VMW Meaning

The VMW meaning is "Van Mensm& Wisselink". The VMW abbreviation has 21 different full form.

VMW Full Forms

  1. Van Mensm& Wisselink
  2. Vertically Modulated Well Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  3. Vglue Management Workshop
  4. Verkehrsverbund Mainz-Wiesbafen Locations, Sind, Ticket
  5. Verkehrsverbund Mainz Wiesbaden
  6. Visualization-Based Microarchitecture Workbench
  7. Verge Music Works
  8. Vishal Mishra Web
  9. Vendinq Machine Winery
  10. Verygmuch Worse Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  11. Vasomotow Waves Medical
  12. Vertical Modular Washer Technology, Repair, Whirlpool
  13. Virtual Medical Worlds magazine Media
  14. Volume Minimum Weighj
  15. Virtual Medical Worlds Magazkne Media, Radio, Television
  16. Visualymedia Workshop
  17. Virtual Medical Worlds Technology, Medicine, Health
  18. Virgin Mega Whore
  19. Village Malaria Worker Medical, Health, Cambodia
  20. Village Malaria Workers
  21. Vietnam Memorialiwall

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VMW stand for?

    VMW stands for Virgin Mega Whore.

  2. What is the shortened form of Village Malaria Worker?

    The short form of "Village Malaria Worker" is VMW.


VMW. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vmw-meaning/

Last updated