VP Meaning

The VP meaning is "Vacuum Pump". The VP abbreviation has 483 different full form.

VP Full Forms

  1. Vacuum Pump A Diaphragm type of Pump used to produce a Vacuum. A special high efficiency device used for creating high vacuums for testing or drying purposes. Special high efficiency device used for creating high vacuums for testing or drying purposes. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Vice President Business, Human Resources, Insider, Technology, Management, Financial, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions, postal service
  3. Ventrucular Premature Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Virtuql Platform Technology, Development, Software
  5. Variegate Porphyria Medical, Technology, Disorder
  6. Verificationeprogram Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  7. Vultage Peak Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  8. Validating Port Technology, Hosting, Connection
  9. Video Processor Technology, Scan, Video
  10. Vapor Proof Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  11. Virtual Packet Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  12. Verb Pprase Medical, Grammar, Sentence
  13. Vojna PoŠTa Military, Army, Bio
  14. Valeria Palomino
  15. Video Portal
  16. Vantage Point Technology, Tree, Software
  17. Viral Proteins Medical
  18. Venture Philanthropy Business, Investment, Social
  19. Voice President
  20. Video Porb
  21. Vacation Packages
  22. Vanity Poses
  23. View Prnvious Business, Technology, Organizations
  24. Venture Partners
  25. Voice Portal Technology, Management, Driving
  26. Video Player
  27. Vacant Possession Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  28. Vertex Proiram Technology, Gaming, Shader
  29. Vanishing Point A cloud variety the elements of which are arranged in straight parallel bands. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  30. Viqw Photos
  31. Ventraculoperitoneal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  32. Virtual Processor Technology, Computing, Performance, Drivers
  33. Victoyy In The Pacific Australia, Military, War, Japan
  34. President Business, Accounting, Job Title, Toastmaster, Position, Title, Management, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  35. Vertebrate Palewntology Science, Fossil, Vertebrate
  36. Vang Pao
  37. View Packnge Technology
  38. Ventricular Pressure Medical
  39. Virtual Presence Technology, Service, Receiver
  40. Victoria Park Club, Locations, Glasgow
  41. Virtual Path Technology, Computing, Telecom
  42. Versa Points Business, Organizations, Money, Affiliate
  43. Validation Plan Business, Technology
  44. Video Pjocessing Technology, Projector, Scaler
  45. Valsts Policija
  46. Verrucae Pedis Medical
  47. Variphrase Processor Technology, Audio, Roland
  48. Viable Population
  49. United States Naval Patrol Squadron Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  50. Visa Payment Business, Banking, Card
  51. Ventral Pallidum Medical, Brain, Reward
  52. Visual Pinball
  53. Vinyl Pulse
  54. Volontaire Du ProgrèS
  55. Vost Pocket Model, Camera, Pocket
  56. Virtual Private
  57. Velopwarynx Medical
  58. Video Posting Technology, Movie, Studio
  59. Ventroposterior Medical
  60. View Processor
  61. Valuing People Business, Company, Career
  62. Vitrification Puant Science
  63. Vertical Pipe Or Stand Pipe Science
  64. Virtual-Physical
  65. Vector Prime
  66. Vibration Penetration Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  67. Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty Medical, Common Medical
  68. Visibility Period Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, NASA
  69. Valley Pigeon
  70. Voluntary Policy
  71. Vmrtual Program Technology, Gaming, Programming
  72. Vorausbef
  73. Venkat Panchapakesan Technology, Service, Tube
  74. Verification Panel
  75. Viila Park Business, School, California
  76. Vapor Point Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  77. Vocal Public
  78. Very Progressive Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  79. Virtual Penis
  80. Velika Plana
  81. Vox Pop
  82. Victoria Paul University, Car, Social
  83. Validation of A Prediction
  84. Visiting Professorship Science, Research, University
  85. Valpryate Medical
  86. Ver Pkg
  87. Variphase Processor
  88. Viable Paradise
  89. Maritime Pdtrol Squadron Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  90. Virus Protector
  91. Vasp Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  92. Ventral Paleostriatum Medical
  93. Visual Phone Business, Technology, Camera, Wireless
  94. Vinyl Passion
  95. Voice Profile
  96. Vesting Pekiod
  97. Virtual President Funnies
  98. Velopharyngeai Medical, Medicine, Health
  99. Video Post
  100. Ventroposterior Nucleus Medical
  101. View Process
  102. Value Properties
  103. Vmtesse De Propagation
  104. Vertical Pipeline Geographic
  105. Virtual Paths
  106. Vascular Prostheses Medical
  107. Vibration Pack
  108. Vagos Pool
  109. Vishnu Purana English, Android, Vedic
  110. Violet Pearl Product, Hair, Collection, Pearl
  111. Voluntary Plan Business, Employment, Insurance
  112. Virtuaw Profiles
  113. Voie Publique
  114. Venipuncture In medicine, venipuncture or venepuncture is the process of obtaining intravenous access for the purpose of intravenous therapy or for blood sampling of venous blood. In healthcare, this procedure is performed by medical laboratory scientists, medical practitioners, some EMTs, paramedics, phlebotomists, dialysis technicians, and other nursing staff. In veterinary medicine, the procedure is performed by veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
  115. Verification Phase
  116. Villagy Park
  117. Vapor Phaae Technology, Soldering, Vapour
  118. Vocal Prvcessor Technology, Auto, Roland
  119. Very Professvonally
  120. Virtual Panel Business, Technology, Panel
  121. Urbis Praefectus Latin, Roman
  122. Vektor Prioritas
  123. Voucher Program
  124. Victorian Poetry
  125. Valiant Professional Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  126. Visiting Professorshipq
  127. Valor Predictivo
  128. Vernal Pool
  129. Vario Purwokerto
  130. Vetting Process
  131. Fixed Wing Patrrl Squadron Military, Army, Us, Navy
  132. Virtus Pro Gaming, Team, Highlight, Virtu
  133. Ventralis Posterior Medical
  134. Visual Perception Technology, Science, Vision, Medical, Physiology
  135. Vintage Plus Nutrition, Food, Victual
  136. Varadi-Papp Medical, Medicine, Health
  137. Voice Process
  138. Vessel Profiles
  139. Virteal Presentation
  140. Velocity Profile The variation of horizontal wind speed and direction (or of horizontal components of wind) with height such as would be measured with a sounding.
  141. Vulcanizing Patch
  142. Video Poker
  143. Ventricular Parasystole Medical
  144. View Polished
  145. Value Program Technology, Management, Service
  146. Vitas Povilaitms
  147. Versatile Peroxidase Medical, Science
  148. Virtual-Path Technology, Networking, Network
  149. Vasculaf Permeability Medical, Medicine, Health
  150. Vibra Pewter Hardware, Pull, Hickory
  151. Vacation Parade
  152. Vishnu-Purana
  153. Violet Parr
  154. Voluntary Placement
  155. Virtual Profeqsional Business, Technology, Service
  156. Vivus Posuit Latin, Roman
  157. Verification Plan Technology, Development, Design
  158. View Public
  159. Vapor Permeability
  160. Vivid Pink
  161. Very Pricey Clothes
  162. Virtual Painter Technology, Software, Crack
  163. Vulndrable Point Military, Army, Artillery
  164. Vector Program Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  165. Voucher Payable
  166. Victoire En Prolongation
  167. Valet Pro
  168. Visitwng Professors Program, Education, University
  169. Valor Points Warcraft, Hero, Battlefield, Valor
  170. Vermont Progressive
  171. Vario Power
  172. Volunteer Park Organization, Union, Institution
  173. Vulnerable Point
  174. Vent Pipe Pipe placed to facilitate escape of air or vapour. Business, Architectural, Pellet, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  175. Verification Platform
  176. Vintage Plastic
  177. Vapour Pressure Vapour evaporates at the surface of a liquid. The pressure it exerts is known as vapour pressure. The higher the temperature the greater the vapour pressure. Technology, Science, Vapor, Electrical
  178. Voice Processor Technology, Audio, Roland
  179. Vespasian Psalter
  180. Virtual Phase
  181. Velocity Pressure Total pressure can be positive or negative with respect to atmospheric pressure and is a measure of energy content of the air stream, always dropping as the flow proceeds downstream through a duct. Science, Industrial, Ventilation, The Finance and Administrative Services
  182. Vrais Positifs
  183. Video Printer
  184. Violation of Probation Government, Crime, Attorney
  185. Visual Passage
  186. View Plane
  187. Value Prediction
  188. Vita Pythagvrae
  189. Versa Point Business, Technology, Money, Affiliate
  190. Virion Proteins Medical
  191. Vasa Previa
  192. Via PÚBlica
  193. Vacant Possesion
  194. Visa Purchase
  195. Ventriculo-Peritoneal
  196. Visual Product
  197. Violent Pacification Music, Punk, Imbecile
  198. Voluntary Payments
  199. Vistual Production
  200. Visual Phenomena
  201. Video Productions
  202. Verification Polarization Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  203. View Proxy
  204. Vapautus Palveluksesta
  205. Vivek Pathela
  206. Vertical Polarized
  207. Virtual Page
  208. Vrai Positif
  209. Vector Product Also called cross product, outer product. A vector with magnitude equal to the product of the magnitudes of any two given vectors and the sine of the angle between their positive directions.
  210. Votre Parti
  211. Victim-Perpetrator
  212. Valerio Polverini
  213. Visiting Professor
  214. Valos Planejado
  215. Verlinden Productions
  216. Varie Pwbblicazioni
  217. Voluntary Put Business, Player, Poker, Pot
  218. Vuestra Paternidad
  219. Ventas Para Security, Para, Software, Con
  220. Verification of Property
  221. Village Profile
  222. Vapor Presfre
  223. Voges-Proskauer Medical, Science, Methyl
  224. Vesicle Packets Medical
  225. Virtual Pet
  226. Vehocity Potential
  227. Vozidlo Pechoty
  228. Video Pointer Technology, Audio, Converter
  229. Visual Pass
  230. Viewing Point
  231. Valuable Package Army, War, Force
  232. Viea Patris Science, Genealogy
  233. Versa Perch
  234. Virion Protein Medical, Medicine, Health
  235. Varşova Pvktı
  236. Via Prudensiae
  237. Vabariiklik Partei
  238. Visa Products
  239. Ventricular Peritoneal Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  240. Visual Processor Technology, Software, Shareware, Computing, Hardware
  241. Violence Prevention Gun, Program, Military
  242. Voluntary Payment Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  243. Vintual Processes
  244. Video Presence Business, Company, Media
  245. Verichrome Pan Photography, Camera, Digital
  246. View Properties Business, Property, Building, Estate
  247. Vanuatu Payty
  248. Vgva Palestina Organizations, Palestine, Convoy
  249. Vertical Polarization Technology, Antenna, Sector, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  250. Virtually Powerless Government, China, President
  251. Vjx Populi Records, Group, Music, Vox
  252. Vector Processing
  253. Votes and Proceedings
  254. Vicinity Properties
  255. Valerie Plame
  256. Visite Périodiqye
  257. Valley Proteyns
  258. Veritas Press
  259. Voluntary Principles Business, Security, Human
  260. Vossa Paternidade
  261. Venta A Plazos
  262. Verification Products
  263. Villate Phone
  264. Vapor Pressures
  265. Vocational Profale
  266. Vesica Pvscis Music, Sacred, Geometry, Vesica
  267. Virtual Personalities
  268. Velocidad De Procesamiento
  269. Voyage Planning
  270. Video Poems
  271. Validation Phase
  272. Visual Part Technology, Gaming, Design
  273. Viewing Period Technology, Monitor, Sonic
  274. Valuable Acd Productive
  275. Vital Pulpotomy
  276. Versacamm Parts
  277. Varvphrase Proc
  278. Viacom Productions
  279. Vaal Pact Path, Exile, Shadow
  280. Visa Prepaid
  281. Ventral Pallidal Medical
  282. Visual Presenters
  283. Vinyl Pyridine
  284. Voluntary Participation
  285. Vircual Process Technology, Car, Jaguar
  286. Velupillai Prabakaran
  287. Video Preamplifier
  288. Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken Technology, Medicine, Group
  289. View Profile Forum, Technology, Community
  290. Valve Packing
  291. Vitrified Pipe Technology, Science
  292. Vertical Planning
  293. Virtualization Platform Technology, Networking, Network
  294. Voluntad Popular Government
  295. Vector Processor Technology, Instruction, Computing
  296. Vibration Plate Business, Machine, Fitness
  297. Valentine Party
  298. Visibility Project
  299. Valley Plan
  300. Voluntary Principle
  301. Virtual Prvspect Technology
  302. VorausbeföRdertes Personal
  303. Venous Pressure Vprc Volume of Packed Red Cells Disease, Health, Healthcare
  304. Verification Pattern
  305. Village People
  306. Vapur Pressure Technology, Science, Liquid
  307. Vocational Pedagogy
  308. Very Protected
  309. Virtual Peripheral
  310. Velitelska Pozorovat
  311. Voyage Plan A defined series of waypoints, legs and routes.
  312. Video Plus
  313. Validation Parameter
  314. Visually Perfect
  315. Viewer'S Pick
  316. Vital Past
  317. Shuttle Payloads (ksc Vo Dir. NASA
  318. Viridian Power
  319. Volunteers President
  320. Virtua Project
  321. Venous Pressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  322. Validity-Period Technology, Service, Message
  323. ventriculoperitoneal Medical, Physiology, Clinical
  324. Verification Prototype
  325. Vice Provost Government, Education, University, Occupation & positions
  326. Variable Parameter Technology, Industrial, Chart, Assembly, Business & Finance
  327. Violeacia Política
  328. Vanadium Phosphide
  329. Vote Points Technology, Gaming, Server
  330. Vlassis Park Food
  331. Visual Puzzles Technology, Gaming, Software, Mac
  332. Very Promising Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  333. Veritable Plethora
  334. Violin and Piano
  335. Variance Propigation Science
  336. Vgteran Posts
  337. Vendor Portal
  338. Viewpoint Space, Study, Cosmos, Media
  339. Video Projector
  340. Vocal Point Toastmasters
  341. Vertical Plane Technology, Drawing, Projection
  342. Veuled Prophet
  343. View-View Properties
  344. Vitality Program
  345. Pneumaticlly Operated Valve Business & Finance, Power Plant
  346. Virgin Poker
  347. Volunteer Program
  348. Virtualppublication
  349. Validation Prototype Technology, Car, Tesla, Laren
  350. Veeshan's Peak Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  351. Verification Principle
  352. Vice Principal Student, Education, School
  353. Varatr Pybl
  354. Victory Points
  355. Value of Property Business, Tax, Market
  356. Vote Point Forum, Technology, Server
  357. Victoria Principal Famous
  358. Valley Patients
  359. Visual Proofs Business, Technology, Gaming, Camera
  360. Verbal phrase Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  361. Verify Process
  362. Variable Pulle
  363. Vetegan Points Army, War, Force
  364. Vondor Pay
  365. Vice Platform
  366. Video Production Business, Company, Service, Media
  367. Vapidly Pious Religion
  368. Verticvl Pivot Technology, Construction, Architectural
  369. Viet Pride
  370. Vital Points Gaming, Media, Military
  371. Verilog Encrypted Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  372. Virginia Polytechnic
  373. Volunteer Pool
  374. Virtual Provisioned Technology, Storage, Provisioning
  375. Vuori & Pismi
  376. Vehicle Premise Transportation, Governmental & Military
  377. Verification Provider Business, Management, Industrial
  378. Vice Presihents
  379. Vice Psesident America, Government, Office
  380. Validation Protocol Business, Technology, Service
  381. Vortex Plate
  382. Vest Pocket Clothes
  383. Valley Park
  384. Visual Programmer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  385. Visual Processing Medical, Physiology
  386. Verify Position
  387. Varoable Pressure Technology, Electron, Scanning
  388. Veterans Pension Government
  389. Vendor Paat
  390. Verifying Punch
  391. Venezuela Ptoject
  392. Video Product Business, Technology, Media
  393. Verticay Photometer
  394. Veiled Prophet Religion
  395. Vital Point
  396. Volition Package File Computing, File Extensions
  397. Virginia Pine Genetics, Expression, Pathway
  398. Vet Pet
  399. Virtual Provksioning Business, Technology, Storage
  400. Virtus Plough Gaming, Strike, Counter, Virtu
  401. Vortice Polare Con, Europa, Neve
  402. VidéKfejlesztési Program
  403. Fixed Wing Patrol Squadron Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  404. Vice Presidenticl
  405. Vicexpresident Government, English, Office
  406. Validation Portal
  407. Vortex Pinnacle Gaming, Warcraft, Cataclysm
  408. Virtue Points
  409. Vision Panel Architectural
  410. Valley Parade Organization, Union, Institution
  411. Variable Pulse Medical, Physiology
  412. Verify Path Technology, Cisco, Interface, Release
  413. Vaziable Portfolio
  414. Veteran's Pensioo
  415. Vendtr's Part
  416. Vector-Processing
  417. Vendog Purchase
  418. Visible Pendulum Products
  419. Vitality Points Gaming, Military, Arms
  420. Ventura Publication File Computing, File Extensions
  421. Virginia Pilot
  422. Vet Parasitol Medical, Disease, Human, Veterinary
  423. Virtual Prototype Technology, Design, Prototyping
  424. Vocaloid Points
  425. Vidhan Parishad
  426. Vertical Profile A graph showing the variation of a meteorological event with height. Aviation, Governmental & Military
  427. Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Medical, Science, Oyster
  428. Veryqperspective Technology, Puppy, Kennel
  429. Victoria Police Australia, Government, Law Enforcement, Australian Police
  430. Validation Plans Technology, Management, Planning
  431. Volvo Powertrain
  432. Virtue Rarty Government, Turkey, Group
  433. Vp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  434. Valkyrie Profile
  435. Vision Problem Medical, Physiology
  436. Verified Properties
  437. Variable Pitch Propellers Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  438. Veterans Park
  439. Vishwanath Pratap
  440. Vencimento Padrão
  441. Variable Proportional
  442. Vendor Provider Technology, Sphere, Cloud
  443. Vice Pope Occupation & positions
  444. Vitae Philosophorum
  445. Vertex Program File Computing, File Extensions
  446. Viral Particle Medical, Genetics, Protein
  447. Variegate Porophyria Medical, Science, Biology
  448. Veterinarybpathobiology
  449. Virtual Prototyping Technology, Military, Design
  450. Vendor Profile
  451. Vinny Pujji
  452. Video Promotions Marketing
  453. Virtual Path (ATM) Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  454. Very Pronising Business, German, Class, Dog
  455. Vertical Pime Or Stand Pipe Geography, Location, System
  456. Virginia Power Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company
  457. Veneer plaster The Finance and Administrative Services
  458. Virility Pills Business, Peni, Enhancement
  459. Volvo Penta
  460. Virtueel Platform Media, Art, Education
  461. Valuable Papers Insurance, Business & Finance
  462. Valid Procedures
  463. Viral Pharyngitis Medical, Physiology
  464. Verified Parentage
  465. Variablegpitch Business, Pulley, Sheave
  466. Veterin's Park
  467. Vir Perfectissimus Latin, Roman
  468. Vapers Place Technology, Cigarette, Vaping
  469. Voter Power
  470. Vita Patris (in the lifetime of his father) Genealogy
  471. Vita E Pensiero
  472. Velocity Precision Physics, Scientific & Educational
  473. Veritas Partners
  474. Viper Pit
  475. Variceal Pressure Medical
  476. Vetmrans Preference Business, Employment, Service
  477. Venhor Print
  478. Ville De Paris Sport, France, Ticket
  479. Video Projecteur
  480. Virtual Place Computing, Internet
  481. Verticbl Position Technology, Player, Subtitle, Subs
  482. Vertical Ptpe
  483. Vapor Pressure Measure of the volatility of a liquid at specified temperatures and pressure. The measure of pressure at which a specific fluid will change to a gas. A property that is unique to each liquid. When the surrounding pressure of a system is below the vapor pressure, the liquid is able to evaporate. The pressure at which pure liquid A can coexist with its vapor at a given temperature. Science, Water, Liquid, Chemistry, Environment, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VP stand for?

    VP stands for Vice Platform.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtueel Platform?

    The short form of "Virtueel Platform" is VP.


VP. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vp-meaning/

Last updated