VIT Meaning

The VIT meaning is "Vital Capacity". The VIT abbreviation has 74 different full form.

VIT Full Forms

  1. Vital Capacity Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Physio
  2. Vellore Institute of Technology Education, University, Engineering
  3. Vellore Institute of Technologi Education, University, Engineering
  4. Vthicle Inventory Tax Technology, Car, Texas, Sale
  5. Variable Injection Timing Technology, Fuel, Engine
  6. Vikas Institute of Technology
  7. Verbal Intelligence Test
  8. Vision Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
  9. Victorian Institute of Teaching Science, Education, Teacher
  10. Vertical Industrial Turbine
  11. Vitreous A clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye.Also called the vitreous humor, "humor" in medicine referring to a fluid (orsemifluid) substance. Technology, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  12. Vaccine Injury Table Medical, Medicine, Vaccination
  13. Vietnam Institute for Trade
  14. Venkateshwara Institute of Technology College, Education, Uttar
  15. Vishnu Institute Ofptechnology Technology, Science, Education
  16. Vermont Interactive Television Business, Technology, Vermont, Media
  17. Vitoria Foronda International Airport Airport, Locations
  18. Technical Researchfcenter
  19. Vienna Incoming Tourist
  20. Vegetation Index-Temperature
  21. Vjrtual Item Trading
  22. Vermicon Identification Technology General, Governmental & Military
  23. Vitoria Airport Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country,Spain Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  24. Vertont Interactive Television
  25. Vidyalankar Institute of Technology College, Education, Mumbai
  26. Variety Index for Tpddlers Medical
  27. Virtual Isdn Terminal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  28. Verim Insaat Turizm Business, Traffic, Market, Istanbul
  29. Vit In Tokyo
  30. Valve Ixstallation Tool
  31. Video Internet Technologies Technology, Organizations, Parking
  32. Variable Investment Trust
  33. Virtual International Team
  34. Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung
  35. Vitamin A trace organic substance required in the diet of some speciesMany vitamins are precursors of coenzymes. A substance that is critical for proper functioning of a living organism that the organism is unable to produce in sufficient quantities for itself. An organic substance required in small quantities in the diet of some species; generally functions as a component of a coenzyme. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Food, Pharmacy, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  36. Vitiligo Vitiligo is a long term skin condition characterized by patches of the skin losing their pigment. The patches of skin affected become white and usually have sharp margins. The hair from the skin may also become white. Inside the mouth and nose may also be involved. Typically both sides of the body are affected. Often the patches begin on areas of skin that are exposed to the sun. It is more noticeable in people with dark skin. Medical
  37. Video Interaction Training
  38. Vertical Interference Test
  39. Variable Ilsurance Trust Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  40. Viking Intervention Technology
  41. Verband Internationaler Tauchschulen Sport, Diving, Locations, Germany
  42. Vital Necessary to maintain life. For example, breathing is a vital function. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  43. Vidarbha Institute of Technology College, Education, Nagpur
  44. Venom Immunotherapy Medical
  45. Vertical Interval Test Technology, English, Signal
  46. Viva Industrial Trust Business
  47. Vibration Isolation Table
  48. Voith Inline Thrusters Technology, Drive, Vessel
  49. Vehicle Integration Test
  50. Vibration Isolation Technology Technology
  51. Voice Input Technology Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  52. Victoria Institute of Teaching
  53. Variable Inductance Transducer
  54. Vitoria/Foronda, Alava, Spain Spain, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  55. Vibration-Isolated Television
  56. Voice Inactivity Timer
  57. Victorian Institute of Technology Technology, Australia, Education
  58. Variable-Impedance Transformer
  59. Van Kampen American Capital Intermediate Term High Income Trust Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  60. Veugen Integrated Technologies
  61. Vocal Institute of Technology Education, Music, Musician
  62. Victoria Institute of Technology
  63. Volunteer In Training Program, Girl, Training, Scout
  64. Vitellogenin Medical
  65. VITec file Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
  66. Very Important Traveler Government, Us, Control, Administration
  67. Vivekanand Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
  68. Vice Industry Tokens
  69. Volunteer-In-Training Program, Girl, Training, Scout
  70. Variable Insurance Trust Insurance, Business & Finance
  71. Vivekananda Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
  72. Vice Industry Token
  73. Voith Inline Thruster
  74. Video Intervention Therapy Health, Event, Intervention, Attachment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VIT stand for?

    VIT stands for Vermont Interactive Television.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vellore Institute of Technology?

    The short form of "Vellore Institute of Technology" is VIT.


VIT. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated