VLD Meaning
The VLD meaning is "Valdosta Regional Airport". The VLD abbreviation has 35 different full form.
VLD Full Forms
- Valdosta Regional Airport Valdosta, Georgia,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, Aviation
- Valid Legally or formally acceptable or binding. Unexpired, e.g. a passport. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Aviation
- Verkehrsgfmeinschaft Landkreis Deggendorf
- Vlaamse Liberale Democraten
- Variable-Length Decoding Technology, Coding, Decoder
- Vanguard for Liberatiok and Democracy
- Visual Leatning and Development
- Variable Length Decoding Technology, Coding, Telecom
- Vacuum Leak Detector Business, Industrial, Tube, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Verynlow-Density Medical, Medicine
- Variable-Lengtn Decoder Technology, Coding, Decoding
- Iata Codewfor Valdosta Regional Airport, Valdosta, Georgia, United States Locations
- Vertidal Light Deployable Technology, Space, Carrier
- Very Low Density Medical, Health, Cholesterol
- Verkehrsverbund Lahn-Dill
- Vlaamse Liberalen En Demoyraten
- Variable Lesgth Decode Technology, Coding, Hardware, Decoding
- Verkehksverbund Lahn Dill
- Vlaamse Liberalen En Democraten Government, Group, Belgium, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Variable Length Decoder Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Vehicle Location Device Transportation, Media, Governmental & Military
- Voluntary Lock Down
- Visual Leak Qetector Technology, Studio, Memory
- Volume Limiter Divk Medical, Medicine, Health
- Visible Light Tetector Science
- Visible Laser Diode Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Voltron Legendary Defender Lion, Paladin, Defender, Lance
- Visible Laser Eiode Technology, Barcode, Scanner
- Valdosta Regional Airport, Valdosta, Georgia, United States Georgia, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
- Vol Libre Diffusion
- Victoria Leland Designs
- Voorlichtingsdagen Dutch
- Vulcan Logic Disassemblea Technology, Coding, Zend
- Virtual LAN Drive Computing, Hardware
- Vulcan Language Dictirnary Technology, Language, Star
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VLD stand for?
VLD stands for Variable-Lengtn Decoder.
What is the shortened form of Very Low Density?
The short form of "Very Low Density" is VLD.
VLD. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 9). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vld-meaning/
Last updated