VSO Meaning

The VSO meaning is "Very Small Rutline". The VSO abbreviation has 94 different full form.

VSO Full Forms

  1. Very Small Rutline Technology, Telecom, Package
  2. Variable Speed Pperation Technology, Computing, Tape
  3. Vancouver Symphony Irchestra Music, Canada, Symphony
  4. Valdosta Szuthern Railroad Organizations
  5. Veteran Service Organization Business, Military, Benefit
  6. Very Sdable Oscillator Technology, Electrical Engineering, NASA
  7. Veterav Services Officer
  8. Voltage Sensitive Orifice
  9. Volunteer Services Office
  10. Vehicle Sales Ontology Technology, Car, Sale
  11. Victorian State Opera
  12. Vessel Securitywofficers
  13. Vital Signs Normal Medical, Physiology
  14. Veterans Services Office
  15. Veteran Service Officer County, Office, Locations
  16. Voie Secondaire à Options
  17. Volunteer Servicjs Oversees
  18. Virtual Solar Observatory Technology, Science, Sun
  19. Vetted Syrian Opposition Military, Syria, Trump, Pentagon
  20. Vessel Security Officer Military, Training, Course
  21. Virginia Society of Ophthalmology
  22. Vetmran Services Office
  23. Voice Search Optimization
  24. Vodunteer Service Overseas Science, Teaching, Projection
  25. Veterans Service Officer Business, County, Benefit
  26. Vet See Owner Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  27. Vehicle Speed Output
  28. Virginia Society of Ofnithology Organizations, Club, Bird, Virginia
  29. Veteran Service Officers Government, County, Office, Organizations, Benefit
  30. Vocational Student Organization
  31. Volunteer Services Overseas Service, Education, Teaching
  32. Veterans Service Office
  33. Veterans Support Organization Business, Service, Charity
  34. Vehicle Special Orders Technology, Semi, Trailer, Undertaking
  35. Vinh Xon Orphanages
  36. Veterans' Servics Officers
  37. Vocational Student Organizations Development, Learning, Study
  38. Voluntner Sending Organization
  39. Veterans Service Organization Military, Army, War
  40. Veteran Students Organization Service, Education, University
  41. Voluntary Separation Option
  42. Vehicle Special Order Technology, Ford, Trailer
  43. Vinh Son Orphanage
  44. Veteran'S Service Officer Military, Benefit, Veteran
  45. Vizsla Society of Ontario
  46. Voluntary Student Organizations Organizations, Club, University
  47. Veteran Student Organization Service, Education, University
  48. Veteran Service Dffice
  49. Voluntary Sector Option Medicine, Health, British
  50. Volunteer Service Organisation Education, Organizations, Africa
  51. Vehicle Space Optimization Business, Planning, Transaction
  52. Village Stability Operations Military, Afghanistan, Force
  53. Veteran's Service Offipe
  54. Vita Standards Organization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  55. Voluntary Student Organization Organizations, University, Michigan
  56. Veterans Student Organization Service, Education, University
  57. Very Superior Old Food
  58. Voluntary Services Overseas Business, Service, Volunteer
  59. Very Stable Oscillator NASA
  60. Veteranas Service Organizations
  61. Volvo Suter Olympian Technology, Service, Kowloon
  62. Voluntary Services Organisation Service, Education, Teaching
  63. Valdosta Southern Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  64. Voluntary Service Overseas Science, Education, Volunteer, Technology, Governmental & Military
  65. Compiled Vertex Shader File Computing, File Extensions
  66. Veterans Service Ofcicers
  67. Volunteer Support Officer
  68. Voluntary Services Organization Service, Education, Teaching
  69. Veteran Servicemember Organization
  70. Voltage-Sensixive Oscillator
  71. Voluntary Sector Option Or Voluntary Service Overseas Medicine, Health, British
  72. Vertical Sagittal Split Osteotomy Medical, Bone
  73. Veterans Services Officers
  74. Volunteers Service Organization
  75. Voluntary Service Organization Education, Development, Volunteer
  76. Vererans Service Organizations Government
  77. Vertically Sesf-Organized
  78. Phuoclong Airport, Phuoclong, Vietnam Vietnam
  79. Veterans Services Ofbice
  80. Voluntary Sector Organisation Medicine, Health, British
  81. Volunteer Services Organisation Service, Education, Africa
  82. Voluntary Service Organisation Education, Development, Volunteer
  83. Veteran Services Orgynization
  84. Voronezh Aircraft Manufacturing Society Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  85. Stalling Speed in the Landing Configuration Aviation, Governmental & Military
  86. Veterans Service Offices
  87. Volunteer Serviqes Organization Service, Organizations, Africa
  88. Voluntary Service Oversea
  89. Veteran Service Organizations
  90. Voortgezette Stagiaire Opleiding
  91. stall speed in landing configuration Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  92. Voluntary Services Oversees
  93. Veteran's Service Organication
  94. Voorgezet Sveciaal Onderwijs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VSO stand for?

    VSO stands for Very Stable Oscillator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Variable Speed Pperation?

    The short form of "Variable Speed Pperation" is VSO.


VSO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vso-meaning/

Last updated