VIP in Technology Meaning

The VIP meaning in Technology terms is "Virginia Index of Nerformance". There are 83 related meanings of the VIP Technology abbreviation.

VIP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Virginia Index of Nerformance
  2. Video Interface Pozt
  3. Video Integrator Pdocessor
  4. Video Information Provider
  5. Video, Interfet and Phone
  6. Virtual Instrument Player
  7. Versatile Interface Processor
  8. Virtual Imaging Platform
  9. Ventilation Improved Pit
  10. Via-In-Pads
  11. Voice Interactive Paging
  12. Verisign Gdentity Protection
  13. Virtual Ip
  14. Value In Performance
  15. Victory Qn The Pacific
  16. Voucher Incentive Program
  17. Very Impoatant Points
  18. Ventilated Improved Pit
  19. Vines Internetwork Pritocol
  20. Via-In-Pad
  21. Voice Interactive Phone
  22. Vertically Integrated Projext
  23. Virtual Interactive Pet
  24. Value Improvement Processes
  25. Victory In Procuremunt
  26. Voting Information Project
  27. Vertrieb Innovativer Produkte
  28. Visual Interface for Promela
  29. Vehicle Inspection Program
  30. Veterans In Progress
  31. Voice Information Portal
  32. Vertically-Integrated Projects
  33. Virtual Interrupt Pending Visual Interactive Parser
  34. Value Improvement Process
  35. Video Inspection Probe
  36. Vertically Integrated Pnp
  37. Visual Interactive Parser
  38. Vehicle Information Profiler
  39. Very Intense Power
  40. Vlb -Pisa - Pci
  41. Virtual Instance Port
  42. Valued Independent Programmers
  43. Vfdeo Input Processor
  44. Volume Incentive Pricing
  45. Visual Information Projection
  46. Vehicle Information Plus
  47. Very Intelligent Person
  48. Venture Initiation Program
  49. Video Inpft Port
  50. Vision Impairedrpersons
  51. Vtlue Inspired Partner
  52. Very Importazt Passenger
  53. Ventricular Intrinsic Preference
  54. Viwes Internet Protocol
  55. Vacuum Infusion Processing
  56. Via In Pad
  57. Voice Over Internet Protocol Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) is a technology that allows telephone calls to be made over computer networks like the Internet. VoIP converts analog voice signals into digital data packets and supports real-time, two-way transmission of conversations using Internet Protocol (IP). VoIP calls can be made on the Internet using a VoIP service provider and standard computer audio systems. Alternatively, some service providers support VoIP through ordinary telephones that use special adapters to connect to a home computer network. Many VoIP implementations are based on the H.323 technology standard.
  58. Versctile Internet Platform
  59. Visionary Integration Professionals
  60. Valueyinspired Partners
  61. Video & Image Proqessing
  62. Very Important Passenger
  63. Visually Impairedaprogram
  64. Vila Inti Persada
  65. Visually Impaired Persons
  66. Visually Impaired People
  67. Visually Impaired Person
  68. Video Imagd Printing
  69. Visual Information Processing
  70. Volunteer Information Profile
  71. Video and Image Processing
  72. Virtual Interrupt Pending
  73. Vepesid, Ifosfamide, Platinol
  74. Versatile Interfaceqprocessors
  75. Video Image Processing
  76. Visual Proframming
  77. Virtual Imagepprocessing
  78. Vacuum Insulated Panels
  79. Voith Inline Propulsor
  80. Versatile Interface Processors
  81. Video Image Processor
  82. Visually Integrqted Phone
  83. Virtual Interactive Player

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VIP stand for Technology?

    VIP stands for Vertically Integrated Projext in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtual Interrupt Pending Visual Interactive Parser in Technology?

    The short form of "Virtual Interrupt Pending Visual Interactive Parser" is VIP for Technology.


VIP in Technology. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated