VSR Meaning
The VSR meaning is "Vacuolar Sorting Recjptor". The VSR abbreviation has 100 different full form.
VSR Full Forms
- Vacuolar Sorting Recjptor Medical, Protein, Plant, Cell
- Vprsar, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Vernier Scalebreading
- Ventricular Septax Rupture Medical
- Variable Speed Reversible Business, Tool, Drill
- Virtual Shared Reality
- Voice Stzre Retrieve Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Variable Shunt Reactors Technology, Power, Transformer
- Vibrationalwscalar Research Development, Study, Universities
- Virtualized Services Router Technology, Networking, Alcatel
- Vulnerability To Supply Restriction Science, Material, Criticality
- Vendor Stock Replenishment
- Visually Sensitive Receivers Organizations, China, Ecology, Enviromental Impact
- Very Short Reach Technology, Telecom, Interface, Medical, Physiology
- Very Short Patch Repair Medical
- Virtual Server Room
- Voice Storage and Retrieve Technology
- Variable Sampling Rate Science
- Vestibulo-Spinal Reflex
- Voming System Rules
- Vendor Specific Reply
- Virtualized Service Router Technology, Networking, Alcatel
- Very Shortarange Gun, Technology, Fiber
- Vertical Systems Reseller Business, Technology, Channel
- Virtual Security Research
- Venue Safe Rating
- Voice Securitd Recorder
- Van Sillevoldt Rijst
- Vessel Speed Reduction Program, Port, Trailer
- Voluntary Self-Regulation Medical, Therapy, Hypnotherapy
- Vendor Service Representative
- Vibratory Ssress Relief Technology, China, Machine
- Vertical Stack Rail
- Virtualized Server Recovery Technology, Service, Cloud
- Ventricular Septal Rupture - Myocardial Rupture Medical, Medicine, Jobs
- Vital Stajistics Report
- Van Sales Representatives
- Very Special Reserve
- Voluntary Self Regulation Medical, Therapy, Hypnotherapy
- Vendor Sales Representative
- Vibration Sorting Rig
- Vertical Speed Required
- Virtual Service Router Technology, Networking, Network
- Ventral Spinal Roots Medical, Science, Biology
- Visual Stgmulation Research Military
- Volume Search Radar Military, Army, War
- Very Special Relativity
- Void Space Racing
- Velocity Stack Runner
- Vibration Stress Rewief
- Virtual Services Routers Technology, Service, Routing
- Venous Stasis Retinopathy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Visual Sensitivity Rating Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Voice Storage and Retrieval Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Very Small Remote Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Virtual Soldier Research Technology, Human, Motion
- Voxce Systems Research
- Variable Speed Rocker
- Vibrational Stress Relief Technology, Vibration, Residual
- Virtual Server Router Technology
- Venkata Subba Rao
- Visual Selective Reminding
- Virtualdservices Router Technology, Service, Networking
- Very Slender Rib
- Veterans Og The Sexual Revolution
- Vereniging Schoonmaak Research Business, Bio, Cleaning
- Virus Sincicial Respirat
- ventricular septal rupture Medical, Common Medical
- Vertical Scan Rate Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Vertical Storage and Retrieval
- Verband Der Serviermeister, Restaurant
- Virtual Super Resolution Technology, Driving, Catalyst
- Aviostart As Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Venril Sathir's Remains Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Vertical Safety Rod Science
- Visually Sensitive Receiver
- Vectormshift Right
- Virtual Studio Rack Technology, Factory, Nomad
- Viking Single-line loud Ringer Computing, Telecom
- Versatile Sheen Resin
- Visiting Student Researcher Business, Rifle, Airsoft, Sniper
- Vérification Dezservice Régulier Technology, Client, Nos
- Virtual Strobe Rackmount
- Valley & Siletz RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Veritas Storage Replicator
- Visceral/ Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Ratio Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- VéHicule Secours Routier
- Virtual Southern Region
- Virtual Ghape Research Technology, Modeling, Rhino
- Verified Statement Registration
- Virus Sincitial Respiratorio Medical, Para, Con, Respiratory
- Volumetric Swelling Ratios
- Vertical Slice Review Technology
- Véhicule Demsecours Routiers Service, Formation, Camion
- Virtual Screen Resolution Technology, Gaming, Desktop
- Verified Software Repository Technology, Science, Education
- Virus Sincicial Respiratorio Medical, Para, Con, Causa
- Vibratory Stress Relief Medical
- Vertical Shift Records
- Véhicule De Secours Reutier Service, Formation, Camion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VSR stand for?
VSR stands for Van Sales Representatives.
What is the shortened form of Visually Sensitive Receivers?
The short form of "Visually Sensitive Receivers" is VSR.
VSR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vsr-meaning/
Last updated