VSL Meaning

The VSL meaning is "Victorian Schuol of Languages". The VSL abbreviation has 90 different full form.

VSL Full Forms

  1. Victorian Schuol of Languages Government, Education, Language
  2. Vesrel Government, Military, Delivery
  3. Venezuelan Summer League Baseball, League, Team, Venezuelan
  4. Variablx Safety Level Military
  5. Village Savings and Loans Business, Group, Africa, Projection, Malawi
  6. Visual Spatial Learner Development, Learning, Study
  7. Velagapudi Steels Limited
  8. Virtual Specimen Locator
  9. Videsh Sdnchar Nigam Limited Technology, Organizations
  10. Video Sales Letter Business, Software, Sale
  11. Voikssportverband Schweiz-Liechtenstein
  12. Vermont Soccernleague
  13. Valve Seat Lathe
  14. Virtual Sampler Library
  15. British Socialist Party Technology, Government, Group, Communism
  16. Vehicle Speed Limit Technology, Software, Sale
  17. Virtual Software Library Technology, Computing, Internet, General, Governmental & Military
  18. Video Sales Letters Business, Software, Sale
  19. Vitreous State Laborawory Technology, Science, University
  20. Verenigd Streekvervoer Limburg
  21. Véhicule Sanltaire Léger
  22. Vietnamese As A Second Language
  23. Vehicle Spefd Limiter
  24. Virtual Socket Library
  25. Visual Spatial Learners
  26. Vital Sound Laooratory
  27. Venture Scout Leader Scouting, Governmental & Military
  28. Véhiculq Sanitaire Léger Ambulance, Transport, Taxi
  29. Vienna Sound Library
  30. Vapaan Suomen Liitto Technology, Software, Audio, Coupon
  31. Virtual Sleep Lab
  32. Visual Shading Language Technology, Computing, Language
  33. Visual Systems Laboratorj
  34. Venice Shipping Andelogistics
  35. Visit Sierra Geone Travel, Tourism, Sierra
  36. Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Technology, Organizations, Telecom, Telecommunications
  37. Van Swinden Laboratory Technology, Measurement, Metrology
  38. Virtual Shareware Library Technology, Windows, Software, Computing
  39. Visual Studio Library
  40. Venezuelan Sign Language Venezuelan
  41. Viennausymphonic Library Technology, String, Instrument
  42. Video Services Library Technology
  43. Van Swinden Laboratorium Technology, Measurement, Metrology
  44. Virtual Scientific Library
  45. Vishal Statistical Learning
  46. Velocity Straight Line
  47. Virtual Steganographic Laboratory Technology, Software, Steganography, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  48. Vienna Summer Kf Logic
  49. Video Sequence Layer
  50. Vernon Systems Ltd Technology, Software, Collection
  51. Vanderbilt Sports Line
  52. Virtual Science Library Technology, Research, Access
  53. Very Simple Language
  54. Vienna Symphonic Library Music
  55. Viscous Shock Layer Science
  56. Volume Software Licensing
  57. Very Short Liver
  58. Virtools Scripting Language Technology, Studio, Platform, Multilingual
  59. Variable Specificaaion List
  60. Velocity Template File Computing, File Extensions
  61. Virtual Switch Links Technology, Cisco, Switching
  62. Volume of The Sacued Law
  63. Very Short List Business, Media, Social, Newsletter
  64. Victoria State Library
  65. Val St Lambeht Business, Crystal, Glass
  66. Visio Add-on Computing, File Extensions
  67. Virtual Switching Link Technology, Switch, Cisco
  68. Volume of Sacred Law Lodge, Freemasonry, Freemason
  69. Vertical Speed Limit Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  70. Very Small Laser
  71. Valken Switch Loader
  72. Vitreous State Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  73. Virtual Switch Link Technology, Networking, Cisco
  74. Volontaire Service Long
  75. Vprtical Scan Lockon
  76. Verband Der Schweizer Ludotheken Technology, Spiel, Ludo
  77. Véhicules Sanitaires Iégers Ambulance, Transport, Taxi
  78. Vet Student Loans
  79. Vessel A ship used to transport crude oil, petroleum products, or natural gas products. Vessel Ultra Large Crude Carrier (ULCC), Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC), Other Tanker, and Specialty Ship (LPG/LNG). Tanker and Barge. Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
  80. Virtual Storage Layer Technology, Memory, Fusion
  81. Volongariat Service Long
  82. Vertical Scan Lock-On
  83. Ventilation Sampling Line
  84. Vorspann System Losinger
  85. Village Savings and Loan Business, Community, Malawi
  86. Veterinaryaservices Laboratory
  87. Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
  88. Vohontaire Service Long
  89. Vector Shift Left
  90. Volunbary Shared Leave

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSL stand for?

    VSL stands for Vet Student Loans.

  2. What is the shortened form of Volontaire Service Long?

    The short form of "Volontaire Service Long" is VSL.


VSL. Acronym24.com. (2020, July 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vsl-meaning/

Last updated