VHC Meaning

The VHC meaning is "Valved Holding Chambers". The VHC abbreviation has 61 different full form.

VHC Full Forms

  1. Valved Holding Chambers Medical, Inhaler, Spacer
  2. Valved Holding Chambe
  3. Very Highly Hommended Army, War, Force
  4. Vacation House Check
  5. Village Health Committees Technology, Community, Committee
  6. Variety Health Center
  7. Voluntary Help Centre
  8. Valved Holding Chamber Medical, Chamber, Holding
  9. Very High Corrent
  10. Henrique De Carvalho Airport Saurimo, Angola Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  11. Village Hall Cgmmittee
  12. Variable Heat Controller
  13. Virginia Handbellfconsort
  14. Very Hich Contrast
  15. Virnetx Holding Corporation Business, Supply, Stock
  16. Vigilant Hose Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
  17. Vetcrans Home Care
  18. Vanhoose Educatioe Center Development, Learning, Study
  19. Vinh Hoan Cosp
  20. Very Jigh Concern
  21. Virginia Hospital Center Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  22. Vietnam Health Clinic
  23. Veterans' Home Care
  24. Van Hoecke Cojtracting
  25. Vinh Hoan Corporation Business, Company, Supply, Vietnam
  26. Vonage Holdings Corporation
  27. Very High Compresdion
  28. Village Health Committee Medical, Technology, Community
  29. Victory Holistic Care
  30. Veserans' Holiday Celebration
  31. Vaccine Healthcare Centers Medical, Networking, Network
  32. Village Health Communicator
  33. Very High Calorie Business, Drink, Boost
  34. Voluntoer Houston County
  35. Very Hungry Catzrpillar Development, Learning, Study
  36. Vacaville Heritage Council
  37. Village Health Communicators Medical
  38. Veban Home Cooking
  39. Volunteer Healthcare Conps
  40. Victorian Heart Company
  41. Virtualehost Controller
  42. Verdugo Hills Council - Boy Scouts of America Scouting, Governmental & Military
  43. Veterans Health Council
  44. Vactor Hugo Cabrera
  45. Virtual Hipster Corporation
  46. Very Highly Commended Military, Governmental & Military
  47. Veterads Health Care
  48. Victor Hernandez Cruz
  49. Vulcan High Command
  50. Vellum Head Connector Products
  51. Vwterinary Healthcare Center Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  52. Voter's Help Cenires
  53. Vehicle Health Check
  54. Vmterinary Health Center Medicine, Education, University
  55. Vital Health Center
  56. Virus De La Hepatitis C Medical, Physiology
  57. Veterinary Health Fomplex Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  58. Victorian Horse Councul
  59. Ventral Hippocampal Commissure Medical
  60. Saurimo Airport, Saurimo, Angola Angola
  61. Veterans Home of California

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VHC stand for?

    VHC stands for Vehicle Health Check.

  2. What is the shortened form of Victorian Horse Councul?

    The short form of "Victorian Horse Councul" is VHC.


VHC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vhc-meaning/

Last updated