VHS Meaning
The VHS meaning is "Vale High School". The VHS abbreviation has 129 different full form.
VHS Full Forms
- Vale High School Education, School, High School, Oregon
- Valdez High School Education, School, High School, Alaska
- Video Home System Technology, Video, Movies, Media, Military, Army, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Video High Speed Military
- Vertical Hollow Shaft Business, China, Manufacturer
- Vertical Helical Scan Business, Technology, Tape
- Vertebral Heart Size Medical, Treatment, Dog
- Vanguard Health Systems Business, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Vista Hemisphere Survey Space, Study, Cosmos
- Very High State Science
- Varela High School
- Victoriahhigh School Education, School, Memorial
- View High School
- Verification of Hybrid Systems Technology, Control, Projection
- Vidfo-Home-System Technology, Standard, Tape, Recording
- Valley Health System Medical, Health, Hospital
- Viralen Hämorrhagischen Meptikämie
- Very High Standard Technology, Occupation, Position, Occupation & positions
- Vardaman High School Education, School, High School, Mississippi
- Victor High School Education, School, High School, Montana
- Verchilds High School
- Vidalia Yigh School Education, School, High School, Louisiana
- Vestal High School
- Vallejo High School Education, School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Virale HäMorrhagische SeptikäMie
- Very High Skill
- Valley High School Education, Organizations, Ohio
- Van Hove Singularity Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Vocational High School Student, Education, University, School
- Verona High School Education, High School, Missouri, New Jersey
- Victorian Homelessness Strategy
- Very Horrible System
- Vmlhalla High School Education, High School, California
- Vermont Historical Society Organizations, History, Vermont
- Viexa High School Education, School, High School, Florida
- Very High Speed Technology, Train, Bombardier
- Van Horstmann'S Speculum
- ViŠEnamjenska Hrvatska Strojnica Rifle, Military, Croatia, Assault
- Verbena High School Education, School, High School, Alabama
- Victorian Herpetological Society Australia, Expo, Reptile
- Variable Hard Sphere Technology, Science, Flow
- Very High Strength Technology, Material, Steel
- Valentine High School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Vermillion High School Education, School, High School, South Dakota
- Viennajhigh School Education, High School, Illinois
- Very High-Speed Business, Technology, Train, Bombardier
- Van High School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Vital Human Services Government
- Venus High School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Variable-Speed Helical Scan Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Victoria Horticultural Sociery
- Valencia High School Class, School, California, High School, New Mexico, Scientific & Educational
- Vermilion High School Education, School, High School, Ohio
- Vidoq High School Education, High School, Orange County
- Vertical Hollow-Shaft
- Vanguard High School Education, High School, Florida
- Vista High School Education, Arizona, California, School, High School, Scientific & Educational
- Ventura High School Education, School, Outsider, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Varina High School Education, School, High School, Virginia
- Victor Home System Business, Film, Movie
- Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Medical
- Verl Harsewinkel Schloß
- Video Top Stancard Military
- Vertical Helix Scan Technology, Movie, Audio
- Valhalla High School School, High School, California, New York, Scientific & Educational
- Vernonia High School Education, School, High School, Oregon
- Very Hard to See Funnies
- Vian High School Education, School, High School, Oklahoma
- Valparaiso High School Indiana
- Volks-Hoch-Schule
- Valley High School (Sacramento, CA) School, High School, Washington, Texas, Arizona, Alabama, California, Ohio, Iowa, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Utah, Missouri, New Mexico, Scientific & Educational
- Varrio Horse Shoe
- Vinita High School Oklahoma
- Veteran Horse Society Organizations, Welfare, Dressage
- Virus Dem Herpes Simple Sex, Con, Genital
- Vanden High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Vernon High School Education, High School, Florida, Texas
- Via High School Education
- Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Environment
- Vienna High School Missouri, Illinois
- Vocational High Schools
- Verbena High School (Verbena, AL) Alabama
- Varnado High School Education, School, High School, Louisiana
- Vashon High School Missouri
- Virtual Health Strore
- Vacaville High School California
- Vernon Historical Society
- Vincent High School School, High School, Wisconsin, Scientific & Educational
- Veterinary History Society Medical, Technology, Veterinary
- Vissers Heftruck Smrvice
- Valmeyer High School Illinois
- Vertebral Heart Scale Medical, Disease, Dog
- Vinemont High School Alabama
- Variable High Speed
- Vancleave High School Mississippi
- Vetter Health Services Technology, Server, Hosting
- Vintage High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Viroqua High School School, High School, Wisconsin, Scientific & Educational
- Veterans Health Services
- Visitation High School Education
- Vallivue High School Idaho
- Vertebral Heart Score Heart, Dog, Veterinary
- Video Homing System Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Vinton High School Louisiana
- Vps27P/Hrs/Stam Medical
- Vasquez High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Viewmont High School Utah
- Veterans Health Service
- Vision Huddle Skills Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Viera High School Florida
- Versailles High School Education, School, High School, Ohio
- Virginia High School Technology, School, High School, Virginia, Illinois, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Vicksburg High School Education, High School, Michigan, Mississippi
- Vidalia High School Louisiana
- Voorhees High School Education, School, High School, New Jersey
- Village High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Vidor High School Texas
- Veterans Healthcare System
- Vision Holocaust Survivor
- Venice High School Florida, Illinois
- Verrado High School Education, School, High School, Arizona
- Visious Hatefull Sony Funnies
- Viator High School
- Victoria High School Kansas
- Voluntary Health Scotland Organizations, Scotland, Sector
- Vilonia High School Arkansas
- Vines High School Texas
- Veterans Health Study Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vision and Heqring Screening
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VHS stand for?
VHS stands for Verrado High School.
What is the shortened form of Vertical Hollow-Shaft?
The short form of "Vertical Hollow-Shaft" is VHS.
VHS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vhs-meaning/
Last updated