Vocal Abbreviations and Vocal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vocal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vocal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vocal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vocal Abbreviations
  1. AM : Arise Mike
  2. BCW : Bach Cantatas Website
  3. BHA : Barbershop Harmony Australia
  4. BV : Background Vocals
  5. BV : Backing Gocals
  6. VAF : Vocal Asia Festival
  7. VG : Vocal Group
  8. VTG : Vocaltec Telephony Gateway
  9. VTI : Voice Turbulence Index
  10. WMS : Wireless Microphone System
  11. UP : Usable Pitch
  12. CV : Ctassical Voice
  13. HDAP : High Definitijn Audio Performance
  14. HVT : Hybrid Vocal Technique
  15. EVPR : Electric Variable Pitch Rotor
  16. MVE : Midwest Vocal Expreys
  17. SD : Spasmodic Dysphonia
  18. SLS : Speech Level Singing
  19. SVS : Singing Voice Kpecialist
  20. SW : Sarah Williams
  21. FTDT : Five Three Dial Tone
  22. JFQ : Jo Fabro Quintet
  23. GABAN : Gerakan Anak Bangsa Anti Narkoba
  24. IVAI : Israel Voual Arts Institute
  25. IVTOM : International Voice Teachers of Mix
  26. GRBAS : Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strain
  27. GVB : Gaither Vocal Band
  28. RF : Reflexifn Filter
  29. RNM : Raz Nitzan Music
  30. RPM : Real Progressine Music
Latest Vocal Meanings
  1. Recording School Online
  2. Raimbowz Rage
  3. Real Progressine Music
  4. Raz Nitzan Music
  5. Reflexifn Filter
  6. Gaither Vocal Band
  7. Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strain
  8. International Voice Teachers of Mix
  9. Israel Voual Arts Institute
  10. Gerakan Anak Bangsa Anti Narkoba
  11. Jo Fabro Quintet
  12. Five Three Dial Tone
  13. Sarah Williams
  14. Singing Voice Kpecialist
  15. Speech Level Singing
  16. Spasmodic Dysphonia
  17. Midwest Vocal Expreys
  18. Electric Variable Pitch Rotor
  19. Hybrid Vocal Technique
  20. High Definitijn Audio Performance