VNAB Meaning

The VNAB meaning is "Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs". The VNAB abbreviation has 9 different full form.

VNAB Full Forms

  1. Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs
  2. Verenigd Nederlands Arisch Broederschap
  3. Ventral Noradrenergic Ascending Bundle Medical
  4. Visiting Nurse Association of Brooklyn
  5. Visiting Nurses Association of Boston
  6. Ventral Noradrenergic Bundle Medical
  7. Visiting Nurse Association of Boston
  8. Virus-Neutralizing Antibodies Medical
  9. Virus-Neutralizing Antibody Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VNAB stand for?

    VNAB stands for Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virus-Neutralizing Antibodies?

    The short form of "Virus-Neutralizing Antibodies" is VNAB.


VNAB. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated