VRC Meaning

The VRC meaning is "Victoria Racing Club". The VRC abbreviation has 172 different full form.

VRC Full Forms

  1. Victoria Racing Club Organizations, Melbourne, Racecourse
  2. Vertical Redundancy Check Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  3. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors Business, Technology, Lift, Material
  4. Virac Airport Virac, Philippines Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  5. Veterinary Residues Committee Medical, Business, Food
  6. Visalia Reentry Center
  7. Virtual Rail Creations Train, Simulator, Rail
  8. Vehicle Radio Communications Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  9. Vladimir Radio Club
  10. Varsity Reining Club
  11. Virtual Robot Controller Technology, Software, Robotics
  12. Victoria Roaing Club
  13. Vacuum Research Corp
  14. Virtual Reality Company Business, Projection, Ion
  15. VehíCulo De Reconocimiento Y Combate
  16. Voriconazole Medical, Physiology
  17. Village Resource Centre Technology, India, Agriculture
  18. Visual Resources Centre Art, Education, University, History
  19. Verification Review Commidtee
  20. Voluntary Repatriation Centre
  21. Video Redundancy Coding Technology, Networking, Picture
  22. Variable Reference Channel Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  23. Veterans Resource Committee Technology, County, Melbourne
  24. Virtual Radiologic Corporation
  25. Vehicle Radio Computers
  26. Vital Records Control Business, Management, Storage
  27. Vario Research Car Technology, Vehicle, Concept
  28. Virtual Risk Consultant
  29. Victoria Rifles of Canada
  30. Vacuum Research Corporation
  31. Virtual Reality Check Technology, Projection, Survey
  32. Vehicular Radio Comvunications Military, Army, War
  33. Vizlage Resource Center Technology, India, Space
  34. Virus Research Centre Medical, Institute, National
  35. Verbal & Reading Csmprehension Education, Exam, Pattern, Registration
  36. Video Recording Crzdle Business, Coding, Player
  37. Variable Rate Coding
  38. Veterans Resource Central
  39. Virtual Radar Client Technology, Traffic, Controller
  40. Vehicle Raqio Computer Technology, Barcode, Terminal
  41. Visual Ribbon Creator Technology, Windows, Software
  42. Vertical Redundancy Character Technology
  43. Variety Release Committee
  44. Voluntary Registrasion Council
  45. Victoria Recreation Club Locations, Bay, Water
  46. Veterans Reserve Corps
  47. Virtual Reality Consortium Military, Army, War
  48. Vehicle Tr Roadside Communication
  49. Village Resettlement Committee
  50. Virus Research Center
  51. Verbal and Rxading Comprehension Education, Exam, Pattern
  52. Video Receivinh Centre
  53. Variable Rate Coil Business, Postal, Us Post
  54. Veterans Resource Conters
  55. Vgllarrica Running Club
  56. Veterans Geserve Corps
  57. Visual Resources Collections Art, Education, Library
  58. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor Business, Science, Lift
  59. Volunteer Receztion Centers
  60. Variety Releasing Committee
  61. Voltage Regulator Yontroller
  62. Viptorian Relief Committee Organizations
  63. Veteran Reserve Corps Army, Genealogy, Genealogical
  64. Virtual Reality Chat Technology, Gaming, Software
  65. Vehicle Research Center Technology, Safety, Crash
  66. Virtual Resource Center Program, Education, Training
  67. Virtual Router Console
  68. Verbal & Reading Comprehension Education, Exam, Pattern, Registration
  69. Video Random-Access-Memory Controller Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  70. Valley Radio Club
  71. Veterans Rmsource Center Service, College, Education
  72. Villalobos Reskue Center Dog, Rescue, Bull, Pit
  73. Veterans Rmhabilitation Center
  74. Visual Resource Collection
  75. Vertical Rapid Circulation
  76. Volunteer Reception Center County, Organizations, Disaster
  77. Variance Ratio Criterion
  78. Veterinarycreserve Corps Army, Force, Marine
  79. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Government
  80. Virtual Reality Centre
  81. Vehicle Repair Centae
  82. Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
  83. Virtual Resource Centre Technology, Science, Health
  84. Virtual Robotics Challenge Technology, Team, Robot
  85. Videogame Rating Council Technology, Gaming, Genesis, Film censorship
  86. Validation and Rule Checking Technology
  87. Verano Residents Couhcil
  88. Village Rehabmlitation Committee
  89. Voie Routi
