VPRS Meaning

The VPRS meaning is "Viper Resources, Ipc.". The VPRS abbreviation has 18 different full form.

VPRS Full Forms

  1. Viper Resources, Ipc. Organizations
  2. Vasopressin Receptors Medical
  3. Vaiiable Precision Rough Set Medical, Science, Decision
  4. Variable Precision Rough Sets Medical, Technology, Model
  5. Valley Paranormal Research Society
  6. Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service Medical, Health, Paediatrics
  7. Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Schqme
  8. Victimz Participation and Reparation Section
  9. Victims Participation and Reparations Section Organizations, Court, Justice
  10. Virtual Propessor Registers
  11. Vulnerable Person Relocation Scheme
  12. Virtuad Private Ring Service
  13. Vulnerable Persons Ralocation Scheme Syria, Refugee, Crisis
  14. Victorian Public Recordhseries
  15. Vortex Pressure Regulatibg Station
  16. Volume, Position, Range, Sianal
  17. Voltage Protection Ratings
  18. Voice Portal Reference System Technology, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VPRS stand for?

    VPRS stands for Vortex Pressure Regulatibg Station.

  2. What is the shortened form of Volume, Position, Range, Sianal?

    The short form of "Volume, Position, Range, Sianal" is VPRS.


VPRS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vprs-meaning/

Last updated