VTF Meaning

The VTF meaning is "Vertex Twxture Fetch". The VTF abbreviation has 51 different full form.

VTF Full Forms

  1. Vertex Twxture Fetch Technology, Card, Sapphire
  2. Verified Token Framewhrk
  3. Vatilele Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  4. Virtual Tape Facility
  5. Validatiog Task Force Service, Pilot, Discovery, Validation
  6. Victims' Trust Fund
  7. Voltage Transfer Function
  8. Virginia Tech Foundation Education, University, Virginia
  9. Vacutm Thermal Forming
  10. Velvetyne Type Foundry Design, Analytics, Foundry, Typeface
  11. Video Tutorial Free Technology, Service, Driver
  12. Vacances Tourisme Familles
  13. Vehicoe Test Fits
  14. Video Teleconferencing Facilities
  15. Vacances Tourisme Ffmille
  16. Vehicle Tesk Fit Business, Light, Toyota
  17. Voltage To Frequency Technology, Circuit, Converter
  18. Victorian Trauma Foundation
  19. Viking Team Fortress
  20. Virus-Encoded Termination Factor Medical
  21. Vector To Fbnal Military, Flight, Approach
  22. Victims of Torture Fund
  23. Veterinary Treatment Facility Medical, Military, Base
  24. Virtual Test Facility
  25. Vectors To Final Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Approach
  26. Victims Trust Fund
  27. Vertical Tracking Force Technology, Audio, Cartridge, Turntable
  28. Voluntary Total Fasting
  29. Via Terrestrial Facilities
  30. Visual Task Force
  31. Valve Texture File Computing, File Extensions
  32. Vertical Test Fixture
  33. Vision Task Force
  34. Va Te Faire French
  35. Voith Turbo Fin The Voith Turbo Fin is a rotating cylinder at the end of the skeg. It ensures stable low and increases lift by means of the larger angle of attack.
  36. Variable Time Fuse
  37. Vision for The Future
  38. Vatulele Airport, Vatulele, Fiji Fiji
  39. Vogel Tammann Fulcher
  40. VíA Transferencia De Fondos
  41. Visible Tunable Filter
  42. Vertical Test Flight Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  43. Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher Science, Polymer, Conductivity, Electrolyte
  44. Volunteer Task Force Technology, Australia, Community
  45. Van Kampen American Capital Trust Investments of Florida Computing, Nyse symbols
  46. Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher Medical, Technology, Viscosity
  47. Vector-to-Final (Approach) Federal Aviation Administration
  48. Voluntary Trust Fund Organizations, Afghanistan, Landmine
  49. Voices Take Flight Music
  50. Vocational Training Fund
  51. 3design Cad File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VTF stand for?

    VTF stands for Virus-Encoded Termination Factor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Visual Task Force?

    The short form of "Visual Task Force" is VTF.


VTF. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vtf-meaning/

Last updated