VIB Meaning

The VIB meaning is "Vertical Integration Build". The VIB abbreviation has 54 different full form.

VIB Full Forms

  1. Vertical Integration Build Technology, Space, Launch
  2. Vibration Sense Medical, Technology, Medicine
  3. Verticil Integration Building Technology, Space, Launch
  4. Vehicle Integration Building Technology
  5. Virtual Internal Bond
  6. Very Important Buyers Business, Food, China, Candy
  7. Viking Internet Broadcasting
  8. Vrouw In Bedrijf
  9. Virtual Instruction Book
  10. Valldy Independent Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  11. Vietnam International Bank Business, Banking, Vietnam
  12. Virtual Insect Brain
  13. Vacation In A Bottle
  14. Very Impornant Bowler
  15. Virginia Industries for The Blind Business, Service, Industrial, Virginia
  16. Very Intensise Booster
  17. Very Important Bears America, American, Teddy
  18. Virus Inclusion Bodies Medical
  19. Very Important Baby Business, Park, Shopping
  20. Verywimportant Bear America, American, Teddy
  21. Viral Inclusion Body Medical, Medicine, Health
  22. Volume Information Block Technology
  23. Virtual Iron Bird
  24. Very Important Buyer Business, Food, China, Candy
  25. Villa Constitución Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  26. Vibrate to use a mechanical device to vibrate wet concrete within forms to cause it to flow more easily and flow around re-bar etc. Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  27. Valley Independent Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  28. Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology
  29. Vibration The oscillating, reciprocating, or other periodic motion of a rigid or elastic body or medium such as a floor when its position or state of equilibrium has been changed. Amplitude motion occurring at a given frequency Transportation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  30. Visual Interface Builder
  31. Vibration Report Transportation, Governmental & Military
  32. Voor Ieders Belang
  33. Voided in bed Clinical
  34. Vibroair Flugservice Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  35. Vision In Business
  36. Vibrafono Music
  37. Volunteers In Bhutan
  38. Vertical Integration Building Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  39. Vibrationally-Induced Breathing
  40. Virtual Item Bank
  41. Vibraphone Music
  42. Vibrator A device, operated by compressed air or electricity, for loosening and withdrawing patterns from a mold, or for vibrating a hopper or chute to promote the flow of material from the hopper or chute. A tool which vibrates at a speed form 3,000 to 10,000 rpm and is inserted into wet concrete or applied to the formwork to compact the concrete. Internet Slang, Music
  43. Volunteer Infantry Battalion Army, War, Force
  44. Vast Interface Bulletin (tdc 88) Military, Governmental & Military
  45. Variationally Induced Breathing
  46. Virtualisierung Im Bildungsbereich
  47. Vibráfon Music
  48. Volume Into Boil Technology, Gaming, Porn, Ribbon
  49. Vibrator Vibration Business & Finance, Power Plant
  50. VíDeo íNdio Brasil
  51. Very Important Bear Funnies
  52. Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut Voor Biotechnologie Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  53. Villa Constitucion Airport, Villa Constitucion, Mexico Mexico
  54. VéHicule D'Intervention Du Base Army & Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VIB stand for?

    VIB stands for Voor Ieders Belang.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vacation In A Bottle?

    The short form of "Vacation In A Bottle" is VIB.


VIB. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated