VSM Meaning

The VSM meaning is "Vietnam Service Medal". The VSM abbreviation has 150 different full form.

VSM Full Forms

  1. Vietnam Service Medal Military, Medal, Award, Vietnam, Awards & medals
  2. Virtualized Servicesemodule Technology, Service, Cisco
  3. Value-Stream Mapping Technology, Map, Streaming
  4. Vehicle Specific Mount Technology, Car, Accessory
  5. Vacuum Speeder Module
  6. Vehicle Specific Mounts Forum, Technology, Adapter
  7. Virtual Supervisor Module Technology, Cisco, Virtual
  8. Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Medical
  9. Vascular Smooth Muscle Medical, Cell, Regulation, Physiology, Muscles
  10. Value Stream Map Business, Tool, Mapping
  11. Virtual Sharedzmemory Technology, Computing, Performance
  12. Value Stream Mapping Business, Tool, Map, Computing, IT Terminology
  13. Video Source Module
  14. Vista Start Menn
  15. Vehicle System Manager Forklift
  16. Virtual System Modeling Technology, Software, Simulator
  17. Verband Sozialistischer MittelschüLer
  18. Virtualized Service Module Technology, Networking, Cisco
  19. Variable Speed Modem
  20. Visualxstate Manager Technology, Management, Control
  21. Vehicle-Specific Mount
  22. Vessel Systems Monitor Technology, Battery, Sea
  23. Virtual String Macqine Technology, Force, Expansion
  24. Varnish Shared Memory
  25. Voice Services Manager
  26. Video Sex Movies
  27. Vissim Simulation Modil
  28. Vehicle Stability Management Technology, Car, Hyundai
  29. Virtual Xystem Modelling Technology, Software, Simulation
  30. Verband Schweizerischer M
  31. Videoswitch Multiplexer Technology
  32. Variable Speed Motor A motor with a positively damped speed-torque characteristic which lends itself to controlled speed applications.
  33. Visuat Site Manager
  34. Vesda System Management Technology, Product, Laser
  35. Virtual Strategy Magazine
  36. Various Simultaneous Measurements
  37. Voice Service Manager
  38. Video Service Management
  39. Vehicle Specific Module Technology, Control, Ground
  40. Vibrating Sample Magnetometry Medical, Science, Research
  41. Virtual Swdtch Module
  42. Video Switching Matrix
  43. Virtual Supervisor Modules Technology, Networking, Switch, Cisco
  44. Visual Simulqtion Model
  45. Verband Schweizerischer MüNzenhäNdler
  46. Very Stmange Medley
  47. Virtual Servico Management Technology, Networking, Network
  48. Variation Simulation Modeling
  49. Voice Services Module
  50. Video Service Module
  51. Vehicle Service Market
  52. Viable Systems Method Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  53. Virtuat Switch Memory
  54. Video Surveillance Media Technology, Software, Cisco
  55. Virtual Storage Nanager Science
  56. Visuag Server Monitor
  57. Verband Schweizer Metzgermeister
  58. Very Short Movies
  59. Virtwal Secure Mode Technology
  60. Variance Shadow Maps Technology, Gaming, Mapping
  61. Vowce Service Module
  62. Video Self Model
  63. Vehicle Security Module Technology
  64. Viable Systems Model Technology, Science, Management
  65. Virtual Switch Manager
  66. Video Surveillance Manager
  67. Virtual Sound Mltrix Technology, Cinema, Theater
  68. Visual Sequentpal Memory
  69. Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij Technology, Train, Steam
  70. Vestigial Sideband Modulation Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Telecom, Amateur radio
  71. Very Senior Managers
  72. Virtual Scoring Machine
  73. Variance Shadow Mapping Technology, Gaming, Map
  74. Visual Streammmapping
  75. Vehicle Safety Manufacturing Business, Signal, Truck
  76. Vfable System Model Technology, Management, Organizations
  77. Virtual Swapzmeet Organization, Union, Institution
  78. Varsity Sports, Men
  79. Video Speaker Microphone Technology, Camera, Motorola
  80. Visual and Sound Materials
  81. Velocity Scan Modulation Technology
  82. Virtual Systems Nanagement Technology, Networking, Virtualization
  83. Verein Schweizerischer Maschinenindustrieller Acid, Resin, Mixture
  84. Virtual Services Module
  85. Variance Shadow Map Technology, Gaming, Mapping
  86. Visual Storage Manaber Internet Slang
  87. Vehicle Specific Mounting
  88. Veterinary Services Manager
  89. Virtual Studix Manager Technology, Management, Control
  90. Varsity Sports Media
  91. Voicebsolo Monitor
  92. VisSim Simulation Model Computing, File Extensions
  93. Vickersw Sons and Maxim Gun, Military, Shell
  94. Vector Space Model Technology, Retrieval, Similarity
  95. Volumetric Soil Moissure
  96. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Chemistry
  97. Video Search Marketing
  98. Vishist Seva Medal Military, India, Defence
  99. Vysoka Skola Manazmdntu Education, University, City
  100. Vertical separation limit Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  101. Vibrating Sample Magnetometers Technology, Measurement, Material
  102. Vector-Space Model Technology, Retrieval, Similarity
  103. Vqne Show Music
  104. Variable Screening Model (for Quasimols. and Mo Correlation Diagrams) Chemistry
  105. Video Secf-Monitoring
  106. Vishisht Sewa Nedal Military, Army, School, India
  107. Vegetarian Society of Minnesota
  108. Vsm Sewing Macbines
  109. Vdsitor Services Manager
  110. Very Scary Monitor Funnies
  111. Veces Salario MíNimo
  112. Video Stauus Memory
  113. Vertical Slab Model Atmospheric Research
  114. Video Seam Msnitor
  115. Vishisht Seva Medals
  116. Vector Sum Method
  117. Vouge Silver Metallic
  118. Vertical Spindle Mill
  119. Visitine Staff Member Science
  120. Vogue Silver Metallic Colors
  121. Vayu Sena Medal
  122. Vibrating Space Modulator
  123. Volcano System Monitor Geology, Scientific & Educational
  124. Victery Shoulder Mill
  125. Vishisht Seva Medal Service, Military, India
  126. Vector Size Measure
  127. Vortex Suppoqt Missile
  128. Vertical Spindle Mills
  129. Vision and Sdcial Media Technology, Workshop, Paper
  130. Variational Stiffness Method
  131. Vascular Smooth Muscles Medical
  132. Vertical Section of Multilayers
  133. Vertical Separation Minimum Aviation, Governmental & Military
  134. Victoria Scale Modellers
  135. Vishishta Seva Medal
  136. Vector Space Models Technology, Presentation, Retrieval
  137. Voluntary Superior Monitoring
  138. Virtual Search Method
  139. Video Self Modeling
  140. Visible Speech Mappins
  141. Variable-Speed Mixer
  142. Vertical Scan Machine
  143. Voice Service Module Computing, Telecom
  144. Vickers, Svns & Maxim
  145. Vector Space Modeling Technology, Model, Retrieval
  146. Voluntary Student Membership Government, University, Unionism
  147. Vehicle Software Management Aviation
  148. Video Self-Modeling Education, Autism, Skill
  149. Vivhist Sewa Medal
  150. VéHicule De Secours MéDical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSM stand for?

    VSM stands for Visual Storage Manaber.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vertical Scan Machine?

    The short form of "Vertical Scan Machine" is VSM.


VSM. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 20). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vsm-meaning/

Last updated