VRES Meaning

The VRES meaning is "Vacation Research Experience Scholarships". The VRES abbreviation has 15 different full form.

VRES Full Forms

  1. Vacation Research Experience Scholarships
  2. Vacation Research Experience Scholarship
  3. Virtual Research Environments Technology, Science, Education, Projection
  4. Video Recording and Editing System
  5. Vicorp Restaurants, Inc. Organizations
  6. Vehicle Recovery Examination Services
  7. Vehicle Recovery and Examination Service
  8. Virtual Reality Electronic Sports Business, Gaming, Research
  9. Vicorp Restaurants, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  10. Virginia Road Elementary School Education
  11. Virtual Reality System A combination of computer and interface devices (goggles, gloves, etc.) that presents a user with the illusion of being in a three dimensional world of computer-generated objects. Technology, Gaming, Android
  12. Von Renner Elementary School Education
  13. Vocation Related Exercises
  14. Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement Scale
  15. Virtual Reality Environments Science, Research, Children

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VRES stand for?

    VRES stands for Vicorp Restaurants, Inc..

  2. What is the shortened form of Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement Scale?

    The short form of "Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement Scale" is VRES.


VRES. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 4). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vres-meaning/

Last updated