VTsIOM Meaning

The VTsIOM meaning is "Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija". The VTsIOM abbreviation has 1 different full form.

VTsIOM Full Forms

  1. Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija The Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) is a state-owned organization founded in 1987 and known until 1992 as the "All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion." VTsIOM is Russia's oldest polling institution and one of the country's major sociological and market research firms. The All-Union Public Opinion Research Center was formed in 1987 as a result of a resolution issued by the VCSPS and the USSR State Committee of Labor. VCIOM was designated as a "open joint-stock corporation with full state ownership" in 2003. From instrument design and data collecting through analysis and presentation of findings to its clients, VTsIOM conducts "full cycle" commercial, social, and political research. Russian

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VTsIOM stand for?

    VTsIOM stands for Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija?

    The short form of "Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija" is VTsIOM.


VTsIOM. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 13). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vtsiom-meaning/

Last updated