VHI Meaning

The VHI meaning is "Veterans Health Initiative". The VHI abbreviation has 44 different full form.

VHI Full Forms

  1. Veterans Health Initiative Medical, Military, Care
  2. Vapor Hazard Index Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  3. Vets Haven, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  4. Visual Health Information Business, Software, Exercise
  5. Van Hall Instituut
  6. Veterinary Heart Institutetute Medical
  7. Vision Health International
  8. Vida Humana International
  9. Value Health Inc
  10. Veterinary Heart Institute Medical, Technology, Veterinary, Physiology
  11. Vision Health Initiative Medical, Disease, National
  12. Vida Humana Internacional Medical, Insurance, Health
  13. Valhi, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  14. Veterans Healing Initiative
  15. Victorian Heritage Inventory
  16. Vaginal Health Index
  17. Vegetation Health Index Technology, Monitoring, Drought
  18. Vhi Health Insurance
  19. Voluntary Health Insurance Medical, Organizations, Ireland, Healthcare
  20. Vapour Hazard Index Environment, Habitat, Setting
  21. Vhi Healthcare Ireland
  22. Voice Handicap Index Medical, Patient, Therapy
  23. Visual Hit Indicator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  24. Veterans' Heritage Investments
  25. Virtual Home Inspection
  26. Vietnamese Heritage Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  27. Vacation Hub International Technology, Travel, Club
  28. Virginia Hiway, Inc
  29. Von HüGel Institute Education, University, Politics
  30. Virginia Historical Inventory Project Organization, Union, Institution
  31. Valhi, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  32. Voice Handicap Index-10
  33. Virginia Historical Inventory
  34. Video Hardware Interface Computing, Hardware
  35. Virtual Human Interface
  36. Vogon Heavy Industries
  37. Virginia Health Insurance
  38. Very High Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  39. Virtual Host Interface Technology, Telecom
  40. Vocal Handicap Index Medical, Patient, Voice
  41. Virginia Health Information Medical, Hospital, Virginia
  42. Virtual Heroes Inc
  43. Virtual Homeschool International
  44. Vietnam Health Insurance Army, War, Force

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VHI stand for?

    VHI stands for Valhi, Inc..

  2. What is the shortened form of Valhi, Inc.?

    The short form of "Valhi, Inc." is VHI.


VHI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vhi-meaning/

Last updated