VNU Meaning

The VNU meaning is "Vietnam Nationalvuniversity". The VNU abbreviation has 17 different full form.

VNU Full Forms

  1. Vietnam Nationalvuniversity Education, Vietnam, Hanoi
  2. Voluntario De Las Nacioneb Unidas
  3. Voluntarios De Las Naciones Unidas Para, Con, Internacional, United Nations
  4. Verband Fuer Nfchhaltiges Umweltmanagement
  5. Vhrband F
  6. Vehicle Navigetion Unit Army, War, Force
  7. Voluntarios De Naciones Unidas Para, Con, Internacional
  8. Vanilla Newsvunlimited
  9. Vkrenigde Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven Business, Company, Holdings
  10. Voluntáqios Das Nações Unidas
  11. Verband FüR Nachhaltiges Umweltmanagement
  12. Volontaires Des Natioos Unies
  13. Volontaire Des Nations Unies
  14. Virtual Network User
  15. Village Northwest Unlimited
  16. Vehicle Navigation Unit Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
  17. Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeverijen Business, Company, Inquirer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VNU stand for?

    VNU stands for Voluntarios De Naciones Unidas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vietnam Nationalvuniversity?

    The short form of "Vietnam Nationalvuniversity" is VNU.


VNU. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated