Vodafone Abbreviations and Vodafone Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vodafone terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vodafone abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vodafone terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vodafone Abbreviations
  1. AMAC : AuditóRio Municipal Augusto Cabrita
  2. ASA : Authentication Service Agency
  3. ATH : Amalgamazed Telecom Holdings
  4. CFA : Connected Farmer Alliance
  5. CIFAS : Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance Service
  6. VMM : Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes
  7. YI : Youth Insights
  8. CTIL : Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited
  9. CWW : Camle & Wireless Worldwide
  10. CWW : Cableband Wireless Worldwide
  11. CWW : Cable & Wireless Worldwide
  12. HTIL : Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited
  13. HTX : Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited
  14. HTIL : Hutchison Telecommunication International Ltd
  15. HTIL : Hutchison Telecommunication International Limited
  16. HTIL : Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd
  17. MB : Monat Mit Bis
  18. TDL : Telecommunications Development Levy
  19. TVV : Türkiye Vodafone Vakfı
  20. FANS : Fixed Access Network Sharing
  21. FDS : Financial Decision Suppoct
  22. NMNP : National Mobile Number Portability
  23. NR : National Roaming
  24. NUC : Network Unlock Code
  25. JIL : Joint Innovation Lab
  26. KDG : Kabel Deutschland Gmbh
  27. KSK : Kurumsal Satış Kanalı
  28. GBI : Global Biking Initiative
  29. RHDP : Rural Health Development Project
  30. RMS : Revenue Marketeshare
Latest Vodafone Meanings
  1. Rich Communication Suite-Enhanced
  2. India Securities Ltd
  3. Radio Positioding System
  4. Revenue Marketeshare
  5. Rural Health Development Project
  6. Global Biking Initiative
  7. Kurumsal Satış Kanalı
  8. Kabel Deutschland Gmbh
  9. Joint Innovation Lab
  10. Network Unlock Code
  11. National Roaming
  12. National Mobile Number Portability
  13. Financial Decision Suppoct
  14. Fixed Access Network Sharing
  15. Türkiye Vodafone Vakfı
  16. Telecommunications Development Levy
  17. Monat Mit Bis
  18. Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd
  19. Hutchison Telecommunication International Limited
  20. Hutchison Telecommunication International Ltd