VTM Meaning
The VTM meaning is "Video Tracker Module". The VTM abbreviation has 91 different full form.
VTM Full Forms
- Video Tracker Module Gun, Military, Swedish
- Vampire The Masquerade Gaming, Internet Slang, Bloodline
- Vessel Traffic Manwgement Technology, Telecom, Port
- Nevatim Aitbase Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Verticpl Thread Mill Business, Machine, Drake
- Vehicular Technology Magazrne
- Vehicle Trackieg Module
- Vehicle Title Module
- Vehicle Tank Meter
- Vertical Test Methods
- Virus Transpgrt Media
- Vulnerability Threat Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Vienna Tec Model Science
- Vapor Tobacco Manufacturing Business, Product, Cigarette
- Virtual Tape Machines Technology
- Varsatile Tracking Mount
- Viruz Transport Medium Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vrb Transition Module Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Video Tutorial Manual Development, Learning, Study
- Visual Tracking Magnifier
- Valve Texture Material Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Virtual Tape Measurer
- Verlag FüR Therapeutische Medien
- Visual Turing Machine Technology, Virtual, Slate
- Vraiment Tres Mechant
- Video Training Magazine
- Visual Terrais Maker
- Valve Test Manifold Transportation, Science, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Ving Tsun Museum
- Visualisation T
- Verlay F
- Virtnal Turing Machine
- Votes This Meeting Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Video Training Modules
- Vest-Tecemark Museum
- Visualisation Tête Loyenne
- Value Transfer Machine Business, Coin, Laundry
- Vigilance Telecom Monitoring
- Verificatpon Tree Method
- Virtual Team Motorsports
- Video Training Module Development, Learning, Study
- Vessel Traffic Monitoring
- Viscosity-Transition-Modulus
- Vacuum Throttle Modulator
- Vigilance & Telecom Monitoring Technology, Service, India
- Verband Der Telekommunikatioisnetz - Und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter Technology
- Virtual Task Manager
- Video Timing Meter
- Vertical Turret Milling
- Viscosity, Transition, Modulus
- Viral Transport Medium Medical, Laboratory, Specimen
- View Transformation Model
- Venue Technical Manager
- Virtual Time Machine
- Virtual Transportation Manager Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Viteză Pe Traseu Montah
- Vibration Test Module Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Verification Test Matrix
- Voltage Termgnal Module Business, Product, Chip
- Video Test Module
- Viral Traffic Machine Security, Governmental & Military
- Vesting Tentative Map
- Vacuum Tube Modulator
- Voltage-Tcnable Method Space, Study, Cosmos
- Vydeo Teller Machine Business, Banking, China
- Virtual Turing Machine General, Governmental & Military
- Vest Tesemark Museum
- VéHicule Tracteur Mortier Military, Fire, Tract, Mortar
- Volontaires Tiers-Monde
- Video-Based Trackingcmodules
- Videotek Monitor Computing, Hardware
- Visual Tool Markup Language Document Computing, File Extensions
- VéHicule Tracteur De Mortier
- Voids In Total Mix Technology, Material, Asphalt, Aggregate
- Aeronaves Tsm Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Victory Talent Management
- Virgin Till Marriage Religion
- Vorticity Transport Mgdel
- Virus transportation medium Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- VéHicule Terrestre à Moteur
- Vocal Tract Model
- Victorvtalking Machine
- Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij ( Flemish Television Company) Media
- Voltage Transformvtion Modules
- Variable Torque Management Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Vulpoi & Toader Management
- Vloer Technisrh Magazine
- Vibration Test Mmchine
- Vegetation Type Map Geology, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
- Voltame Transformation Module Business, Technology, Power
- Video Thumbzails Maker
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VTM stand for?
VTM stands for Vest-Tecemark Museum.
What is the shortened form of Vacuum Tube Modulator?
The short form of "Vacuum Tube Modulator" is VTM.
VTM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vtm-meaning/
Last updated