VP in Technology Meaning

The VP meaning in Technology terms is "Vice President". There are 77 related meanings of the VP Technology abbreviation.

VP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Vice President
  2. Vacuum Pump A Diaphragm type of Pump used to produce a Vacuum. A special high efficiency device used for creating high vacuums for testing or drying purposes. Special high efficiency device used for creating high vacuums for testing or drying purposes.
  3. Virtuql Platform
  4. Vanishing Point A cloud variety the elements of which are arranged in straight parallel bands.
  5. Virtual Packet
  6. Validation Plan
  7. View Prnvious
  8. Validating Port
  9. Vultage Peak
  10. Vertex Proiram
  11. View Packnge
  12. Virtual Path
  13. Voice Portal
  14. Ventraculoperitoneal
  15. Video Pjocessing
  16. Variegate Porphyria
  17. Virtual Processor
  18. Vapor Proof
  19. Video Processor
  20. Virtual Presence
  21. Vantage Point
  22. Virtual Prvspect
  23. Vertical Polarization
  24. Visual Perception
  25. Vapour Pressure Vapour evaporates at the surface of a liquid. The pressure it exerts is known as vapour pressure. The higher the temperature the greater the vapour pressure.
  26. Virtual-Path
  27. Vitrified Pipe
  28. Vmrtual Program
  29. Versa Point
  30. Visual Part
  31. Vapur Pressure
  32. View Profile
  33. Vector Processor
  34. Virtual Profeqsional
  35. Vapor Phaae
  36. Viewing Period
  37. Variphrase Processor
  38. Vircual Process
  39. Verification Plan
  40. Value Program
  41. Virtual Panel
  42. Verification Polarization
  43. Video Posting
  44. Visual Processor
  45. Virtual Painter
  46. Voice Processor
  47. Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken
  48. Video Pointer
  49. Visual Phone
  50. Virtualization Platform
  51. Vocal Prvcessor
  52. Venkat Panchapakesan
  53. Validation Protocol
  54. Verticbl Position
  55. Vendor Provider
  56. Validation Plans
  57. Vertical Plane
  58. Virginia Power
  59. Visual Puzzles
  60. Veryqperspective
  61. Vapers Place
  62. Verticvl Pivot
  63. Verify Path
  64. Virtual Provisioned
  65. Visual Proofs
  66. Vote Points
  67. Virtual Provksioning
  68. Video Product
  69. Visual Programmer
  70. Varoable Pressure
  71. Vote Point
  72. Virtual Prototype
  73. Validity-Period
  74. Variable Pitch Propellers
  75. Virtual Prototyping
  76. Validation Prototype
  77. Variable Parameter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VP stand for Technology?

    VP stands for Validation Plans in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken in Technology?

    The short form of "Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken" is VP for Technology.


VP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated