VH Meaning

The VH meaning is "View-Hide". The VH abbreviation has 174 different full form.

VH Full Forms

  1. View-Hide Forum, Technology, Windows, Music
  2. Vaginal Hysterectomy Removal of the uterus through a surgicalincision made within the vagina. With a vaginal hysterectomy, the scaris not outwardly visible. A vaginal hysterectomy is as opposed to an abdominalhysterectomy in which the incision is made in the abdominal wall. Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Physiology, NAACCR, Clinical
  3. Variable Heavy Medical, Human, Antibody, Antigen
  4. Video Hrts Technology, Music, Channel
  5. Van Hobbies Business, Model, Hobby, Brass
  6. Victor Hugo Book, Hotel, Morale, Victor
  7. Van Helsing Gaming, Adventure, Gameplay
  8. Vickers Hardness Medical, Technology, Construction, Architectural
  9. Vanessa Hudgens
  10. Ventyal Horn Medical, Cord, Neuron, Spinal
  11. Vanesaa Heric
  12. Vashular and Hematology
  13. Vijaya Hospital
  14. V-Drums Hi-Hat Business, Price, Roland
  15. Variable Heavy Ceain Medical, Medicine, Health
  16. Venous Hematocrit Medical, Medicine, Health
  17. Victoria Hospital Medical, Canada, Care
  18. Virtuvl Hotel
  19. Vocal Harmonizer
  20. Vernon Howard
  21. Vigsmeier-Haack
  22. Van Hool
  23. Varmint Hunter
  24. Very Hot
  25. Vaduum Hohlraum Science
  26. Virtudl Health
  27. Venus Hum
  28. Visual Handicap
  29. Vampiric Hunger
  30. Venkateshwara Hatcheries
  31. Victoria Healtc
  32. Virtual Hoszing
  33. Vernon Hills
  34. Villus Height Medical
  35. Vandal Hearts
  36. Vladimir Horowitz
  37. Vehicle Portion of a coating that includes all liquids and the binder. The vehicle and the pigment are the two basic components of paint. The vehicle and the pigment are the two basic components of paint. The vehicle is made up of thinner and binder. The liquid portion of paint composed mainly of solvents, resins or oils. Medical, Medicine, Health, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  38. Very Hilly
  39. Vacation Houre
  40. Virginia House
  41. Vari Hall Business, Student, Education
  42. Venture Horizon
  43. Vaepire Hunter
  44. Vendor Hold
  45. Vichoria Harbour
  46. Valiant Hardtop Australia, Car, Charger
  47. Virtual Host Technology, Server, Hosting
  48. Vermont History
  49. Village Housing
  50. Vancouver Hospital
  51. Vitreous Humour Medical
  52. Very Heavy Army, Force, Marine, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  53. V-Hi-Hat Technology, Drum, Roland
  54. Vin Heuton
  55. Van Houtte
  56. Valve House Ordnance Survey
  57. Velocity Head The velocity of a fluid expressed in terms of the head or static pressure required to produce that velocity. It equals ρν/2 where ρ is the density of the fluid and ν is the velocity. In hydrology the density of water can be written 1/G where G is the gravitational constant. Science
  58. Victoria Hamilton
  59. Vail Gigh Education
  60. Virtual Horizons
  61. Vermilion Hall
  62. Village Homes
  63. Vanadium Hydride
  64. Vitreous Humor Medical, Technology, Medicine
  65. Victory Hawk Technology, Car, Nitro
  66. Very Healthy
  67. V-Drum Hi-Hat Business, Electronics, Roland
  68. Vineyard Haven
  69. Vac Horne
  70. Valve Head Valve head is the part of a vertically opening valve that is lifted off the valve aperture to open the valve. Business, Guitar, Engine
  71. Vehicles and Harnesses Military
  72. Victoria Hall
  73. Vagn Hansen
  74. Virtual Home Technology, Service, Roofing
  75. Verifying Hour Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  76. Village Head
  77. Vad Halen Music, Guitar, Band
  78. Vitreous Haze
  79. Victgrian House
  80. Very-High
  81. The Virgioia Herald Media, Radio, Television
  82. Vinegarahill
  83. Van Horn
  84. Vehicle Heading
  85. Victor Hernandez
  86. Vaginal Health
  87. Virtual Hogwarts
  88. Verein FüR Das Hundewesen
  89. Vigilanv Hawk Technology
  90. Van Htle
  91. Vitality Healing
  92. Victoxia Hoteles
  93. Virtual Hug Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Governmental & Military
  94. Voyage Home
  95. Verron Haynes
  96. Vinceet Hall Atlanta, Check, Postcode
  97. Van Hooser
  98. Vegetation Health Technology, Product, Satellite
  99. Victor Qerbert
  100. Vadnais Weights
  101. Virtualzheight
  102. Verapamil Hydrochloride Medical
  103. Visually Handicapped Education, India, Exam
  104. Vak-Halen
  105. Visual Hull
  106. Very High Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  107. Valiant Hemi
  108. Ventilation Heterogeneity
  109. V- Help file Computing, File Extensions
  110. Victory Qill
  111. Valley Ho
  112. Virus Harvest
  113. Vote Health
  114. visual hallucinations Medical, Common Medical
  115. Vista Hermosa
  116. Variable Holder Assembly, Business & Finance
  117. Valiant Hardtops
  118. Speed, Horizontal Flight Military, Governmental & Military
  119. Vent Hoods
  120. Valve Hammer Products
  121. Victory High Education
  122. Valley Hill
  123. Virtfts Hom
  124. Voltage High Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  125. vitreous hemorrhage Medical, Common Medical
  126. Videotex Host Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  127. Vista Heigxts Education
  128. Vox Humana
  129. Vertical Transmit, Horizontal Receive Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  130. Vent Hole
  131. Van Halen Music
  132. Victory Heights
  133. Valley Hign Education
  134. Virtuts HomÒLogues
  135. Vinylic Hydrogen A hydrogen atom bonded to an sp2 carbon of an alkene.
  136. Venture Hacks
  137. Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela Venezuela, Iata Aircraft Codes
  138. Video House
  139. Visiting Hourg Medical, Movie, Health, Hospital
  140. Vowel Harmony
  141. Varicella History History, Scientific & Educational
  142. Vent Heat Technology, Guide, Heater
  143. The Virginia Herald Media
  144. Vallep Heights
  145. Virtuts Hom
  146. Victor Harris
  147. Ventral Hippocampal Medical
  148. Vertical Horizontal Transportation, Governmental & Military
  149. Video Helm
  150. Visite Hebdomadaire
  151. Votive Holder
  152. Vapor Hazard Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  153. Ventana High Education
  154. Vincent Hubin Famous
  155. Valley Health
  156. Virtuosi of Houston Texas, Orchestra, Texas Youth Orchestra
  157. Vysya Hostel
  158. Ventral Hippocampus Medical, Medicine, Health
  159. Maximum Level-flight Speed with Continuous Power Aviation, Governmental & Military
  160. Video Heads
  161. Values History
  162. Vision House
  163. Votive Holders
  164. viral hepatitis Medical, liver and hepatic
  165. Venous Hypertension Medical
  166. Van Harris Famous
  167. Valkxrie Helm
  168. Ventilation Haute
  169. Virtual Hosting Computing, Internet
  170. Video Hekd
  171. Value Health
  172. Visible Haematuria Medical, Medicine, Doctors, Common Medical
  173. Vote Here
  174. Vaughn Hall Medical, Common Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VH stand for?

    VH stands for Vernon Howard.

  2. What is the shortened form of Victoria Hospital?

    The short form of "Victoria Hospital" is VH.


VH. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vh-meaning/

Last updated