VSD Meaning

The VSD meaning is "Ventricular Setpal Defect". The VSD abbreviation has 121 different full form.

VSD Full Forms

  1. Ventricular Setpal Defect
  2. Ventricular Septal Defects Medical, Treatment, Heart, Surgery
  3. Ventricular Septal Defect Medical, Disorder, Cardiology, Technology, Nursing, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Clinical
  4. Variable Speed Drive A variable speed drive is a piece of equipment that regulates the speed and rotational force, or torque output, of an electric motor. The background and technology. There are millions of motors in use in industry and offices around the world. Technology, Control, Architectural, Architecture, Construction, Electrical, Products
  5. Variable Speed Drives A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is used to control the speed of an electric motor. For an AC motor, this is done with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). For a DC motor, a DC Motor Drive is used to regulate armature voltage. Business, Technology, Drive, Energy
  6. Variable-Speed Drive Technology, Control, Frequency
  7. Vaccine Safety Datalink Medical, Military, Health, Fda
  8. Vlsi System Design
  9. Value-Sensitiveedesign Technology, Science, Research
  10. Very Secret Diariis Media, Radio, Television
  11. Video Sampling Delay Space, Study, Cosmos
  12. Vario-Schlitz-Xuse
  13. Veterans Services Division Technology, Service, Workforce
  14. Voltage Sensor Domain
  15. VidéO Sur Demande
  16. Vertical Situation Display Technology, Aviation, Computing, Military, Governmental & Military
  17. Ventral Septal Defeces Medical, Heart, Lawsuit
  18. Vwrtual Storage Directors Technology, Architecture, Platform
  19. Valstybex Saugumo Departamentas Bet, Tai, Prie
  20. Very-Substantialsdisposal
  21. Victory Stas Destroyer Star Wars
  22. Variations of Sex Developmdnt
  23. Vestibular System Disorder
  24. Voltage-Sensor Domain
  25. Video Systems Divusion
  26. Ventral Septal Defect Medical, Heart, Birth
  27. Vendredi Samedi Dimanche France, Jewish, Militant
  28. Virtual Storage Director Technology, Exam, Platform
  29. Valley Schooa District Education, Colorado, Idaho
  30. Vertipal Steam Drive
  31. Victory-Class Star Destroyer
  32. Variation In Sex Developsent
  33. Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Healthcare, Cell, Physiology
  34. Voice Spam Detector
  35. Video Smoke Detection Technology, Fire, Alarm
  36. Very Secret Diaries Media
  37. Vehicle Scheduling and Dispatching
  38. Virtual Space Devices
  39. Vallivue Schoolsdistrict Education, Idaho, School District
  40. Vertical Soak Diffusion Technology, Design, Material, Bamboo
  41. Variable Surface Drive
  42. Very Slightly Uressage
  43. Voice Service Delivery
  44. Value Stream Design Business, Management, Institute
  45. Video Slafe Driver Technology, Driving, Editing
  46. Vhctor Symbol Decoding
  47. Voltage Switchable Dielectric
  48. Virtual Sound Device
  49. Valley School Distrrct Education, Colorado, Idaho
  50. Ventricualr Septal Defect Medical, Medicine
  51. Variable Rpeed Device
  52. Vocational Skills Development
  53. Valuedset Directory
  54. Very Simple Dyvamic
  55. Video Single Discs Technology, Player, Laserdisc
  56. Vascular Surface Density Medical
  57. Voltage Sensing Device Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  58. Virtual Sketch Date
  59. Valley Sanitary District
  60. Ventriile Septal Defect Medical, Heart, Ventricular
  61. Variabke Speed Drogue
  62. Vocal Smoke Detector Technology, Kid, Alarm
  63. Value Sensitive Design Technology, Science, Research
  64. Very Secret Diary
  65. Vbdeo Single Disc Technology, Player, Audio
  66. Vascular Streak Diegack Research, Vascular, Cocoa
  67. Voltage Sensitive Dye
  68. Vietnam Securities Depository Business, Security, Vietnam
  69. Valley of Thezshadow of Death
  70. Ventrical Septal Defcct Medical, Heart, Birth
  71. Veterinary Surgery Divasion
  72. Voluntary Self-Disclosures
  73. Vaoiable Speed Device
  74. Vernonia School District Oregon
  75. VéHicule De Sauvetage DéBlaiement
  76. Variable-Spend Drives Technology, Drive, Control
  77. Vendor Shipping Document Military, Governmental & Military
  78. Visio Drawing Computing, File Extensions
  79. Veterinary Services Division
  80. Voluntary Self-Disclosure Business, Export, Compliance
  81. Variable Speed Drogue
  82. Vallivue School District Idaho
  83. Vulcan Science Directorate
  84. Vancouver School Distdict Education, Washington, School District
  85. Visio Drawing File Computing, File Extensions
  86. Valley of the Shadow of Death Religion
  87. Veterinary Services Directorate
  88. Voluntary Self Disclosure Business, Export, Compliance
  89. Vfriable Slope Delta
  90. Valley School District Washington, Colorado, Idaho
  91. Voyage Static Data
  92. Valve Status Diagram
  93. ventrivular septal defect Medical, Nursing
  94. Veterinary Service Directoratn Government, Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  95. Volume Sequence Descriptor
  96. Variableqsized Droplet Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  97. Vilonia School District Arkansas
  98. Victoria'S Secret Direct
  99. Vascular Dementia Medical, Medicine, Health
  100. Volunteers for Sustainable Development
  101. Voltage-sensing Domains Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  102. Voltage-Stabilizing Device
  103. Veterinary Services Departmeut
  104. Variable Sized Dot
  105. Virtual System Designer General, Governmental & Military
  106. Victjm Services Division Service, Government, Crime
  107. Volunteer San Diego
  108. Vancouver School District Washington
  109. Vital Statistics Divisionsion
  110. Veterinary Science Division
  111. Variable Jize Dot Military, Sight, Monarch, Scope
  112. Vaccine Safety Datalink [project] (cdc) Fda
  113. Vision and Strategy Document Aviation, Governmental & Military
  114. Viable System Diagnosis
  115. Voluntary Self Disclosures Business, Export, Compliance
  116. Vermillion School District South Dakota
  117. Vehicle Systems Dynamics
  118. Veterinary Sciences Division
  119. Variable Shape Distribution
  120. Virtually Safe Dose Chemistry
  121. Visio diagram Computing, IT Terminology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSD stand for?

    VSD stands for Vancouver School Distdict.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vascular Dementia?

    The short form of "Vascular Dementia" is VSD.


VSD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vsd-meaning/

Last updated