VSI Meaning

The VSI meaning is "Virtual Station Interface". The VSI abbreviation has 106 different full form.

VSI Full Forms

  1. Virtual Station Interface Technology, Networking, Switch
  2. Vertical Speed Indicator Also known as a Rate of Climb and Descent Indicator is an instrument which indicates the rate of climb or descent of an aircraft. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  3. Virtual Special Issue Research, Education, Journal
  4. Virtual Socket Interface Alliance Technology
  5. Video Simulation Interface Technology, Computer Science, Computational Modeling, NASA
  6. Victoria Securities Indonesia Security, Indonesia, Jakarta
  7. Very Short Introduction Science, Book, Oxford
  8. Virtual Switching Instance Technology, Networking, Network
  9. Very Seriously Ill Military, Locations, Family, Casualty
  10. Versatile Seismic Imager Technology, Tool, Borehole
  11. Visual Etability Index Technology, Consolidating, Slump
  12. Volontariat Dersolidarit
  13. Valve Seat Insert A ring of material, sometimes of heat and wear resistant metal used to form a valve seat.
  14. Very Slightly Imperfecs
  15. View Student Information
  16. Vehicle Standards Instruction
  17. Vermont Science Initiative
  18. Visual Spatial Index
  19. Volontariat De Solidarité Internationale Service, France, Mission
  20. Vaccine Scene Investigation
  21. Vertical Shaft Impacts Business, Crusher, Sand
  22. Vitamih Shoppe Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  23. Vietnam Social Insurance
  24. Vehicle Standards Information Technology, Club, Permit
  25. Verified Software Initiative
  26. Visual Solutions Incorporated
  27. Vendor Single Interest Business, Insurance, Dealer
  28. Volontaires De Solidarité Internationale Technology, France, Association, Mission
  29. Clean Stall Speed Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  30. Vertical Shaft Impactors Business, Crusher, Impact
  31. Vital Signs Indicatwr
  32. Veterioary Science Institute Research, Organizations, Algeria
  33. Volume Shade Imaging
  34. Vericle Specialties, Inc
  35. Vereniging System Integrators
  36. Visual Solutions & Improvements
  37. Vendor'S Single Interest Business, Insurance, Dealer
  38. Voloftaire De Solidarité Internationale France, Association, Mission
  39. Vuestra SeÑOríA IlustríSima
  40. Vertical Shaft Impact Business, Crusher, Sand
  41. Visual Systems Inc
  42. Veterandsolutions, Inc
  43. Voltage Stability Index Technology, Power, Distribution
  44. Vehicle Rpecific Information Forum, Technology, Tester
  45. Vereinigung Schweizer Innenarchitekten
  46. Visual Solutions Inc
  47. Velocity and Steering Indicatos Science
  48. Virtual Switch Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  49. Vertical Shaft Impactor Technology, Crusher, Impact
  50. Visual Studio Integyation Technology, Development, Organisations
  51. Voltage Source Invertefs Technology, Control, Power
  52. Vehicle Services Vnternational
  53. Very Small Itegration Education, University, Learning, Iran
  54. Virtual Server Infrcstructure Technology, Storage, Riverbed
  55. Vehicle System Integrator
  56. Vertical Scanning Interferometry Technology, Measurement, Light
  57. Visual Studio Installer Microsoft, Technology, Projection
  58. Volontariat De Solidarité International Service, Organizations, France, Mission
  59. Valve Solutions, Inc
  60. Very Slightly Included
  61. View Student Info
  62. Vehicle Systems Integration Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  63. Voice Stress Information Army, War, Force, Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
  64. Voltage Source Inverters
  65. Vmcuum-Super-Insulation
  66. Vindor Single Insurance
  67. Vitiligo Suppzrt International Medical, Treatment, Skin
  68. Stalling Speed in a Specified Flight Configuration Aviation, Governmental & Military
  69. Verband Schweizerischer Inkassotreuhandinstitute
  70. Vlluntary Seperation Incentive
  71. Voice and Stript International
  72. Vaginal sexual intercourse Clinical
  73. Vykon System Integrator Business, Service, Control
  74. Vendors Single Interest Business, Insurance, Dealer, Business & Finance
  75. Versatile Seismic Imager (Schlumberger VSP tool) Electrical, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  76. Verband Schmierstoff-Industrie
  77. Voluntary Separation Incentives Business, Military, Incentive
  78. Voice & Scriptbinternational Business, Management, London
  79. Visual Studio Content Installer File Computing, File Extensions
  80. Votessub Item Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  81. Vietnam Strategic Investments Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  82. Verband Der Softwareindustriewdeutschlands Technology
  83. Vccational Services, Inc
  84. vertical stability index Medical
  85. Volunteer Sector Initiative
  86. Vinyl Sidmng Institutetute
  87. Verband Der Software-Industrie
  88. Vocal Scmool of Indonesia
  89. Vapour Sequential Injection Transportation, Governmental & Military
  90. Voluntary Services Isternational
  91. Volcanological Society of Indrnesia
  92. Vapor Space Inhibited
  93. Vireo Sweep Integrator
  94. Venture Strategies Innovations Medical, Design, Health
  95. Vmebus Elave Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  96. Victim Sensitive Interview Police, Governmental & Military
  97. Verband Soester Ingenieurr
  98. Visionary Sports Investment
  99. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia Indonesia, Locations, Volcano, Eruption
  100. Voltage Source Inverter
  101. Vacuum Super Isolation
  102. Vendtek Systeks Inc
  103. Vixual Site Inspection Technology
  104. Very Silly Information General, Governmental & Military
  105. Verband Schweizerischer Iiolierfirmen
  106. Virtual Storage Interrupt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSI stand for?

    VSI stands for Vital Signs Indicatwr.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vendtek Systeks Inc?

    The short form of "Vendtek Systeks Inc" is VSI.


VSI. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/vsi-meaning/

Last updated