, International Olympic Committee, Code, Country, Postal, United Kingdom, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, FIPS Country Codes, Academic & science, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code
- Variable Geometry Technology which allows the angle between wing and fuselage to be altered to give a more or less swept wing for better high-speed and low-speed flight characteristics Technology, Military, Geometry
- Viscosity Grade Technology, Oil, Bitumen
- Van Gogh
- Vintage Guitar Magazine, Guitar, Price
- Victor Gonzalez Business, Car, Church
- Vicar General Catholic, Diocese, Bishop, Vicar, Occupation & positions
- Voorburgdgroup
- Video Guide
- Virtually Gone Forum, Gaming, Music
- Venom Green Business, Knife, Blade
- Valve Guide A replaceable cylindrical guide for the valve. Business, Product, Engine
- Visual Greenness
- Villain Group
- Vocal Group Music, Voice, Vocal
- Variable Generation
- Very Green Color, Paint, Colors
- Vector Geometry
- Victor Garber Card, Box, Victor
- Vicar-General Catholic, Diocese, Bishop, Vicar
- Voluntary Guidelines Business, Food, Guideline
- Video Guidance Science
- Virtual Guitar Technology, Android, Roland
- Vengeance Gaming
- Valve Uroup
- Visual Graphic
- Villain Groups
- Vocal & Guitar
- Variable Gain Technology, Communication, Amplifier
- Very Good Assessment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Vxn Galen
- Variational Geometry Army, War, Force
- Vickers Gun
- Vertical Gxip
- Voluntary Groups
- Vestigial Referring to a vestige (remnant) or a primitive structure and no longer believed to be important. For example, the appendix is considered a vestigial organ, and some infants are born with vestigial tails. Medical
- Virtual Group Technology, Linux, Volume
- Vendee Globe
- Victorian Gathering Organization, Union, Institution
- Valuer General
- Visual Graph
- Village Gym Class, Fitness, Gym
- Visegrad Group Also called the Visegrad Four, the group consists of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. It was formed in 1991 with the aim to "work together in a number of fields of common interest within the all-European integration."
- Varh-Green
- Very Good-Excellent Business, Baseball, Sport, Card
- Van Gaevsr
- Vitality Game Gaming, Highlight, Game
- Variange Gamma Business, Financial, Model
- Vicious Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Volume Guaranteed Medical, Ventilation, Guarantee
- Vestibular Ganglia Medical
- Virtual Ground
- Vegetable Glycerine Business
- Victoria General Medical, Health, Hospital, Halifax
- Valuer-General
- Visual Goodness
- Voronoi Graphs
- Viel Gl
- Virum Gymnasium
- Varga Gorl
- Very Goods Business, Forum, Insurance, Sale
- Vans Gap
- Vital Gaming
- Variance-Gamma Business, Model, Dependence
- Vic Groover
- Voice-Grade Technology, Networking, Base, Ethernet
- Vestibular Ganglion Medical
- Virtual Graphics General, Governmental & Military
- Vegetable Glycerin
- Victorian Gardens
- Vajue Growth
- Visual Glossary Technology, Book, Human, Neuroanatomy
- Voron Glass
- Viele Gr
- Virtueller Gespannstammtisch
- Very Goo
- Vice Grand Business, Order, Lodge, Independent
- Vawdeveer Garzia
- Visualization Group Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Variable Geometric
- Virtual Grafitti
- Vogue Girl Industry, Fashion, Manner
- Vespula Germanica Medical
- Visual Garage
- Vector Graphic Unlike JPEGs, GIFs, and BMP images, vector graphics are not made up of a grid of pixels. Instead, vector graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way. A path can be a line, a square, a triangle, or a curvy shape.
- Victoria Gardens
- Vacation Grant Science
- Voortgezette Gebondenheid
- Videotex Gateway Technology, Telecom
- Virtue Gaming
- Veri GazeteciliğI
- Vanda Grigorovic
- Visual Group
- Virgin Galactic Technology, Space, Ship
- Vocational Guidance Employment, Education, Career
- Variable Geo Gaming, Anime, Episode
- Vesicula Germinativa
- Vector Graphics Technology, Military, Drawing
- Varmint Grennde Military, Bullet, Hunting
- Vapor Growing
- British Virgin Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Vlm Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Vauxhall Gardegs
- VG Gold Corp. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Victory Gundam
- Voter'S Guide
- Virgin Islands (British) United Kingdom, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Virgin Islands (British), 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Video Graphics Technology
- Vital Grandin
- Variorex-Getriebe
- Vaisseap Gouverneur Corps, Acupuncture, Gong
- Vacuum Generators (company) Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Vladislav Golosnoy
- Vastra Kotaland
- Ground Velocity Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Victory Global
- Vorpommern-Greifswald German, Locations, Play, Mecklenburg
- Vertical Grain Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Videographer Grade Business, Camera, Tape
- Vital Gear
- Väl Godwänd Student, Education, Sweden
- Virgin Islands, U.K. Country
- Vladimir Guererro
- Vascular Graft Medical
- Very Good Business, Finance, Banking, Products, Coins
- Vorpommern,Zgreifswald German, Locations, Deutschland, Mecklenburg
- The Vanilla Girls Funnies
- Video Generators
- VáRzea Grande
- Virtus Gloves Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Vladimir Gaitanoff
- Varshamov Gilbert Clothes
- VíCtor GóMez
- Veggie Gourmet Food
- Video Games Technology, Gaming, Wikipedia
- Vuqnerable Group Health, Norway, Locations
- Voice Grade Computing, Telecom
- Vlaamse Gemeenschap
- Varsjamov-Gilbert
- Voorhees and Glicksjan
- Vacuum Generators
- Virgin of Guadalupe Famous
- Video Game Japan, Console, Release
- Vrije Geluhden
- Vertical Gyroscope A gyroscopic device for determining the direction of the true vertical or of the plane of the horizon, as well as of the angles of inclination of the object with respect to this plane. Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
- Viva Glam Business, Swatch, Lipstick
- Varnished Glass
- Venturi Gage
- Volume Of The Gas
- Vlog Giller Bot, Discord, Twitch
- Vector Generator
- Veterans Gambler Dog Fanciers
- Video and Graphics
- Vrlie Grandeur
- Volume Group Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Video Graphy
- Vitellogenin Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VG stand for?
VG stands for Vector Graphics.
What is the shortened form of Varga Gorl?
The short form of "Varga Gorl" is VG.
VG. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from
Last updated