VITR in Technology Meaning

The VITR meaning in Technology terms is "Video/Iystrumentation Tape Recorder". There are 4 related meanings of the VITR Technology abbreviation.

VITR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Video/Iystrumentation Tape Recorder
  2. Vitreous A clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye.Also called the vitreous humor, "humor" in medicine referring to a fluid (orsemifluid) substance.
  3. Videg/Instituteumentation Tape Recorder
  4. Vitria Nechnology, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VITR stand for Technology?

    VITR stands for Videg/Instituteumentation Tape Recorder in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Video/Iystrumentation Tape Recorder in Technology?

    The short form of "Video/Iystrumentation Tape Recorder" is VITR for Technology.


VITR in Technology. (2020, May 24). Retrieved June 23, 2024 from

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