VTW Meaning

The VTW meaning is "Valuation Tribunal for Wales". The VTW abbreviation has 23 different full form.

VTW Full Forms

  1. Valuation Tribunal for Wales
  2. Verband FüR The Work
  3. Voters Telecommunications Watch Technology, Computing, Internet
  4. Vehiclectheft Waiver
  5. Vote for The Worst America, American, Idol, Vote, Computing, Internet
  6. Vehicle Test Weight
  7. Voters' Telecom Watch
  8. Vehicle and Transportation Wath Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  9. Voluntary Tax Withholding
  10. Van Toezichthouders Ip Woningcorporaties
  11. Vejmont Timber Works
  12. Valve Train Wear
  13. Vermont This Week
  14. Voters Telecommunication Watch Technology, Internet, Telecommunications, Voting
  15. Visit The World Computing, Internet
  16. Voters Telecom Watch
  17. Virtual Television Workshop Media
  18. Voters Telecomm Watch
  19. Vocational Training Wing
  20. Virtual Track Walk
  21. Virtual Television Wnrkshop Media, Radio, Television
  22. Vprtual Team Works
  23. VEHICLE and TRANSPORTATION WASH Chemistry, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VTW stand for?

    VTW stands for Vehicle and Transportation Wath.

  2. What is the shortened form of Van Toezichthouders Ip Woningcorporaties?

    The short form of "Van Toezichthouders Ip Woningcorporaties" is VTW.


VTW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vtw-meaning/

Last updated