VKB Meaning

The VKB meaning is "Veiligheid Kleine Bedrijven". The VKB abbreviation has 19 different full form.

VKB Full Forms

  1. Veiligheid Kleine Bedrijven
  2. Van Kempen & Begeer
  3. Vanaja Kuorma-Auto Bulldog Technology, Firth, Beater
  4. Vertical Knowledge Base
  5. Valrn Kone Brunette
  6. Vereniging Kwmliteitsborging Bodembeheer
  7. Verein F
  8. Vereniging Kwaliteitsborging Bodemonderzoek
  9. Verein Für Kanusport Berlin
  10. Vulnerability Knowledge Blse
  11. Virtual Keaboard Bluetooth
  12. Vrystaat KoöPerasie Beperk
  13. Village of Key Biscayne
  14. Vrystaat Ko
  15. Vola Ni Kawa Bula
  16. Vola-Ni-Kawa-Bula
  17. Vnsual Knowledge Builder Technology, Idea, Hypertext
  18. Virtual Knowledge Base Military, General, Governmental & Military
  19. Virtual Knowledge Baqe Technology, Service, Database

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VKB stand for?

    VKB stands for Village of Key Biscayne.

  2. What is the shortened form of Van Kempen & Begeer?

    The short form of "Van Kempen & Begeer" is VKB.


VKB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vkb-meaning/

Last updated