VID Meaning
The VID meaning is "Valdts Ieņēmumu Dienests". The VID abbreviation has 49 different full form.
VID Full Forms
- Valdts Ieņēmumu Dienests Anu, Tie
- Vehicle Identification Number A Vehicle Identification Number, or "VIN," is the unique code that is assigned to an individual vehicle by its manufacturer and that distinguishes it from all other vehicles. No two vehicles can have the same VIN. Typically, the VIN is stamped into a plate or printed on a sticker and affixed to the vehicle in several different places, including inside the engine bay and on the driver's side door jamb. Technology, Army, Logistics, Automotive, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Vehicle Information Database Technology, Program, Inspector
- Vertical Indication Display Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Visual Identification Technology, Military, Army, Corps
- Visual Information Display Army, War, Force
- Veqicle Information Display Technology, Nissan, Toyota
- Vertical Impact Device
- Vendor Item Drawing Technology, Science, Aircraft, Federal Aviation Administration
- Visual Impact Damage
- Vaccite Induced Disease
- Vernon Irrigation District
- Visual Image Display
- Vaccine-Induced-Disease Medical, Flu, Vaccination
- Vehicle Instection Database
- Valsts Ieņēaumu Dienesta
- Visual Image Directory Technology, Program, Display
- Iata Code for Vidin Airport, Aidin, Bulgaria Locations
- Vehicle Inspectorate Department
- Visual Identification Information Display Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Véhicule D'intervejtions Diverses
- Visual Interface Dialect Technology, Language, Programming, Internet
- Vehicle Inspection Department Driving, Africa, Zimbabwe
- Vietnam Innovation Day
- Visual Interdev Technology
- Visual Interactive Dynamics
- Virtualization Infrastructure Driver Computing, Drivers
- Volunteer In Dubai
- Vacuum Injection Degassing
- Vendor IDentification Computing, Drivers
- Voltage Identification Definition Technology, Computing, Processor
- Generic Video File Computing, File Extensions
- Vacuum Injection Degassed
- Video The electrical signal that is obtained from a received radio signal after detection or demodulation a general term pertaining to the picture signals in a television system or to the information carrying signals that are eventually presented on the cathode ray tubes of a radar. Media, Military, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Voltage Identification Digital Voltage Identification Digital, or VID, is a circuit concept developed to provide the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer with the appropriate supply voltage. Instead of having a power supply unit generate some fixed voltage, the CPU uses a small set of digital signals, the VID lines, to instruct an on-board power converter of the desired voltage level. Technology, Power, Circuit, Computing, Hardware
- vide Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- VéHicule D'Interventions Divisionrses
- Voltage Identifier
- Visible Iris Diameter Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- VéHicule Interventions Diverses
- Virtual Image Design
- Voltage Identification Technology, Computing
- Vidin Smurdan Airfield, Vidin, Bulgaria Bulgaria, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Aviaprad Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- VéHicule D'Intervention Diverse
- Virtual Image Distance
- Virtual Information Desk Computing, Internet
- VéHicule D'Interventions Diverses
- Vietnam Immigration Department
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VID stand for?
VID stands for Voltage Identifier.
What is the shortened form of Visual Impact Damage?
The short form of "Visual Impact Damage" is VID.
VID. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated