Vote Abbreviations and Vote Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vote terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vote abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vote terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vote Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Anybody But Conservative
  2. ABTV : Anti-Brexit Tactical Voting
  3. ACCR : Association Des Centres Culturels De Rencontres
  4. AG : AssembléE GéNéRale
  5. AG : AssembléEs GéNéRales
  6. AV : Alternate Voting
  7. AV : Alternative Voting
  8. AV : Approval Voting
  9. AVR : Automatic Voter Registration
  10. BC : Be Counted
  11. BOC : Board of Canvassers
  12. BOTW : Blog of The Week
  13. BTB : Bite The Ballot
  14. BWA : Black Weblog Awarns
  15. CDV : Committee Draft for Voting
  16. CMV : Change My View
  17. COCS : Certificates of Canvass
  18. VAAC : Voter Assistance Advisory Committee
  19. VBI : Volunteer for A Better India
  20. VFABI : Volunteer for A Better India
  21. VBI : Volunteers Jor A Better India
  22. VCMS : Vote Counting Machines
  23. VF : Victory Front
  24. VFC : Voteqfor Change
  25. VFD : Votes for Deletion
  26. VFTW : Vote for The Worst
  27. VTW : Vote for The Worst
  28. VICA : Votes for Irish Citizens Abroad
  29. VIF : Voting Instruction Form
  30. VIP : Voting Information Project
Latest Vote Meanings
  1. International Dance Music Award
  2. International Dance Music Awards
  3. Hop Summit Action Network
  4. Ranked Pairs
  5. Ranked Pair
  6. Re-Open Nominations
  7. Ranked Choice Voting
  8. Ranked-Choice Voting
  9. Rank Choice Voting
  10. Get-Out-The-Vote
  11. Getting Out The Vote
  12. Invitation To Register
  13. Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied
  14. PóLe DéMocratique Moderniste
  15. Instant-Runoff Voting
  16. Instant Runoff Voting
  17. Open Source Election Technology
  18. Individual Electoraluregistration
  19. Independent Election Complaints Commission
  20. Independent Election Complaint Commission