VSG Meaning

The VSG meaning is "Luhansk International Airport". The VSG abbreviation has 73 different full form.

VSG Full Forms

  1. Luhansk International Airport Luhansk, Ukraine Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Variant Surface Glycoproteins Medical, Science, Genetics
  3. Variable Surface Glycoprotein Medical, Science, Biology, Biotechnology, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  4. Verbund-Sicherheits-Glas
  5. Visualization Sciences Group Technology, Science
  6. Vestigial Variant Surface Glycoprotein Science, Biology
  7. Virtual Service Gateway
  8. Voie Secondaire G
  9. Variant Cell Surface Glycoprotein Medical
  10. Victoria Scout Group
  11. Verband Zum Schutze Des Greifensees
  12. Visitor Studies Group Research, Organizations, Study
  13. Vesnarinone Study Group Medical, Medicine, Health
  14. Virginia Senior Games
  15. Verical Sleeve Gastrectomy
  16. Voie Secondaire GéNéRale
  17. Variant-Specific Surface Glycoprotein Medical
  18. Vibration Shutout Grip Army, War, Force
  19. Verband Schweizer Galerien
  20. Virgin Sun Grown Nutrition, Food, Victual
  21. Vesalius Student Government College, Education, Study
  22. Velocidad De Sedimentacion Globular Medical, Para, Con
  23. Vereniging Sport En Gemeenten Organizations, Door, Dit
  24. Voice Signaling Gateway Technology
  25. Vibrating Structure Gyroscope Business, Drive, Sensor
  26. Variable Spreading Gain
  27. Verband Schweizerischer Graphologen
  28. Virgin Sun-Grown
  29. Very Stylish Girl
  30. Vector Signal Generator Technology
  31. Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasialehrerinnen
  32. Visual Stimulus Generator
  33. Vibe Solutions Group
  34. Valdi Spectrum Group
  35. Verband Schweizerischer Gerbereien
  36. Virginia Sea Grant
  37. Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrer
  38. Visual Sound Generation
  39. Veterinary Specialists Group
  40. Luhansk Airport Airport, Locations
  41. Variant Surface Coat Glycoprotein Medical
  42. Viper Specialist Group
  43. Vereinigte Schmiedewerke Gmbh
  44. Visual Solutions Group
  45. Veterinary Specialist Group Medical, Animal, Vet
  46. Airclass Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  47. Variant Surface Glycoprotein Medical, Science, Cell
  48. Villeneuve-Saint-Georges
  49. Video Sound and Graphics General, Governmental & Military
  50. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Medical, Surgery, Weight
  51. Vertical Sleeve Gastric
  52. Volunteer Service Group
  53. Viscous Semi-Geostrophic Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  54. Verlags Service Gesellschaft Business, Store, Revolution
  55. Volunteer Service Grants
  56. Vertical Sweep Generator
  57. Verlags-Service Gesellschaft Business, Hamburg, Store
  58. Volunteer Service Grant
  59. Verband Schweizerischer Graphiker
  60. Verkehrs-Service Gmbh
  61. Volume Storage Group
  62. Very Stable Genius
  63. Variable Speed Gear
  64. Vena Saphena Graft Medical
  65. Verilog Standards Group
  66. Voltage Spike Generator Technology, Energy, Electonics
  67. Very Small Grains Science, Star, Formation, Dust
  68. Vulture Study Group
  69. Luhansk International, Luhansk, Ukraine Ukraine, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  70. Vertical Sleeve Gastroectomy
  71. Volcanic Simulation Group
  72. Vertical Systems Group
  73. VorläUfige Sicherheitsanalyse Gorleben

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSG stand for?

    VSG stands for Vesalius Student Government.

  2. What is the shortened form of Viper Specialist Group?

    The short form of "Viper Specialist Group" is VSG.


VSG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vsg-meaning/

Last updated