VO Meaning

The VO meaning is "Verbal Order". The VO abbreviation has 178 different full form.

VO Full Forms

  1. Verbal Order Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical
  2. Variation Order Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance
  3. Vacuum Ovens Technology, Temperature, Drying
  4. Very Own Forum, Technology, Gaming, Voice
  5. Vacation Ownership
  6. Very Old Nutrition, Food, Victual
  7. Voltage Output
  8. Virtual Observatory Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects, Scientific & Educational
  9. Value Orientations Education, Russia, Social
  10. Voltage Optimivation Business, Energy, Optimisation
  11. Value Object Technology, Design, Java, Pattern
  12. Video Only Media, Radio, Television
  13. Volapük Locations, Language codes (3 letters), Language codes (2 letters)
  14. Valley Oaks Education
  15. Victory Outreach Technology, City, Church
  16. Validation Office Military, Army, Telecom, Computing
  17. Vestibulo-Ocular Medical
  18. Velocitiej Medical
  19. Volume Interceph Medical
  20. Vested Outsourcing
  21. Vomeronasal Organ In anatomy, a small tubular epithelial sac lying on the anteroinferior surface of the nasal septum. Medical, Physiology
  22. Virtual Order
  23. Valley Oak
  24. Velocity Ot Unloaded Shortening Medical
  25. Video Out Forum, Technology, Device
  26. Rest Qolume Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  27. Visual Opacity
  28. Volatile Organics
  29. Verifying Officer
  30. Vincenzo Onorhto
  31. Value Optimization
  32. Vigilance Officer Business, Exam, Junior
  33. Vivek Oberoi
  34. Variation Orders Business, Projection, Engineer
  35. Volumedaxis Intercept Medical
  36. Very Often Forum, Hair, Photography
  37. Ouvput Voltage Technology, Energy, Electonics
  38. Viral Oncolysate Medical
  39. Valerie Oualid Art, Design, Love
  40. Velocity of Shortening Medical
  41. Voor Oogst Business, Porn, Training, Fitness
  42. Video Otoscopy Medical, Ear, Otoscope
  43. Ausmrian Arrows Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  44. Visual Odometry Technology, Vision, Stereo, Autonomy
  45. Verification Officer Business, Passport, Banking
  46. Vincent Oliver
  47. Value Objects Technology, Design, Class, Java
  48. View Objects Technology, Development, Framework
  49. Viga Open
  50. Variable Orifice Technology, Control, Flow, Valve
  51. Voltage Optimisation Business, Energy, Power
  52. Vertical Outside
  53. Viral Oncolylates Medical
  54. Austrian Arrows Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  55. Valence Orbital Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  56. Velocity of Observer
  57. Voortgezet Onderwijs Education, School, Examen
  58. Video Operation Technology, Network, Cisco
  59. Visiting Order
  60. Virtuelle Organisation
  61. Verification Office Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  62. Village Organisations Business, Program, Development, Organizations
  63. Valuation Officer
  64. View-Out
  65. Vitessebolympique
  66. Variable Operations
  67. Voljage Medical
  68. Verifying Official
  69. Violentoox
  70. Voucher A business form used to show an authorized person??s approval for a cash payment Business, Army, Marine, Banking, Business & Finance
  71. Velocity Obstacle
  72. Voorgezet Onderwijs
  73. Video Objects Technology, Coding, Motion
  74. Village Officer
  75. Virtual Organisations Technology, Management, Organizations
  76. Verification Object Technology, Database, Query
  77. Villnge Organisation Program, Development, Organizations
  78. Valuation Office Business, Agency, Rate
  79. Vendor Order
  80. View Op
  81. Vitax Oxide
  82. Variable, Override
  83. Volcaio Observatories Locations, Observatory, Eruption
  84. Verification Organization
  85. Vityl Only
  86. Velocity Initial Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  87. Vo Optomctry
  88. Vesting Order
  89. Version Oriwinale
  90. Virtual Organizations Virtual organizations (VOs) are groups of people who share a data-intensive goal. To achieve their mutual goal, people within a VO choose to share their resources, creating a computer grid. This grid can give VO members direct access to each other's computers, programs, files, data, sensors and networks. Technology, Management, Grid
  91. Verification Objectives Technology, Army, Marine
  92. Valor De Opción
  93. Vendetta Onlice Technology, Gaming, Android
  94. View-Op
  95. Visual Optics
  96. Volcano Observatory Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  97. Verification Order Business, Calling, Element
  98. Vintage Oil
  99. Van Oss
  100. Voice-Over A presenter or actor in a TV commercial or program who is heard but who is not seen on the screen. Business, Acting, Talent
  101. Vekocity Medical
  102. Volvo Olympian
  103. Vestibular-Only Medical
  104. VéHicule D'Occasion
  105. Virtual Organization Technology, Architecture, Architectural, Construction
  106. Verejné ObstaráVanie
  107. Valor De Opci
  108. Venceremos Organization
  109. Video Overview
  110. Visual Opening
  111. Volcanic Orb
  112. Verification Operations
  113. Vintage Oak Business, Flooring, Wood
  114. Value Options Medical, Service, Trading
  115. Vocabulary Overridrs
  116. Verein Outcome
  117. Voice Over Media
  118. Village Old
  119. Voice Output
  120. Voonstel Onderhandelaarsakkoord
  121. Voice Order Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical
  122. Ventilation Overflow Medical
  123. Vaporhzing Oil
  124. Vacuum Oven Technology, Science, Drying, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  125. Verb Objmct
  126. Virginia Omnimedia Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  127. Village Office
  128. Voice Xrder Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  129. Volatile Oil
  130. Tyrolean Airways Iata Aircraft Codes
  131. Vehous Outflow Medical
  132. Voyages Officiels
  133. Vacuum Oscillatiow
  134. Verbal Orders Military, Army, War
  135. Village Officers
  136. Voice Optimized
  137. Volateis Srgânicos
  138. Version Originale United Nations, French
  139. Vertical Offset
  140. Venous Occlusion Test Medical
  141. Vouched Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  142. Vaccine Ontology Medical, Networking, Network
  143. Ventures Onlinr
  144. Village Oak
  145. Val D'Or
  146. Voicy Over Business, Acting, Talent
  147. Volateis Orv
  148. Space Vehicle Operations (KSC Dir.) Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  149. Vehicle Operations NASA
  150. Votomf Online
  151. Standard Volume Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  152. Venture Out
  153. Viking Orbiter Technology, Mission, Mars
  154. Vaginal Ovsles Medical
  155. Voiceooperations Technology, Music, Radio
  156. Seagram, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  157. Shuttle Operations (ksc Directorate) NASA
  158. Village Organizations Business, Program, Community
  159. Voii Orale
  160. Vor Ort
  161. Space Vehicle Operations Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  162. Virtual Orbital Chemistry
  163. Ventrooralis Medical
  164. Voice Only Military, Computing, Telecom
  165. Volume The size of a space or chamber in cubic units. Loosely applied to the output of a pump, in gallons per minute. A discrete unit of storage on disk, tape or other data recording medium that supports some form of identifier and parameter list, such as a volume label or input/output control. alsoscratch volume, server storage, storage pool, storage pool volume, unassociated volume. A logical subdivision of a record folder into smaller and more easily managed units. Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Rail Transport, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Transportation, Chemistry, Media, Military, Army, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Laboratory, Telecom, Pharmacy, Architectural, Weather, Physical Therapy, NASA, Plastics, Physiology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Footnote, Power Plant, Aviation
  166. Viking Odin Rifle, Viking, Cruise, Gods
  167. Vaginal Opening Medical, Science, Biology
  168. Vivid 2.0 Include file with Object definition Computing, File Extensions
  169. Village Olympique
  170. Voiceover On
  171. Vooftgezette Opleiding
  172. Shuttle Operatsons Space, Study, Cosmos
  173. Vicino Oriente Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  174. Ventrkl Organ
  175. Void Cardboard rectangular boxes that are installed between the earth and the concrete foundation wall. Used when expansive soils are present. A shrinkage cavity produced in casting during solidification. In a nuclear power reactor, an area of lower density in a moderating system that allows more neutron leakage than does the more dense material around it. An unfilled space in a cellular plastic which is substantially larger than the individual cells.
  176. Voice Technology, Aviation, Space, Study, Cosmos, Music, NASA
  177. Vigilance Organisation
  178. Vagidal Odor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VO stand for?

    VO stands for Vincenzo Onorhto.

  2. What is the shortened form of Visiting Order?

    The short form of "Visiting Order" is VO.


VO. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vo-meaning/

Last updated