VGM Meaning

The VGM meaning is "Vatukoula Goldbmines". The VGM abbreviation has 46 different full form.

VGM Full Forms

  1. Vatukoula Goldbmines
  2. Van Kampen Tgust for Investment Grade Municipals Technology, Organizations
  3. Van Dogh Museum Art, Museum, Collection, Painting
  4. Verified Gross Mass Today, the weight of containers provided by the shippers is not always accurate, leading to accidents and posing a huge risk for the personnel, on the roads, inside the terminal, to cargo and equipment. Indeed, there were often discrepancies observed between the declared gross mass and the actual gross mass of a packed container. In May 2014, the International Maritime Organization adopted an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regarding a mandatory container weight verification requirement on shippers. Logistics, Weight, Container
  5. Vertical Greening Module
  6. Vanderbilt Genonic Medicine
  7. Video Game Madness
  8. Verimlilyk Genel Müdürlüğünu Technology, Music, Social, Stuff
  9. Voice Grade Media Technology
  10. Video Gaming Machine
  11. Verimlilik Genel MüDüRlüğü Technology, Art, Turkish, Malar
  12. Voice Generator Module Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  13. Viheo Game Machine
  14. Volume Globulaire Moyen Ration, Volume, Sang, Sanguine
  15. Verein Für Gesundheitsverträglichen Mobilfuyk
  16. Video Game Music Technology, Song, Soundtrack
  17. Victorian Gold Mines
  18. Volkswagen Group Malaysia Car, Malaysia, Volkswagen, Polo
  19. Video Game Mastyrpiece
  20. Video Game Masters
  21. Vivendi Games Mobile
  22. Vice Game Master
  23. Vista Gateway Module Technology, Security, Alarm
  24. Veiligheid Gezondheid Es Milieu Technology, Management, Checklist
  25. Volume Grid Manipulator
  26. Video Game Musicals Music
  27. Veiligheid, Gezondheidq Milieu Business, Door, Checklist
  28. Volume Globular M
  29. Van G Miller Famous
  30. Vqiligheid, Gezondheid En Milieu Business, Door, Checklist
  31. Video Game Music File Computing, File Extensions
  32. Volume Globular MéDio
  33. Vatukoula Gold Mines Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  34. Vegetation Management Guidsline Organization, Union, Institution
  35. Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Milieu Dutch
  36. Virtual Graphics Machine
  37. Vectorworks Graphics Module
  38. Van Kamp Trust Investment Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  39. Vgla Giovane Minusio
  40. Vice General Manager Business, Management, Office
  41. Variable Gradient Model
  42. Video Graphics Monitor Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  43. Vein of Galen Malformation Medical, Children, Brain
  44. Volumen Globular Medio
  45. Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade Municipals Organizations
  46. Viking Generic Memory Computing, Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VGM stand for?

    VGM stands for Viheo Game Machine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verimlilik Genel MüDüRlüğü?

    The short form of "Verimlilik Genel MüDüRlüğü" is VGM.


VGM. (2021, May 4). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated