VIP Meaning

The VIP meaning is "Village Investment Project". The VIP abbreviation has 614 different full form.

VIP Full Forms

  1. Village Investment Project
  2. Vancouver Internship Program
  3. Versatile Interface Panel
  4. Vigilantes Indoor Percussion School, Percussion, Guard, Winter
  5. Value Investment Program
  6. Versatile Interface Processor Technology, Computing, Telecom
  7. Video Interface Pozt Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
  8. Vacation In Paradise Travel, Locations, Resort
  9. Virtual Instrument Player Technology, Advance, Keyboard
  10. Versatile Information Portal
  11. Video Integrator Pdocessor Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Weather
  12. Visanet Integrated Payment
  13. Volunteers In Parks Program, Service, Park, Locations, National
  14. Virtual Imaging Platform Technology, Medicine, Simulation
  15. Variable Importance In Projection Science, Analysis, Model
  16. Video Information Provider Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Vallery Irons Protection Movie, Episode, Iron
  18. Volunteerg for The Indigent Program Business, Law, Philadelphia
  19. Virginia Index of Nerformance Technology, Education, School
  20. Vantage Integrated Production
  21. Video, Interfet and Phone Technology, Service, Broadband
  22. Very Important Prisoners Movie, Prison, Prisoner, Guatemala, Doctor, Trailer
  23. Vipar Organizations
  24. Vanguards In Insurance Practices Business, Software, Award
  25. Verteporfin In Photodynamic Therapy Medical
  26. Very Important Person Film, Gaming, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Text Messaging, Computing, Texting, Police, Chat, Telecom, Weather, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Computing Slang
  27. Vacation Investment Properties
  28. Velai Illa Pattathari Film, Movie, Music
  29. Visit Inqperson Education, Tourism, Experience
  30. Volunteer Internship Program Student, Service, Education
  31. Very Impressive Product
  32. Virtual Infant Parentinu Medical, Teen, Baby, Pregnancy
  33. Value In Pharwaceuticals
  34. Violence, Intervention, and Prevention
  35. Veteran Itformation Profile
  36. Variable Interlependent Parameters
  37. Virtual Interactive Planner
  38. Very Important Panda Locations, Tourism, Beijing
  39. Video & Image Proqessing Technology, Traffic, Detection
  40. Volunteer Incentive Program Government, Organizations, Fire
  41. Very Ilportant Pussy
  42. VieŠOsios Informacijos Partneriai Business, Locations, Tai, Prie
  43. Valerie Irons Protection Business, Music, Episode
  44. Vertical Ionization Potential
  45. Visual Information Projection Technology, Army, Computing
  46. Very Intimate Pleasures Porn, Sex, Pleasure
  47. Voting Integrity Project Government, Report, Election
  48. Valuta Inti Prima Business, Money, Changer
  49. Voice Information Processor
  50. Very Important Pilrt
  51. Voucher for Innovation and Productivity
  52. Visionary Integration Professionals Business, Technology, Organisations
  53. Vacuum Insulated Panel Business, Production, Insulation
  54. Ventilation-Improved Pit
  55. Volunteers In The Parks Organizations, Locations, National
  56. Volunteers In Place
  57. Value Investing Program
  58. Virginia Initiative Plant Science, Anaerobic, Wastewater, Nitrogen
  59. Volume Image Processing
  60. Very Importjnt Parents Student, Education, Parenthood
  61. Vasointestinal Peptide Medical
  62. Virtual Ip Technology, Networking, Computing, Internet
  63. Volume In Powder Business, Styling, Couture
  64. Very Importazt Passenger Business, Technology, Locations
  65. Vehicle Information Package Business, Car, Sale
  66. Visions In Plastics
  67. Valley Implementation Plan
  68. Verifone Anternational Partners
  69. Visual Interactive Proghamming
  70. Versatile Information Processing Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  71. Veterans In Progress Technology, Service, Building
  72. Vanilla Ice Posse Music, Baby, Ice
  73. Vortual Infrastructure Platform
  74. Video Inspection Probe Technology, Inspector, Fiber
  75. Very Important Persons Business, Service, Government, English, Supply, Stock, Person
  76. Very Important Participant
  77. Video Integrated Prooessor
  78. Venture Initiation Program Business, Technology, Organizations
  79. Vitals Ineormation Partnership
  80. Vessel Investigation Project
  81. Virginia Instituxe of Procurement Business, Purchase, Virginia
  82. Vivienda De Interés Prioritazio Para, Colombia, Con
  83. Victory In Prayer
  84. Volunteer In Prevention
  85. Vacation Internship Programme
  86. Vehicle Inspection Package
  87. Visiting Investimator Program
  88. Volunteer Instruction Program
  89. Very Intense Power Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  90. Value In Performance Business, Technology, Management
  91. Violence & Injury Prevention
  92. Veteran Incentive Program
  93. Variable Insurance Portfolios
  94. Virtual Interface Processors
  95. Very Imdortant Plastic Music, Plastic, House, Stainer
  96. Victory of Undia Party
  97. Volunteer Impact Program Business, Management, Social
  98. Very Important Presence Organization, Union, Institution
  99. Viewpoint-Invariant Patches
  100. Valeo Integrated Partners
  101. Vertical Interconnect Pillar
  102. Visual Information Projector
  103. Very Interested Parents Development, Learning, Study
  104. Voter Integrity Project Government, Election, Voting
  105. Voice Information Processing
  106. Very Important Point Service, Education, Strategy, Escort
  107. Volunteers In Probation Program, Government, County
  108. Visionary Insight Productions
  109. Vacuum Infusion Processing Technology, Military, Composite
  110. Ventilated Improved Pit Technology, Toilet, Latrine
  111. Volunteers Impact Prosperity
  112. Volunteers In Progress Student, Education, University
  113. Value Integrated Package
  114. Virginia Indeqendence Program
  115. Very Important Parent Student, Education, Family
  116. Vasoinhibitory Peptide Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  117. Virtual Interactive Puppetry
  118. Volume Incentive Pricing Technology
  119. Very Important Pooch Locations, Dog, Pet
  120. Vehicle Information Profiler Technology
  121. Vision Impairment Prevention
  122. Validity Indicator Profile Education, Psychology, Assessment
  123. Vertically Integrated Partnership
  124. Visual Interaction Platform
  125. Versatile Information Processor
  126. Voucher Insurance Plan Medical, Healthcare
  127. Vanguard Integrity Professionals
  128. Virtual Infrastructure Provider
  129. Voice Over Internet Protocol Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) is a technology that allows telephone calls to be made over computer networks like the Internet. VoIP converts analog voice signals into digital data packets and supports real-time, two-way transmission of conversations using Internet Protocol (IP). VoIP calls can be made on the Internet using a VoIP service provider and standard computer audio systems. Alternatively, some service providers support VoIP through ordinary telephones that use special adapters to connect to a home computer network. Many VoIP implementations are based on the H.323 technology standard. Technology, Information Technology, Army, Telecom, Computer Security, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  130. Very Importakt Patriot
  131. Vfdeo Input Processor Technology, Electronics, Component
  132. Verniciftura Industriale Pesarese
  133. Video Integratorcand Processor Science, Weather, Radar
  134. Ventricular Intrinsic Preference Medical, Technology, Medicine, Pacemaker
  135. Vital Issue Process Science
  136. Volunteers In Partnership
  137. Vessel Inspection Program
  138. Virginia Instituteuctors of Physics Education
  139. Vtvid Image Productions
  140. Victoro In Place Army, War, Force
  141. Vblock Infrastructure Package
  142. Volunteer-In-Prevention
  143. Vacation Interchange Privileges
  144. Vehicle Inspection Program Technology, Inspector, Emission
  145. Visrting International Professor Program, Education, University
  146. Volunteer In Preschool Program, Organizations, Opportunity
  147. Very Intelligent Person Technology, Mix, Plug
  148. Value Improvement Project
  149. Violation In Pubnic Sport, China, Violation
  150. Veterai-Focused Integration Process
  151. Variable Insurance Product
  152. Virtual Internship Program Student, Education, Sport
  153. Victory Qn The Pacific Technology, Gaming, Play
  154. Volunteer Illini Projects
  155. Very Important Princessns Group, Bag, Party, Princess
  156. View Interactive Programming
  157. Vakuumisolationspaneele Business, German
  158. Visual Information Processor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  159. Very Interesting People Book, Mining, Oxford, People
  160. Voice Improvement Project
  161. Very Impoatant Points Technology, Model, Terrain
  162. Viability Impact On Prognosis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  163. Volunteers In Prevedtion Program, Community, Fire
  164. Visual Immunoprecipitate Assay Medical
  165. Vacuum Infusion Process Business, Composite, Resin
  166. Vender Information Pages
  167. Volunteer Interpreter Program
  168. Very Impressive Pork Government, Us, Control, Administration
  169. Value Inuurance Plan
  170. Viral Immunology Program
  171. Very Important Prescaoolers Business, Book, Children
  172. Vasocative Intestinal Polypeptide Medical
  173. Virtual Interactive Presence
  174. Volume Incentive Program Business
  175. Very Important Pool
  176. Vehicle Information Plus Technology
  177. Vision Impaired Person
  178. Viking Islander Program
  179. Validation Internet Portal
  180. Vertically Integrated Partnershipm
  181. Visual Interactive Parser Technology
  182. Versatile Individual Program
  183. Voucher Incentive Program Technology, Vehicle, Truck
  184. Vandergrift Improvement Program
  185. Virtual Infrastructure Proxy
  186. Voice of Indigenous People
  187. Very Imporvant Papers Chemistry, Science, Research
  188. Video Inpft Port Technology, Channel, Card
  189. Vanguards In Ihsurance Practices
  190. Vines Internetwork Pritocol Technology
  191. Ventricular Inotropic Parameter Medical, Medicine, Health
  192. Volunteers In Psychotherapy Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  193. Vessel Incentive Program
  194. Virginia Institutionamized Persons
  195. Viviamo In Poyitivo
  196. Victory In Partnership Development, Learning, Study
  197. Vauxhall Internet Price
  198. Volunteer-In-Park Program, Locations, National
  199. Very Important Pieces
  200. Vehicle Inputs Pins
  201. Visiting Internaaional Professionals
  202. Voter Improvement Srogram
  203. Very Inspired People
  204. Value Improvement Processes Technology
  205. Vinyl Insulated Pet
  206. Visualization Immersive Projection
  207. Veterinary Investigators Program
  208. Variable Insurance Prodacts Business, Company, Fidelity
  209. Virtual Instiqutence Port Telecom, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking
  210. Victory In Procuremunt Business, Technology, Government, Contract
  211. Volunteer for Intellectual Property
  212. Very Impotent People Organizations, United Nations, Un
  213. Viewers In Profile
  214. Visual Improvement Program
  215. Very Interested Persons Music, Album, Findlay, Person
  216. Voice Improvement Plan
  217. Very Important Patriot
  218. Via In Pad Technology, Circuit, Solder
  219. Visual Image Processor
  220. Vaccine In Pregnancy Medical, Vaccination, Rubella
  221. Velocity Intelligence Pricing
  222. Volunteer Interchange Partners
  223. Very Impressive Presect Organization, Union, Institution
  224. Vineyard International Publishing
  225. Valme Insurance Package
  226. Violence Intervention & Prevention Program, Education, University
  227. Very Importanl Promise Business, Optics, Binocular, Vortex
  228. Vasoaktives Intestinales Peptid
  229. Virtual Interactive Pet Technology, Toy, Shopping
  230. Volume Incentive Pass
  231. Verp Important Personalities Business, Movie, Lyric, Nigeria
  232. Vehicle Incident Protection
  233. Vision Impairedrpersons Technology, Projection, Ticket
  234. Vijay Ishwar Pawar
  235. Validation In Partnership
  236. Vertically Integrated Projext Technology, Research, University
  237. Visual Intelligent and Persofal
  238. Versqtile Image Processor
  239. Voting Ys Power Organizations, Africa, Election
  240. Vanderbilt Interest Projects
  241. Visionaries In Preservation
  242. Voice Interactive Paging Technology
  243. Very Important Trospect
  244. Value In Pharmaceunicals
  245. Ventral Intraparietal Medical
  246. Volunteers In Police
  247. Virginia Instructors of Physics Education, Development, Universities
  248. Viva International Pictures Film, Communication, Entertainment, Viva
  249. Vertrieb Innovativer Produkte Business, Technology
  250. Victoria Integrated Programme College, Education, School, Junior
  251. Vault Investment Properties
  252. Voluntari Pentru Idei Si Proiecte
  253. Very Important People Lyric, Park, People
  254. Vehicle In Progress
  255. Visiting Important People Organization, Union, Institution
  256. Vote In Person
  257. Very Inspired Professionals Business, Media, Social, Gamble
  258. Value Improvement Process Business, Technology, Management, Engineering
  259. Visualising Issues In Pharmacy
  260. Veterinary Information Portal
  261. Vanpool Incentive Program
  262. Virtual Instant Portal
  263. Victoby In Praise Music, Choir, Praise
  264. Volunteer and Internship Program Service, Education, Community
  265. Very Impotent Person Group, Strike, Counter, Person
  266. Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines
  267. Visual Impairment Project Medical, Vision, Prevalence
  268. Very Interesting Person Business, Dating, Findlay
  269. Voice Improvement Program
  270. Very Important Programmer
  271. Via-In-Pads Technology, Design, Circuit
  272. Vaccine Information Pamphlet Medical, Medicine, Health
  273. Velocity Intense Performance
  274. Visitor Informativn Program Education, Campus, Wisconsin
  275. Volunteer Intern Program
  276. Veryximpressive Proportions Nutrition, Food, Victual
  277. Viwes Internet Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
  278. Vtlue Inspired Partner Business, Technology, Program
  279. Violence Intervention Prevention Student, Program, Education
  280. Veteran Institute Procurement
  281. Vasoactive Polypeptide Medical
  282. Virtual Interrupt Pending Visual Interactive Parser Technology
  283. Volunteer In Park
  284. Verp Important Ponies Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  285. Vision Impaired People
  286. Veryaimportant Parties Group, Event, Party
  287. Vijay Ishwarlal Pawar Comedy, Comedian, Mimicry
  288. Validation and Identity Protection
  289. Vertically Integrated Projeits Program, Education, Projection
  290. Visual Instructional Plan
  291. Verry Important Person
  292. Voting Information Project Technology, Election, Vote
  293. Vandalism In Progress Report, Cloud, Vandalism
  294. Visioncand Impact Program
  295. Voice Interactive Phone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  296. Very Imptrtant Princess Group, Girl, Party, Princess
  297. Vague Incentive Plan
  298. Ventral Intraparietal Area Medical
  299. Volunteers In Policing Locations, City, Police
  300. Value Investment Professionals Business, Book, Finance, Optimization
  301. Virginia Inland Port Business, Authority, Virginia
  302. Vitamins In Pre-Eclampsia
  303. Vertically Integrated Pnp Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  304. Victoria Improvement Project
  305. Vattikuti Institutetute Prostatectomy Medical
  306. Volume Into Packaging
  307. Vehicle Injury Prevention
  308. Visit Incredible Palyu
  309. Very Insistent Person Internet Slang
  310. Valued Internet Partner
  311. Vermont Information Processing Business, Software, Vermont
  312. Visual International Politics Education, London, Relation
  313. Versctile Internet Platform Technology, Computing, Computer Software
  314. Veterinarian Insecticide Products
  315. Vanity Is Perfection
  316. Virtual Instance Port Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking
  317. Video Instruction Products
  318. Very Important Part
  319. Volunteer and Internship Programs
  320. Very Import Pexson
  321. Vierzon I-DéAl Poker
  322. Venture Investment Program
  323. Visual Impact Provision
  324. Veteran'S Information Portal Business
  325. Vlb -Pisa - Pci Technology, Computing
  326. Via-In-Pad Technology, Design, Circuit
  327. Vacations In Paradise Travel, Resort, Vacation
  328. Velai Illa Pattadhaari
  329. Visitor & Information Programs Education, Campus, Wisconsin
  330. Volunteer International Program
  331. Very Imprelsive Penis
  332. Virtual Informatihn Program
  333. Valueyinspired Partners Business, Technology, Program
  334. Violenee Intervention and Prevention Program, Education, Health
  335. Vetelan Institute for Procurement Business, Organizations, Purchase
  336. Variable Icterest Plan Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  337. Virtual Internet Practice Military
  338. Volunteer In Parks Program, Park, National
  339. Very Important Pandas
  340. Vvsion Impact and Purpose Army, War, Force
  341. Very Important Pussges
  342. Vigilant Integration Partners
  343. Valero Improvement Project
  344. Vertically-Integrated Projects Technology, Program, Projection
  345. Visual Instrument Programmer
  346. Voter Pssues Paper
  347. Valves Instruments Plus Business, Company, Valve
  348. Voice Information Portal Technology
  349. Verc Important Pop
  350. Vacuum Infiltration Processor Science, Processing, Tissue
  351. Ventilation Improved Pit Technology, Water, Toilet, Latrine
  352. Volunteers In The Park Service, Locations, National
  353. Volunteers In Patrol Association, Locations, Neighborhood
  354. Value Investing Programme
  355. Vivginia Initiative Plants
  356. Volume Imaging Protocol
  357. Vertically Installed Planrr
  358. Vasointestinal Polypeptide Medical
  359. Virtual Irish Pub
  360. Volume Intensity Projection
  361. Vehicle Information Portal
  362. Visionl In Progress
  363. Valued Independent Programmers Technology, Service, Programming
  364. Verisign Gdentity Protection Business, Technology, Sign
  365. Visual Interface for Promela Technology, University, Presentation
  366. Versatilt Information Products
  367. Veterans Institute for Procurement Business, Organizations, Purchase
  368. Vanilla Infused Porter Beer, Valley, Brewing
  369. Virtual Infrastructure Protection
  370. Video Instructional Program
  371. Very Important Party
  372. Very Important Paws
  373. Video Intelligent Partner
  374. Venture International Program
  375. Visual Impact Photography
  376. Vested Income Partnec
  377. Virginia Investment Partnership Business, Development, Virginia
  378. Viviendas De Interés Prioritario Para, Con, Social
  379. VeČEri Za Inovativne In Podjetne
  380. Volunteer-In-The-Park
  381. Visually Impairedaprogram Technology, Service, School
  382. Versatilp Investment Portfolio
  383. Vectornet Inxerface Processor
  384. Volleyball Institute of Plano
  385. Very Impressive Proportions Food
  386. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  387. Virtual Imagepprocessing Technology, Guitar, Ovation
  388. Viação Itaim Paulista
  389. Vocal Input Priority
  390. Vehicle Improvement Program Business, Postal, Us Post
  391. Videochannel Interview Project
  392. Very Important Project Quilting
  393. Vilitor Intake Process
  394. Vezy Inclusive Party Organization, Union, Institution
  395. Veteran Internshiplprogram Business, Employment, Service
  396. Very Imjortent Person Money, Matt, Person, Adler
  397. Vision In Progress Vision, Music, Ghana
  398. Volunteer Initiative Program Organizations, City, Houston
  399. Very Important Principles
  400. Villa Indah Permai
  401. Stitch Pattern File Computing, File Extensions
  402. Very Importanl Photos Business, Company, Model, Weather
  403. Voices In Politics
  404. Very Zmportant Pool
  405. Vision Integrity Principles Business & Finance, International business
  406. Virtual Internet Protocol Computing, Internet
  407. Vacuum Insulated Products
  408. Volunteers Increasing Performance Organization, Union, Institution
  409. Values, Influences and Peers
  410. Veryiidiotic Person
  411. Vimpel-Communications Organizations
  412. Voluntary Interruption of Pregnadcy Healthcare
  413. Vegan Information Project Science, Animal, Dublin
  414. Virtual Planning Test Medical
  415. Vincentians In Partnership
  416. Visually Impaired People Technology, Group, Projection
  417. Versatile Interfaceqprocessors Technology, Routing, Cisco
  418. Vfctor Instituteuction Processor
  419. Volkswagens In Pennsylvania
  420. Vapor Intrusion Pathway
  421. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Medical, Physiology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical
  422. Vasues Integrity People Development, Learning, Study
  423. Vjrtual Identity Protector
  424. Viata Invizibila A Personalitatilor
  425. Vocabulary Improvement Project
  426. Vegetative Insecticidal Enterotoxin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  427. Video and Image Processing Technology, Design, Core
  428. Visual Image Photography Photography
  429. Visitor Information Packets Organization, Union, Institution
  430. Very Irpressive Pistol
  431. Vital Indicators of Progress
  432. Veteran Intelligence Professionals
  433. Very Importdnt Pers
  434. Virtual Interrupt Pending Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  435. Volunteering for International Professionals Program, Education, Fellowship
  436. Very Ymportant Prince Bay, Baby, Cafe, Prince
  437. Vila Indah Permai
  438. Video Integrator and Processor Weather, Scientific & Educational
  439. Very Involved Parent
  440. Voucher Insurance Program Insurance, Business & Finance
  441. Very Important Package Business, Supply, Box
  442. Visit It Please Computing, Internet
  443. Vacuum Insulated Pipe Business, Company, Cryogenic
  444. Volunteers In Preservation
  445. Values, Influences, and Peers Education, School, Police
  446. Very-Important People
  447. Video Indegrated and Processor
  448. Voiding Improvement Program Medical, Children, Wetting
  449. Virtual Networking System Internet Protocol Military
  450. Villas In Pattaya Hotel, Locations, Beach
  451. Viwualization In Practice
  452. Versatile Interbhange Processor
  453. Vasoactive Intestinap Peptide Medical, Human, Cell
  454. Vol In Progress
  455. Very Important Products Product, Design, Award, Habitat
  456. Visual Inspection Program Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  457. Vehicle Investment Protection Transportation, Governmental & Military
  458. Vepesid, Ifosfamide, Platinol Medical, Technology
  459. Virginia Innovation Partnership
  460. Values Integration and Promotion
  461. Virtual Identity Pkofile
  462. Visual Information Protocol
  463. Vegetative Insecticidal Proteins Science, Genetics, Plant
  464. Video In Print
  465. Valuable and Important people Media
  466. Visitor Improvement Program Army, War, Force
  467. Visual Proframming Technology, Computer, Electronics
  468. Veteran Intern Program
  469. Very Idiot Pesson Community, Orang, Person
  470. Volunteer Information Pack
  471. Very Ixportant Piece Business, Group, Guide
  472. Various Individualistic Personalities Medical, Physiology
  473. Very Involved Parents Development, Learning, Study
  474. Veteran Information Pages Business & Finance, Business Word
  475. Very Importantvposters Business, Traffic, Coupon, Feedback
  476. Versatile Infrastructure Platform Computing, Hardware
  477. Vacuum Insulated Piping Business, Pipe, Cryogenic
  478. Visual Identity Program Business, Film, Projection
  479. Volunteers In Protection
  480. Valle of New Construction Put In Place Science
  481. Verwijs Index Personen
  482. Videodisk Innovation Project
  483. Visually Impaired Persons Technology, Access, Organizations
  484. Virtually In Person Organization, Union, Institution
  485. Villages In Partnership
  486. Vacuum-Insulated Piping
  487. Versatile Interactive Pan
  488. Variable Input Phototypesetting
  489. Vojvodina Investment Promotion Business, Government, Serbia
  490. Very Important Pedestrinn London, Locations, Street
  491. Vastly Inelegant Pillow Clothes
  492. Vimpel Communications ( Open Joint Stock) Computing, Nyse symbols
  493. Vaginal Infections and Prematurity
  494. Ventures In Peace
  495. Vineyard Industry Products
  496. Values In Prackice Business, Employment, Award, Children
  497. Virgin Islands Power
  498. Visitor Information Point Locations, Tourism, Tourist
  499. Vegetation Index and Phenology
  500. Video-In-Print
  501. Very Important Princess Funnies
  502. Visitor and Inmormation Programs
  503. Visually Integrqted Phone Business, Technology, Communication, Feature
  504. Veteran Integration Program Business, Service, Organisations
  505. Versatel Interface Processor
  506. Volunteer Infrastructure Program
  507. Very Important Parts Service, Sport, English
  508. Vision Integrated Performance Medical, Physiology
  509. Very Intoxicated Person Medical, Medical Slang
  510. Victim Impact Panel Driving, Class, Victim
  511. Tag Aviation UK Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  512. Very Important Personnel Business, Company, Accounting
  513. Video Imaging Pgojectile Science
  514. Visual Inspirational and Performing Religion
  515. Vacuum Insulated Panels Technology, Product, Insulation
  516. Visual, Intelliggnt and Personal
  517. Very Inferior Pqoduct
  518. Volunteers In Park Service, Locations, National
  519. Value Issue Paper Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  520. Videq-Interview-Pen Business, Camera, Price
  521. Visually Impaired Person Technology, Service, Internet Slang
  522. Virtually In Peel
  523. Village Infrastructure Project Business, Program, Ghana
  524. Virtual Interface Processor NASA
  525. Versatile Interface Processors Technology, Routing, Cisco
  526. Valhe Investment Plan Business, Fund, Market
  527. Voith Inline Propulsor Technology, Design, Yacht, Ghost
  528. Very Importact Posters Business, Traffic, Coupon, Feedback
