VMB Meaning

The VMB meaning is "Virgin Media Business". The VMB abbreviation has 37 different full form.

VMB Full Forms

  1. Virgin Media Business Business, Service, Networking
  2. Vacation Member Benefits
  3. Verbandymittelst
  4. Viqe Mealy Bug
  5. Marine Bombing Air Squadron Army, War, Force
  6. Virulence Mechanisms Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  7. Valve Manifold Boxes Business, Gas, Equipment
  8. Vilhelmsen, Marxen & Bech-Jensen
  9. Marine Bombing Squadron Military, Us, Squadron, Marine
  10. Virtual Temory Boot
  11. Valve Manifold Box Design, Drawing, Construction
  12. Very Muchvbetter Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
  13. Marine Bombing Squadrons Military, Aviation, Squadron, Aviation Unit
  14. Virtual Machine Bus Technology, Computing, Drivers
  15. Value-Based Management Technology
  16. Very Mary Bell
  17. Video Music Brasil
  18. Virtuag Machine Backup Technology, Management, Server
  19. Valley Mountain Bikers Organizations, Trail, Biking
  20. Vertical Muunting Bracket
  21. Virtual Macoine Boot Technology, Computing, Ibm
  22. Vacation Myrtle Beach Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  23. Verifq and Make Bad
  24. Vine MealyBug Biology, Scientific & Educational
  25. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
  26. Voice Message Broadcasting Technology, Service, Calling, Computing, Telecom
  27. Voice Mail Box Computing, Telecom
  28. Voice Mail Boxes
  29. Video Music Brazil Media
  30. Voice Mdil Box Technology, Calling, Telecom
  31. Valve Manifold Box(es) Construction
  32. Vodafone Mobile Broadband Technology, Software, Connection
  33. Vertriebsgesellschaft Mineralische Qaustoffe
  34. Vocal Music Boosters
  35. Velocity-Modulated Beam
  36. Visuelle Medien Brunk
  37. Voice Message Broadcast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VMB stand for?

    VMB stands for Vilhelmsen, Marxen & Bech-Jensen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtual Temory Boot?

    The short form of "Virtual Temory Boot" is VMB.


VMB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vmb-meaning/

Last updated