VPB Meaning

The VPB meaning is "Ventricular Premature Beats". The VPB abbreviation has 30 different full form.

VPB Full Forms

  1. Ventricular Premature Beats Medical, Treatment, Heart, Clinical
  2. Ventricular Premature Beat Medical, Medicine, Heart, Physiology, Common Medical
  3. Vancouver Park Board
  4. Veterinary Pathology and Bacteriology
  5. Valstybinis Patentu Biuras
  6. Veteran Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  7. Vacuum Power Booster Military
  8. Vermont Pub and Brewery
  9. Video Paper Builder
  10. Naval Patrol Bombing Squadron Army, War, Force
  11. Vermont Pub & Brewery
  12. Vole Papillon Bleu
  13. Vapor Phase Bioreactor
  14. Version Planning Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  15. Vanderbilt Programming Board
  16. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals
  17. Virtual Pedal Board
  18. Volume Parameter Block Technology, Driving, Device, Driver
  19. Virginia Parole Board
  20. Volkl Power Bridge
  21. Vinblastine, Platinol, Bleomycin Medical, Technology
  22. Visitor Player Box Technology, Management, Gaming
  23. Viscous Pressure Bulge
  24. Virgo Purple Book Legal, Governmental & Military
  25. Virtual Pull Buoy
  26. Virtual Power Back-Up Technology, Server, Machine, Computing, Hardware
  27. Vietnamese Patrol Boat
  28. Virtually Pivoted Beam
  29. Virtual Pilot Broadcasting Media, Radio, Television
  30. Value Prediction Buffer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VPB stand for?

    VPB stands for Virtually Pivoted Beam.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ventricular Premature Beats?

    The short form of "Ventricular Premature Beats" is VPB.


VPB. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vpb-meaning/

Last updated