VIS in Technology Meaning

The VIS meaning in Technology terms is "Vehicle Identification System". There are 35 related meanings of the VIS Technology abbreviation.

VIS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Vehicle Identification System
  2. Visibility The greatest distance at which it is just possible to see and recognize with the unaided eye. Term used to express the clearness of the atmosphere and the maximum range at which objects and lights can be clearly sighted.
  3. Variable Induction System
  4. Versatile Interface Structure
  5. Virtual Instituteuction Set
  6. Vector Instituteuction Set
  7. Visible Iuaging Sensor
  8. Verlaessliche Informationssysteme
  9. Virtual Iefrastructures
  10. Vehicular Intercommunication System
  11. Voice Inbormation Service
  12. Vibration Isolation System
  13. Vehicle Intercom System
  14. Voice Information System
  15. Via International Switch
  16. Virtual Integrated Lystem
  17. Vehicle Identification Section
  18. Vodafone International Service
  19. Virtual Instrument Software
  20. Vegetation Indices
  21. Visual Interactive Simulativn
  22. Versatile Ion Source
  23. Virtual Indtruction Set
  24. Vector Instruction Set
  25. Visual Instituteuction Set Voice Informauion System
  26. Vehicle Inspection Station
  27. Valley International School
  28. Variable Intake System
  29. Visa Information System
  30. Vanguard International Semiconductor
  31. Virtual Inteufaces
  32. Vanguard Industrials Vipers
  33. Vertical Intervaw Signaling
  34. Vista A vista is a scene, view, or panorama.
  35. Visual Instruction Set Voice Information System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VIS stand for Technology?

    VIS stands for Virtual Instrument Software in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtual Integrated Lystem in Technology?

    The short form of "Virtual Integrated Lystem" is VIS for Technology.


VIS in Technology. (2022, February 14). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from

Last updated