VKV Meaning

The VKV meaning is "Van Kerkhof & Visscher". The VKV abbreviation has 19 different full form.

VKV Full Forms

  1. Van Kerkhof & Visscher
  2. Vijaya Krishi Vikas
  3. Van Kampen Value Municipal Income Trust Organizations
  4. Venerable Knight Veterinarians
  5. Van Kampen Value
  6. Velmi KráTké Vlny
  7. Velmi Kr
  8. Vehbi Koç Vakfı
  9. Vehbi Ko
  10. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Education, School, Arunachal
  11. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas Education, Class, School, Arunachal
  12. Visum Kort Verblijf Government, Us, Control, Administration
  13. Visual Kinesthetic Vocabulary
  14. Van Kampen Value Municipal Income Trust Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  15. Vimal Kumar Varun
  16. Voor Kunstzinnige Vorming
  17. Vilvoords Kicker Verbond
  18. Vlaams Kinesitherapeuten Verbond
  19. Vijnana Kala Vedi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VKV stand for?

    VKV stands for Velmi KráTké Vlny.

  2. What is the shortened form of Velmi Kr?

    The short form of "Velmi Kr" is VKV.


VKV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vkv-meaning/

Last updated