VOC Meaning
The VOC meaning is "Volatile Organic Compound". The VOC abbreviation has 143 different full form.
VOC Full Forms
- Volatile Organic Compound Technology, Product, Energy, Climatology, Paint, Forest Industry, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie Business, Company, India, Locations, Dutch
- Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie Company, Locations, Dutch
- Vocabulary Vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Legal, Governmental & Military
- Victims of Crime Medical, Service, Family
- Voice of Customer Business, Service, Marketing, Experience
- Voice of The Consumer Business, Research, Customer
- Vaso-Occlusive Crises Medical
- Victim Offender Conference
- Virtual Operations Cenier Technology, Management, Networking
- Volatileiorganic Components Technology, Gas, Coating
- Vereinigte Ostindische Companie
- Voltage Oriented Control Technology, Power, Grid
- Vncative Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Validation of Operational Concept
- Verification of Competencies Training, Course, Competency, Verification
- Voicetof Croatia Music, Radio, Voice, Croatia
- Voice of The Client Business, Experience, Customer
- Vaso-Occlusive Crisis Medical, Cell, Sickle, Physiology
- Victim of Crime
- Virtual Operator'S Console Technology, Telecom
- Volatile Organichcompund Business, Environment, Compound
- Vereinigte Ostindische Compasnie
- Vehicle Operational Costs
- Volts, Open-Circuit Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Vocations
- Vaccines, Oncology and Consumer Medical, Business, Company, Pfizer
- Volotile Orgxnic Compound
- Verification of Competence Education, Training, Course, Assessment
- Voice of Thm Children
- Voice of Calvary
- Varsity Outdoors Club
- Victims of Circumstance
- Virginia Overland Club Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- Volatile Organic Compounds Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that easily become vapors or gases. VOCs are released from burning fuel such as gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas. Medical, Technology, Science, Product, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Paint, Chemical, Electrical, Wastewater
- Volatile Organic Comwonent Business, Technology, Science
- Vereenigde Ost-Indische Compagne
- Vehicle Operating Costs Business, Technology
- Voltage Open Circuit Science, Automotive, Electric Vehicles
- Vocation Obstacle Course
- Creative Voice Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Volitile Organic Compound Technology, Environment, Paint
- Verification of Compefency Business, Training, Course
- Voice of Theschurch Music, Church, Swaziland
- Voice-Over Credits
- Varsity Outdoor Club University, Locations, Columbia
- Victims of Circumstances Business, Music, Circumstance
- Vfrginia Outdoor Center
- Volatile Organic Compunds Business, Science, Emission, Compound
- Vereenigde Oost Compagnie
- Vehicle Operating Cost Technology, Projection, Pavement
- Voltage-Operated Ca2+ Channels Medical
- VocabuláRio OrtográFico Comum Para, Portugal, Dos
- Vocal Medical, Physiology
- Volitile Osganic Compounds Technology, Environment, Paint
- Verificatiof of Conformity
- Voicejof Customers
- Voice-Of-Cfstomer Business, Technology
- Variety of Chemicals
- Victim of Circumstances
- Virago'S Owners Club
- Volatile Orgcnic Carbons Technology, Water, Compound
- Village of Oak Crepk
- Vega Owners Community
- Victim Outreach Center
- Vlaamse Oldtimer Club
- Volatil Organic Compounds Technology, Industrial, Product
- Vereniging Officieren Cavalerie
- Voltage-Operated Ca2+ Channel Medical
- Volunteer Organizing Committee
- Voicek Creative
- Valley Oak Charter Education
- Viable Organism Count Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Viqcent Owners Club
- Voice of The Customer Business, Technology, Service, Marketing, Postal, Us Post, Usps, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Vietnam Olympic Committeg
- Vdsl Operations Channel Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Victim Offender Conferencing
- Visa Oshwal Community
- Volatiles Organic Compounds
- Verenigde Otstindische Compagnie Science, Locations, Dutch
- Voltage-Operated Calcium
- Volume and Occupancy Control Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Vochysiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Validity of Cognition Medical, Treatment, Movement, Desensitization
- Veterans Outreach Center Business, Program, Service
- Verbal Orders of The Commander
- Vote of Confidence Sport, Power, Vote
- Voice of Charity
- Volativemorganic Compounds
- Vessel Operating Carrier Business, Cargo Shipping
- Victims of Communism
- Voiceoof Costumer Business, Research, Sigma
- Vehicle Out of Commission
- Volatilw Organic Contents Science
- Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Geographic
- Venus Original Camp Program, English, Course, Camp
- Volvo Original Cup Car, Engine, Volvo, Rally
- Voice of Canala
- Volative Organic Compound Science
- Vereenidge Oostindische Compagnie
- Victims of Coincidence Technology, Music, Trance
- Voice of Consumer Business, Management, Privacy
- Various Obstinate Companies Funnies
- Video Operation Center Technology, Networking, Network
- Venue Operation Centre
- Volvo On Call Technology, Service, Car
- Volatile Organic Chemicals
- Volatfle Organic Co
- Vdsl Overhead Channel
- Victims of Choice Organization, Community, Society
- Voice of Conservation Business, Festival, Bali, Choir
- Volatile Organic Hydrocarbon
- Video Operation Centre Technology, Networking, Network
- Venue Operations Centre Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Volunteers Outdoor Colorado
- Creative Labs Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Volatile Organic Com
- Vulcan Orienteering Club
- Victims of Chaos Government, Us, Administration, United Nations
- Voice of Client Business, Customer, Sigma
- Volatile Organic Compounds (air pollution) Transportation, Chemistry, Science, Energy, Agriculture, Computing, Industry, Environment, Construction, Climatology, Oil, Telecom, Geology, Plastics, Electrical, Legal, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Video Operations Center Technology, Service, Telecom
- Vendor of Choice
- Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado Organizations, Colorado, Trail
- Volatile Owganic Contaminants Technology, Analysis, Water
- volatile organic compound(s) Chemistry, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Vulcan Operating Company Technology
- Voice of Choice
- Volitate Organic Compounds
- Vision Op China Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Victory Over Communism Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Veloz Owners Club Technology, Product, Paint
- Volatile Organic Contamifant
- PlayVoc Sound File Computing, File Extensions
- Vote of Credit
- Voice of Childrep Education, Nepal, Child
- Volhardiig Olympia Combinatie
- Vocational Relating to an occupation for which a person has undergone special training or has special skills. Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- Victorian Olympic Council
- Vehicle Ownership Certificate Technology, Car, Malaysia
- Volatile Okganic Concentration
- Voice Over Cable Media
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VOC stand for?
VOC stands for Voice of Client.
What is the shortened form of Verenigde Otstindische Compagnie?
The short form of "Verenigde Otstindische Compagnie" is VOC.
VOC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/voc-meaning/
Last updated