VIB Meaning
The VIB meaning is "Vertical Integration Build". The VIB abbreviation has 54 different full form.
VIB Full Forms
- Vertical Integration Build Technology, Space, Launch
- Vibration Sense Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Verticil Integration Building Technology, Space, Launch
- Vehicle Integration Building Technology
- Virtual Internal Bond
- Very Important Buyers Business, Food, China, Candy
- Viking Internet Broadcasting
- Vrouw In Bedrijf
- Virtual Instruction Book
- Valldy Independent Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Vietnam International Bank Business, Banking, Vietnam
- Virtual Insect Brain
- Vacation In A Bottle
- Very Impornant Bowler
- Virginia Industries for The Blind Business, Service, Industrial, Virginia
- Very Intensise Booster
- Very Important Bears America, American, Teddy
- Virus Inclusion Bodies Medical
- Very Important Baby Business, Park, Shopping
- Verywimportant Bear America, American, Teddy
- Viral Inclusion Body Medical, Medicine, Health
- Volume Information Block Technology
- Virtual Iron Bird
- Very Important Buyer Business, Food, China, Candy
- Villa Constitución Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Vibrate to use a mechanical device to vibrate wet concrete within forms to cause it to flow more easily and flow around re-bar etc. Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Valley Independent Bank Banking, Business & Finance
- Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology
- Vibration The oscillating, reciprocating, or other periodic motion of a rigid or elastic body or medium such as a floor when its position or state of equilibrium has been changed. Amplitude motion occurring at a given frequency Transportation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Visual Interface Builder
- Vibration Report Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Voor Ieders Belang
- Voided in bed Clinical
- Vibroair Flugservice Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Vision In Business
- Vibrafono Music
- Volunteers In Bhutan
- Vertical Integration Building Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Vibrationally-Induced Breathing
- Virtual Item Bank
- Vibraphone Music
- Vibrator A device, operated by compressed air or electricity, for loosening and withdrawing patterns from a mold, or for vibrating a hopper or chute to promote the flow of material from the hopper or chute. A tool which vibrates at a speed form 3,000 to 10,000 rpm and is inserted into wet concrete or applied to the formwork to compact the concrete. Internet Slang, Music
- Volunteer Infantry Battalion Army, War, Force
- Vast Interface Bulletin (tdc 88) Military, Governmental & Military
- Variationally Induced Breathing
- Virtualisierung Im Bildungsbereich
- Vibráfon Music
- Volume Into Boil Technology, Gaming, Porn, Ribbon
- Vibrator Vibration Business & Finance, Power Plant
- VíDeo íNdio Brasil
- Very Important Bear Funnies
- Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut Voor Biotechnologie Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Villa Constitucion Airport, Villa Constitucion, Mexico Mexico
- VéHicule D'Intervention Du Base Army & Military, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VIB stand for?
VIB stands for Voor Ieders Belang.
What is the shortened form of Vacation In A Bottle?
The short form of "Vacation In A Bottle" is VIB.
VIB. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated