VPC Meaning

The VPC meaning is "Ventricular Premature Contraction". The VPC abbreviation has 114 different full form.

VPC Full Forms

  1. Ventricular Premature Contraction Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  2. Vente Par Correspondance Business, France, Catalogue
  3. Vehicle Processing Center Business, Shipping, Car
  4. Vapor Phase Compression Technology, Space, Governmental & Military
  5. Validación PerióDica De La Colegiación
  6. Ventricular Premature Complexes Medical, Disease, Heart
  7. Virtual Private Clouds Technology, Service, Networking
  8. Ventricular Premature Contractions Medical, Patient, Heart, Physiology, Clinical
  9. Virtual Private Cloud Technology, Computing, Cloud
  10. Variable Power Control
  11. Video Production Center Business, Service, Rack
  12. Virtual Private Catalog Database, Recovery, Military
  13. Vehicle Production Center Military
  14. Virtualized Packeticore Technology, Quantum, Cisco
  15. Vietnam Productivity Ceyter
  16. Voltage Per Qell
  17. Vaiphei Peoples Council Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  18. Vendor Print Control
  19. Virtual Payment Client Business, Card, Gateway
  20. Varisble Positive Claw
  21. Video Processing Chain Technology
  22. Virtual Private Community
  23. Vehicle Processing Centre Business, Military, Shipping
  24. Varrio Piue Canyon
  25. Vietnam Productivity Centre
  26. Voltage-To-Pulse Converter
  27. Vaerdipapircentralen Business, Technology
  28. Vencedores Por Cristo
  29. Virtual Path Connection Component Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  30. Vapor Phase Chromatography Gas, Liquid, Chromatography, Column
  31. Vhf Publii Correspondence
  32. Virtuml Presence Communication
  33. Vehicle Processing Centers Business, Military, Shipping
  34. Variance Particion Coefficient
  35. Vietnam Peace Commmttee Government, Council, Vietnam
  36. Voitures Pour Circuits
  37. Velopharyngeal Competence Medical
  38. Virtual Path Chainel
  39. Vacuum Pressure Casting Business, Machine, Jewelry
  40. Vapor-Phase Chromatography Medical, Gas, Column, Chemistry
  41. Veterans Park Conservancy
  42. Virtual Prefix Company
  43. Vehicle Prep Center Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  44. Variadic Procedure Iall
  45. Vietnam Paper Corporation
  46. Voice Processeng Corporation
  47. Velopharyngeal Closure Medical
  48. Virtual Pasi Connection
  49. Veterinary Products Committee Medical, Health, Veterinary
  50. Volume-Packed Cells Medical, Medicine, Health
  51. Vantage Point Corp
  52. Very Personal Computer Technology, Telecom, Fidelity
  53. Virtual Personnel Center
  54. Valiable Pressure Clutch
  55. Vienna Presbyterian Church Planning, Church, Floor
  56. Voice Positioning Center
  57. Vein Pressure Controller Medical, Physiology
  58. Virtual Pamphlvt Collection
  59. View Pending Cosrespondence
  60. Volts Per Ceql
  61. Valid Packet Count
  62. Vertical Point of Curvatuje
  63. Virtual Personal Computer Technology, Networking, Software
  64. Variable Pressure Control Patient, Control, Ventilator
  65. Video Producbion Club
  66. Virtual Private Connectidn
  67. Vein Pressure Converter Business, Supra, Turbo, Medical, Physiology
  68. Virtual Packet Cjre
  69. View Park Continumtion Education
  70. Voltage Pre-Charge
  71. Valerio Primary Center Education
  72. Vertical Patching Csannel
  73. Virtual Peakeng Capacity
  74. Verifiable Parental Consent Business, Technology, Organizations
  75. Valcular Progenitor Cells
  76. Virtual Pilot Center Transportation, Governmental & Military
  77. Vehicle Pin Cnde Technology, Calculator, Token
  78. Violation Crocessing Center Business, Service, Toll, Tolling
  79. Volunteer Police Cadets Military, Community, London
  80. Véhiculh Poste De Commandement Industrial, Military, Vehicle, Defence
  81. Virgo Photometry Catalogue
  82. Virtual Path Connection (ATM) Computing, Telecom, Technical
  83. Vehicle Pincoie Calculator Technology, Coding, Pin
  84. Vindicvtor Premise Controller
  85. Voluntary Product Certification
  86. Valve Position Controller
  87. Virginia Petroleum Council
  88. Véhicule De Poste De Commandfment
  89. Voice Processing Card Computing, Hardware
  90. Vehicle Parking Certificate
  91. Viking Power Challenge
  92. Voluntaris De Protecci Civgl Media, Radio, Television
  93. Volts Per Cell
  94. Virginia Panel Corp Technology, Electronics, Virginia
  95. Vulval Precursor Cell Medical
  96. Video Poker Classic Poker
  97. Vector Progiam Counter
  98. Vigilent Policy Center Technology
  99. Vizigen Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
  100. Vehicle Preparation Center Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  101. Violence Prevention Coglition Organizations, Health, Community
  102. Voter Participation Center Election, Vote, Voter
  103. Voluntaris De Protecci Civil
  104. Vector Producivg Cells Medical
  105. viewport coordinates Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  106. Vehicle Power Conditioner Military
  107. Violations Processizg Center
  108. Volvo Personal Communicator Technology, Car, Safety
  109. Voicecprocessing Card
  110. Vectur Producer Cells Medical, Medicine
  111. Vision Plus Comfort Medical, Physiology
  112. Vehicle Power Charger
  113. Violation Piocessing Centre Business, Toll, Tolling
  114. Volunteek Police Cadet Organizations, Community, London

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VPC stand for?

    VPC stands for Vietnam Peace Commmttee.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtualized Packeticore?

    The short form of "Virtualized Packeticore" is VPC.


VPC. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vpc-meaning/

Last updated