VHR Meaning

The VHR meaning is "Vaginal Hysterectomy". The VHR abbreviation has 40 different full form.

VHR Full Forms

  1. Vaginal Hysterectomy Removal of the uterus through a surgicalincision made within the vagina. With a vaginal hysterectomy, the scaris not outwardly visible. A vaginal hysterectomy is as opposed to an abdominalhysterectomy in which the incision is made in the abdominal wall. Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Physiology, NAACCR, Clinical
  2. Vectorcholding Register
  3. Vaccinia U1-Related
  4. Vacatdon Home Rental
  5. Ventilation Heat Recovery Building, Engineering, Construction
  6. Vintage Headlamp Restoration
  7. Very Highly Rezommended Business, Finance, Banking
  8. Ventilateur Hydraulique Remorquable
  9. Vine Hill Ranch
  10. Very High Resolution Technology, Satellite, Imagery
  11. Virtual Home Region
  12. Venison Hunter Reticle Business, Core, Scope
  13. Video To Hardcopy Recorder
  14. Very High-Resolutoon Technology, Satellite, Imagery
  15. Visual Health Record
  16. Venison Hunter Riflescope Business, Product, Core
  17. Victorian Heritage Register Australia, Locations, Melbourne
  18. Vector Holdinq Registers
  19. Virtual Health Record
  20. Valley Heritage Radio
  21. Victor Hugo Ruales
  22. Vintage Hot Rod
  23. Vacation Home Reytals
  24. Ventral Hernia Gepair
  25. Vintage Hiwatt Restorations
  26. Ventricular Heart Rate Medical, Heart
  27. Virtual Human Resources Business, Aviation, Engineer
  28. Voila Hotel Rewards
  29. Vehicle History Report Transportation, Governmental & Military
  30. Virtual Horse Ranch
  31. Voice of Human Right
  32. Very Highly Reflective Military, Governmental & Military
  33. Voice of Human Rights Business, Indonesia, Radio
  34. Very-High Reduction
  35. Viva Hate Records
  36. Vanderbilt Historical Review
  37. Vitality Health Review Business, Gaming, Android
  38. Voluntary Humanitarian Return
  39. Visualizing Human Rights
  40. Voltage Holding Ratio Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VHR stand for?

    VHR stands for Vintage Headlamp Restoration.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vanderbilt Historical Review?

    The short form of "Vanderbilt Historical Review" is VHR.


VHR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vhr-meaning/

Last updated