VTZ Meaning

The VTZ meaning is "Vereinigte Turnerschaft ZweibrüCken". The VTZ abbreviation has 17 different full form.

VTZ Full Forms

  1. Vereinigte Turnerschaft ZweibrüCken
  2. Vereinigten Turnerschaft ZweibrüCken
  3. Valence Triple Zeta Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  4. Greenland Eastern Standard Time Time Zone, Time, Zone
  5. Visakhapatnam Airport Visakhapatnam(Vishakhapatnam), Andhra Pradesh,India Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Versicherungs Treuhand ZüRich
  7. Verein Tiroler Zahnärzte
  8. Volumen Tomografie Zentrum
  9. Vleck Turner & Zaller
  10. Valence Triple Zeta (basis Set) Physics, Scientific & Educational
  11. Versicherungs Treuhand Z
  12. Vishakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam, India India, ICAO Airport Codes
  13. Versicherungs-Treuhand Z
  14. Vojno Tehnicki Zavod
  15. Versicherungs-Treuhand ZüRich
  16. Vrijwillige Terminale Zorg
  17. Vrijwilligers Terminale Zorg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VTZ stand for?

    VTZ stands for Versicherungs Treuhand ZüRich.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vrijwillige Terminale Zorg?

    The short form of "Vrijwillige Terminale Zorg" is VTZ.


VTZ. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vtz-meaning/

Last updated