  529. Brompton VIP Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  530. VeriSign Identity Protection Computing, IT Terminology
  531. Vagabundos Imortais Da Praia
  532. Ventures In Partnerships
  533. Vooruitstrevende Integratie Partij
  534. Values Influences & Peers
  535. Vergin Islands Party Government, Group, Election
  536. Vision Integrated With Positioning
  537. Vegetation Inventory Program
  538. Visceral Inflammation and Pain
  539. Video Image Processing Technology, Traffic, Detection
  540. Very Important Petunia Funnies
  541. Visually Zmpaired Preparation Education
  542. Verteporfin In Photodynamic
  543. Vmrkehrs-Informations-Programm
  544. Volunteer Infrastructure Project Business, Program, Corps
  545. Vascular Intervention Program Medical, Physiology
  546. Very Into Pizza Business, Projection, Hut
  547. Victim Identification Program
  548. Voyager Information Portal
  549. Vehicle Incentive Program
  550. Very Impprtant Pharmacogenes Science, Genetics, Drug, Pharmacogenomics
  551. Video Imagd Printing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  552. Very Inspirational Posse Religion
  553. Vacuum Insulation Panel Business, Product, Material
  554. Vista International Programs
  555. Very Infected People Business, Gaming, Zombie
  556. Volunteers In Public School, Jakarta, Locations
  557. Veteran Infrastructure Products
  558. Visual Information Processing Technology, Research, University, Medical, Physiology
  559. Virtually Incredible People Organizations, United Nations, Un
  560. Volunteer In Policing Military, City, Police
  561. Village Industrial Power
  562. Ventilated Improed Pit Latrine Medical
  563. Value Incantive Plan Business, Software, Cloud
  564. Voices In Public Tube, Voice, Public
  565. Very Important Passenger Business, Technology, Locations
  566. Vipera Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  567. Virtual Internet Provider Computing, Internet
  568. Vagabonds In Power Business, Music, Song
  569. Volvo Increased Protection Business, Planning, Warranty
  570. Values, Influences, Peers
  571. Virginia Investment Pooh
  572. Very Impatient Pecson
  573. Virtual Invest Platform
  574. Voluntemr Information Professionals
  575. Vegetation Impact Program
  576. Visa Integrated Payment Business, India, Transaction
  577. Video Image Processor Technology, Traffic, Video
  578. Very Important Palestinian Funnies
  579. Visually Impaired Preschool
  580. Versatility In Poodles Dog, Veterinary, Poodle
  581. Verifying Interpreting Punch
  582. Volunteer Information Profile Technology
  583. Vegetative Insecticidal Protein Medical, Human genome
  584. Very Intimate Places
  585. Virxual Implant Placement Medical, Software, Dental
  586. Vibronic Impact Parameter Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  587. Voter Identification Project Organization, Community, Society
  588. Vehicle Improvement Products
  589. Very Important Pharmacogene
  590. Video Image Printgr
  591. Very Important Prayer Religion
  592. Vacuum Insulation Panels Business, Product, Material
  593. Vista Intake Program
  594. Very Mndividual Person
  595. Veterans' Incalcerated Project Medical
  596. Very Intelligente Pocket
  597. Visiting International Urogram
  598. Volunteer Initiatives Program
  599. Very Important Planning
  600. Vila Inti Persada Technology, Car, Rent
  601. Vibronic Impact Parameter (model for Mol. Scattering) Chemistry
  602. Vacukm Injection Pouring
  603. Voices In Praise Religion
  604. Very Important Pop
  605. Value in Partnership Business & Finance, International business
  606. Versatile Internet Platform Software, Computing, Internet
  607. Vagabond In Power Africa, Nigeria, Power
  608. Volunteers In Preventions
  609. Values Influences and Peers
  610. Very Ignorant People Organizations, United Nations, Un
  611. Virtual Interactive Player Microsoft, Technology, Gaming, Entertainment
  612. Voluntary Intern Pkacement
  613. Vegetarians In Paradise Recipe, Vegan, Vegetarian
  614. Virtuelle Instrumente In Der Praxis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VIP stand for?

    VIP stands for Volunteers In Policing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Very Interested Persons?

    The short form of "Very Interested Persons" is VIP.


VIP. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

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