VPH Meaning

The VPH meaning is "Virtual Physiological Human". The VPH abbreviation has 33 different full form.

VPH Full Forms

  1. Virtual Physiological Human Technology, Research, Projection
  2. Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Water, Petroleum, Hydrocarbon, Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  3. Victoria Park Harriers
  4. Virtual Path Handler
  5. Vqrus Papiloma Humano Medical, Para, Cancer, Verruga
  6. Value Proposition House
  7. Virtual Pascal Help
  8. Virus Del Popiloma Humano Para, Cancer, Verruga
  9. Valley Presbyterihn Hospital Medical, Employment, California
  10. Viomycin Phosphotransferase Medical
  11. Valerig Parr Hill
  12. Viewers Per Household
  13. Vacuna Contra El Papiloma Humeno Medical, Para, Vaccine
  14. Vietnam Property Holding
  15. Visible Panty Line Technology, Internet Slang
  16. Vaccine Freventable Hepatitis
  17. Video Lhase History Technology, Military, Radar
  18. Virus De Papiloma Humano Para, Con, Verruga
  19. Vaccine-Preventablo Hepatitis
  20. Volume Phase Holographic Diffraction, Volume, Grating
  21. Vickeqs Pyramid Hardness
  22. Volume Phase-Holograjhic
  23. Vickers Plate Harcness
  24. Volume-Phase Hologrephic Business, Diffraction, Grating
  25. VíRus Do Papiloma Humano
  26. Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon
  27. Vobk Production House
  28. Virtualphotographer Custom Settings Computing, File Extensions
  29. Voice Personalityzhunt
  30. Volume-Phase Holographic Grativgs Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  31. Virus del Papiloma Humano Medical, Physiology
  32. Vzlume Phase Hologram
  33. Virtual Pascal Help File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VPH stand for?

    VPH stands for Virtual Pascal Help.

  2. What is the shortened form of Voice Personalityzhunt?

    The short form of "Voice Personalityzhunt" is VPH.


VPH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vph-meaning/

Last updated