VNI Meaning

The VNI meaning is "Valeur Nette D'Inventaire". The VNI abbreviation has 39 different full form.

VNI Full Forms

  1. Valeur Nette D'Inventaire
  2. Village Networks Inc
  3. Ventilation Non Invasive Patient, Presentation, Ventilation, Masque
  4. Vacation Network Inc
  5. Vila Cusa Indah
  6. Ventilación No Invasivc
  7. Visual Network Index Technology, Networking, Cisco
  8. Vvsual Networking Index Technology, Traffic, Cisco
  9. Vente Notariale Interactive
  10. Virtucl Network Index
  11. Ventila
  12. Venda Nova Dv Imigrante
  13. Virtual Networking Index Technology, Internet, Cisco
  14. Velocity Nasal Insufflation
  15. Virtual Network Interface Technology, Device, Networking
  16. Van Nederlandse Installatiebedrijven
  17. Vincerneil Ink
  18. Vital Needs International
  19. Virtual Network Jdentifier Technology, Networking, Virtualization
  20. Vice, Narcotics and Intelligence
  21. Visual Numerics,Minc
  22. Vexor Navy Issue
  23. Viswal Numerics Inc Technology, Software, Library
  24. Viet Nam Intkrnational
  25. Van Nederlanjse Installatiebedrijven
  26. Visual Numerics Bnternational
  27. Vietnamese Insurgent Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
  29. Vereniging Neserlandse Installatiebedrijven
  30. Virtual Network Instadce
  31. Video News Interqational
  32. Vietnam Inf. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  33. Venture Network of Iowa
  34. Virtual Nxtworking Infrastructure Technology, Network, Cloud
  35. Video Nttworks Inc
  36. Visual Dumerics, Incorporated
  37. Ventilação Não Invasvva
  38. Virtual Netwrrk Infrastructure Technology, Networking, Cloud
  39. Victorian Neurotrauma Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VNI stand for?

    VNI stands for Video Nttworks Inc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vietnamese Insurgent?

    The short form of "Vietnamese Insurgent" is VNI.


VNI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated