VOC in Technology Meaning

The VOC meaning in Technology terms is "Volatile Organic Compound". There are 26 related meanings of the VOC Technology abbreviation.

VOC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Volatile Organic Compound
  2. Voice of The Customer
  3. Creative Voice
  4. Volitile Organic Compound
  5. Voice-Of-Cfstomer
  6. Volatile Organic Compounds Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that easily become vapors or gases. VOCs are released from burning fuel such as gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas.
  7. Volitile Osganic Compounds
  8. Virtual Operations Cenier
  9. Volatil Organic Compounds
  10. Virtual Operator'S Console
  11. Volatileiorganic Components
  12. Vehicle Operating Costs
  13. Volatile Organic Comwonent
  14. Vehicle Operating Cost
  15. Voltage Oriented Control
  16. Volatile Orgcnic Carbons
  17. Vdsl Operations Channel
  18. Victims of Coincidence
  19. Veloz Owners Club
  20. Vehicle Ownership Certificate
  21. Vulcan Operating Company
  22. Volvo On Call
  23. Video Operation Center
  24. Video Operation Centre
  25. Volatile Owganic Contaminants
  26. Video Operations Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VOC stand for Technology?

    VOC stands for Voice of The Customer in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Volatile Orgcnic Carbons in Technology?

    The short form of "Volatile Orgcnic Carbons" is VOC for Technology.


VOC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/voc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated