VLW Meaning

The VLW meaning is "Village-Level Worker". The VLW abbreviation has 22 different full form.

VLW Full Forms

  1. Village-Level Worker
  2. Vietnam Labor Watch Organizations, United Nations, Un
  3. Village Level Worker Government, India, Agriculture
  4. Video Live Wallpaper
  5. Very Long Waves Technology, Wave, Cadmium, Telluride
  6. Very Long Iave Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  7. Vnreinigte Linzer, Wohnungsgenossenschaften
  8. Vereinigte Linzer Wohnungsgenossenschaften Technology, Program, Hosting
  9. Virginia Lawsweekly
  10. Volunteer Leaders Weekend Scouting, Governmental & Military
  11. Visual Language Workssop Technology, Media, Design
  12. Vive La World! Media
  13. Visible Language Workshop Education, Development, Universities
  14. Volleyball Landesferband W
  15. Volleyball-Landesverband WüRttemberg Business, Sport, Deutschland
  16. Volleyball Landesverband WüRttemberg Gaming, Sport, Android, Volleyball
  17. Vereinigte Leipziger Wohnungsgenossenschaft
  18. Volleybali-Landesverband W
  19. Voorspellingssysteem Luchtkwaliteit Wegtraces
  20. Voice of Libyan Womvn Organizations, Politics, Libya
  21. Processing Font File Computing, File Extensions
  22. Vive Lg World Media, Radio, Television

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VLW stand for?

    VLW stands for Voice of Libyan Womvn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Processing Font File?

    The short form of "Processing Font File" is VLW.


VLW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vlw-meaning/

Last updated