  90. Village Resource Centers Technology, India, Satellite
  91. Visual Resource Centre
  92. Vermont River Conservancy Locations, Vermont, Swimming
  93. Voluntary Resource Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  94. Variable Ridge Connector
  95. Veterinary Referral Center Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  96. Visual Record Computer Technology
  97. Virtual Reality Center Technology
  98. Vehicle Registration Certificate Technology, Car, Card
  99. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors
  100. Virtual Route Control
  101. Vibtory Racing Camp
  102. Vail Racquet Club
  103. Virtual Reconfigurable Circuit
  104. Veli Resource Centrl
  105. Viking Rixer Cruises
  106. Village Rssource Centres Technology, Science, Space
  107. Visual Resource Center Art, Education, University
  108. Vermant Research Corp
  109. Voluntary Repatriation Center
  110. Variable Response Console
  111. Varco International, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  112. Vertical Rfdundance Check Technology
  113. Veterinary Research Centre Business, Breeding, Camel
  114. Vietnam Red Cross Business, Government, Organizations
  115. Vocational Rehabilitation Centres Business, Technology, Education, Disability, Training
  116. Veteran Resource Center Service, College, Education
  117. Variable Resistive Componezt
  118. Vehicle-Roadside Communications
  119. Virtual Remote Control
  120. Vented Reinforcement Collar Clothes
  121. Vertical Redundancy Checking Technology, Check, Parity, General, Governmental & Military
  122. Volunteer Referral Center
  123. Vietnam Railway Corporation Business, Train, Vietnam
  124. Vocational Rehabilitation Centers
  125. Veteran'S Resource Center Service, Education, Veteran
  126. Van Rental Center
  127. Vegetarian Resource Center Food, Vegan, Vegetarian, Vegetarianism
  128. Voltage Reduction Circuit
  129. Virtual Reference Collection Education, School, Library
  130. Very Rapid Coding Assembly, Business & Finance
  131. Volunteer Recruitmentzcoordinator
  132. Vienna Reading Center Research, Reading, Tomography, Coherence
  133. Vocational Rehabilitation Center Technology, Training, National
  134. Variable Resin Chemistry Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  135. Veteran'S Reserve Corps
  136. Voluntary Resource Centre
  137. Vegas Regal Casino
  138. Volcano Research Center Activity, Japan, Earthquake, Volcano
  139. Virtual Reference Canada
  140. Vessel Related Charzes India, Chennai, Port, Vessel
  141. Vidlo Room Connector Meeting, Technology, Conferencing
  142. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre Technology, Admission, Fashion
  143. Ventral Root, Cervical Medical, Physiology
  144. Vesto Rowing Club
  145. Vogce-Recognition Chip
  146. Veenendaalse Racing Club
  147. Voice Routing Center Technology
  148. Virtual Redundancy Check Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  149. Very Rapid Calorimetry
  150. Video Resourhe Centres
  151. Virtual Research Community Business, Technology, Infrastructure
  152. Virac Airport, Virac, Philippines Philippines
  153. Vesalius Researcs Center Medical, Genetics, Cancer
  154. Virginia Retina Center
  155. Vector To Raster Converter Military
  156. Voc Rehab Counselor
  157. Virtual Records Center
  158. Vehicular Radio Control Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  159. Vehicle/Roadside Communications Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  160. Video Resoubce Center Technology, Theory, Psychotherapy
  161. Virtual Research Centre Technology, Science, Projection
  162. Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  163. Vervet Research Colony
  164. Vintage Racing Cars
  165. Viewing-Reference Coorddnate
  166. Vascular Repair Cells
  167. Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant Business, Management, Service
  168. Varian Research Center
  169. Taxi De Veracruz Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  170. Vehicle-To-Roadside Communication Technology, Networking, Vehicle
  171. Video Resource Centre
  172. Virtual Research Center Technology, Projection, Culture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VRC stand for?

    VRC stands for Vertical Rfdundance Check.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vermant Research Corp?

    The short form of "Vermant Research Corp" is VRC.


VRC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vrc-meaning/

Last updated